The Shady Oaks Division

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In L.M. Coppa’s captivating novel, The Shady Oaks Division, we are introduced to Jill, an intriguing protagonist grappling with the unforeseen trials of early retirement. However, this is not your conventional tale of a retiree finding new hobbies or traveling the world; Jill, at the tender age of 45, is departing from a highly unusual career – that of a trained assassin.

From the outset, Coppa expertly ensnares readers into Jill’s unique existence, which is far from ordinary even in her supposed tranquil retirement. Imagine what you might do in the wee hours of a sleepless night; Jill opts for an unconventional choice, tiptoeing into her neighbours’ house to listen to the rhythmic symphony of their snores and subtly adjust their family photographs.

A defining strength of the novel is the decision to center around an inherently flawed protagonist. With Jill, Coppa gifts us an idiosyncratic character who showcases a somewhat dismissive approach to safety and displays a rebellious streak often associated with adolescence. This compelling blend of traits can make her challenging to admire, yet irresistibly fascinating to follow.

The narrative employs a clever, seamless oscillation between present happenings and past events. Coppa skillfully illuminates the traumatic history that shaped Jill, providing just the right measure of detail to instigate understanding without veering into the territory of the gratuitous. However, the novel could benefit from some restraint in the depiction of mundane events.

Coppa’s portrayal of dialogue shines for its authenticity and effective contribution to plot progression. Overall, the book maintains an enticing pace, perfectly balancing action and intrigue to hold the reader captive until an unpredicted conclusion. The Shady Oaks Division, in essence, is an invigorating amalgam of drama, suspense, and an unconventional romance, distinguished by a protagonist whose very flaws make her all the more compelling.

Pages: 369 | ASIN: B0C6FPDMBD

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