Day: June 22, 2023

Lie Down with Dogs & Old Dogs, New Tricks by Hailey Edwards

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Today I’ve got two audiobooks in the Black Dog series. Lie Down with Dogs & Old Dogs, New Tricks by Hailey Edwards continues Thierry’s story as a conclave marshal in Texas. She’ll have to deal with Faerie, her new husband and her ex. Narrated by Mooreghan Martin, trickery, twists and surprises await you….

Lie Down with Dogs & Old Dogs, New Tricks by Hailey Edwards

Lie Down with Dogs
by Hailey Edwards
Narrator: Mooreghan Martin
Length: 7 hours and 15 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 4 Speed: 1.5x

With tentative peace established in Faerie, Thierry returns to her job as a conclave marshal in Texas while the countdown to her coronation begins. But what happens in Faerie doesn’t always stay in Faerie. A crown wasn’t Theirry’s only souvenir from her trip. Her new husband, Rook, is scheming again, and this time his plans are invading her dreams.

When her best friend throws a beachside going away party, Thierry is grateful for the distraction from Rook…and from Shaw. But her presence in Daytona rouses an old evil, one who wants the future queen as the crown jewel of his private collection.

fantasy snarky Supernatural urban

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In Lie Down with Dogs, Thierry is trying to come to terms with what happens in the previous novel. All while doing her job and attempting to enjoy her freedom until she has to return to Faerie. She takes a trip with her friend but trouble finds her. Her ex, Shaw, is in Orlando searching for his missing sister-in-law and some selkies are up to no good and a bunch of other complications.

The story dragged for me until about midway when the action hit and then it was one thing after another. While I enjoyed the plot twists and romantic complications, it was sometimes over the top.

Mooreghan Martin narrates and while she did a great job, from different voices to pacing, Thierry’s voice began grating on me. I am going to give the next installment a chance before deciding if I am going to part ways with this series. I love the author and don’t know if it is me or the storyline.

Amazon* | Audible

*kindle unlimited

Lie Down with Dogs & Old Dogs, New Tricks by Hailey Edwards

Old Dog, New Tricks
by Hailey Edwards
Series: Black Dog #4
Narrator: Mooreghan Martin
Length: 7 hours and 35 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 4 cups Speed: 1.5x

While Thierry is away, the Morrigan will play. Snatching the crown from her daughter-in-law’s head wasn’t the motherly thing to do, but Thierry doesn’t mind trading the throne in Faerie for the ratty couch in her Texas apartment. The old crow is welcome to it. But ruling one world is not enough. The Morrigan wants an all-access pass to the mortal realm too.

An attack on the marshal’s office leaves Thierry shaken…and Shaw missing. Now the fight brewing since Thierry took up the Black Dog’s mantle has landed on her doorstep, and the only way to save the man she loves is to defend the title she never wanted.

“datePublished”: “2023-06-22T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “Today I’ve got two audiobooks in the Black Dog series. Lie Down with Dogs & Old Dogs, New Tricks by Hailey Edwards continues Thierry’s story as a conclave marshal in Texas. She’ll have to deal wi”,
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Old Dogs, New Tricks turned this series around for me and, of course, it’s the last book! Unlike the previous audiobook, this one held my attention from the get go. We’ve got an attack at the marshal’s office. Discovery something about Thierry and have to deal with the Morrigan who, apparently, wants access to the mortal realm.

Thierry will work with her Dad on this. Shaw has been kidnapped. It was interesting to see her come into her powers and accept things. She also makes peace with her parents and I think begins to understand and accept them. Along the way, Thierry will take back what she wants and perhaps find her happy.

Surprises and a strengthening of the romance ended things strong for me. I finally felt the romantic connection and enjoyed the fast-paced, action packed ending to the Black Dog series.

Mooreghan Martin continued with the narration and enhanced my enjoyment.

Amazon* | Audible

*kindle unlimited

About Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

About Mooreghan Martin

Love is at the heart of Mooreghan Martin, with cute meetings, wills in battle, the connections of family inherited and made, and the crossing of stars being a handful of stories told. She enjoys the existence of all inclusive, and some of her favorite stories can be found in the literary fiction, cozy mystery, paranormal, rom com, contemporary romance, and erotica genres. From the physical to the spiritual, love seeks out more of itself, and Mooreghan acts as a conduit of love, a guide to love, and as an active participant in the story of love.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2023 Audiobook Challenge


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Desiderata: Ultra-Violent

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Book Review

“Desiderata – Ultra Violet,” created by Norville Parchment, is an inventive fusion of art and literature inspired by Max Ehrmann’s “Desiderata: Words for Life.” This visually captivating book presents Ehrmann’s poem in a unique format that provides additional depth to the visual storytelling.

Ehrmann’s poem, renowned for its concise yet stirring style, dispenses an array of insightful advice about life, inviting readers to shun unhealthy comparisons and focus on personal growth. It underscores the significance of fostering inner tranquility and propounds virtues such as kindness, honesty, and patience. Ehrmann’s words inspire an appreciation for life’s beauty and instill a sense of comfort in the present moment.

The imagery crafted by Parchment intriguingly juxtaposes this wisdom with an element of playfulness while also introducing undertones of violence and tragedy. His narrative revolves around a female protagonist journeying through her dreams, thereby unveiling a fantastical yet dramatic tale of discovery, love, and loss. Parchment’s abstract art style and his inclusion of curious characters known as the “Reckon” lends a whimsical touch that deeply engages the reader.

The allure of this book lies largely in the engrossing visual narrative Parchment weaves, successfully encapsulating the fluid and elusive essence of dreams. His illustrations abound with moments of vivid imagination, each one coaxing curiosity about the ensuing turn in the narrative.

“Desiderata – Ultra Violet” deserves commendation for its extraordinary artistry, predominantly Parchment’s creation, which is bound to leave a lasting impression on readers. The enigmatic charm of his artistry propels an interest in his future works. This book is certainly a compelling exploration of the dream world, manifesting a uniquely captivating experience through an intertwining of poetry and art.

Coming Soon

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Create Their Own Ghost Story

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Michael Mullin Author Interview

Gothic Revival takes some inspiration from the creation of Frankenstein. Where did the idea for your original take on this novel come from, and how did it develop over time?

I’ve always been a fan of the classic, gothic stories like Frankenstein, Dracula, Jekyll & Hyde, House of Usher and such. Sometime last year I came across a reference to Mary Shelley and the Villa Diodati and started poking around, refreshing my memory of that fascinating story.

In researching the novel, I dove into more of the genre and time period, including re-reading Frankenstein (of course!) and the collection of German stories translated to French then English, titled Fantasmagoria. This was the book Byron read to his guests that summer, inspiring them to create their own ghost stories.   

My last novel is a modern-day retelling of Hamlet, so I found myself starting there. What would a retelling of this real-life event be like? Of course, Gothic Revival is not a retelling. The host character, Eric, inspires his old friends to write ghost stories, which proved to be a good set-up for my readers. I knew I could write about adults who got MFAs in Creative Writing long ago, because I’m one of them.

Was there anything from your own life that you put into the characters in your novel?

I fictionalized certain dynamics from my marriage, and I borrowed from experience when crafting the different ways the characters tackle (and procrastinate from tackling) the task of writing a short story. Also, at times Chris is a kind of a skewed exaggeration of what I know about being an independently published author.

What scene in the book did you have the most fun writing?

The one I can talk about without spoilers is the first night at the villa in which Eric reveals his obsession to his friends/guests. His plan for the weekend comes out in a creative way. (One of the other characters actually figures it out beforehand.) His pitch and everyone’s reaction to it were definitely fun to write.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

I’m writing my next novel which is titled Owned. It’s another psychological thriller in which a poor, impulsive decision made by a group of friends attracts the attention of a serial killer the media is obsessed with. The story is based on a screenplay I wrote years ago, so the project has become a reverse adaptation of sorts. Some interesting challenges have already come up. If I could have it out by summer 2024, that would be great. But there’s really no way of telling.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

The Psychological Thriller Inspired by the Creation of Frankenstein

Chris, Anne, Fiona, and Lauren were inseparable friends while earning MFAs in Creative Writing. Years later they’ve grown apart and are surprised to receive an invitation to a reunion from the fifth member of their group, Eric, a successful screenwriter. Eric flies them to a remote lake villa where he reveals his new obsession: their group is a modern version of the famous one from Villa Diodati in 1816, the iconic literary event during which Frankenstein was created. Chris and Anne are their Percy and Mary Shelley. The free-spirited artist Fiona is like Claire Clairmont. Instead of Dr. Polidori, they have Lauren, PhD in Victorian History. That leaves Eric, the Hollywood player, as Lord Byron. Like Byron, Eric proposes they write ghost stories, an homage to their famous predecessors. Laughter, creativity, and reminiscence are soon replaced with deceit, suspicion, and fear. What is the self-proclaimed clairvoyant Fiona seeing and hearing? Why does Eric lie? What does the creepy old housekeeper know about their host? Tensions grow as relationships are tested until a shocking discovery reveals the true intention for the reunion.

Fans of Gillian Flynn, Alex Michaelides, Lisa Jewel, and Alice Feeney will love the suspense and intrigue of Gothic Revival.

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Saints and Skeletons: A Memoir of Living in Mexico

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Saints and Skeletons by Ann Manwaring offers a poignant and introspective narrative that delves into a life shaped by personal triumphs, struggles, and the unwavering quest for self-discovery. With eloquent prose and candid storytelling, Manwaring invites readers to immerse themselves in the depths of her experiences, bearing witness to the transformative power of vulnerability and resilience.

The memoir takes readers on a non-linear journey through various stages of Manwaring’s life. Each chapter serves as an intimate exploration of her emotions, relationships, and internal conflicts that have shaped her identity. Manwaring’s writing is characterized by its honesty, rawness, and introspection, displaying her commendable ability to reflect on her experiences with clarity and emotional depth. Whether recounting moments of joy, heartache, or personal growth, her words evoke profound empathy and establish a strong connection with readers. It is this vulnerability that enables readers to forge a deep bond with the author, as they relate to the universal themes of love, loss, and self-acceptance.

Throughout the memoir, Manwaring skillfully showcases her talent as a storyteller, seamlessly weaving together the threads of her life. Her vivid descriptions of people and places paint a captivating picture, drawing readers into the very moments she describes. The memoir benefits greatly from Manwaring’s astute observational skills, as she effortlessly captures the essence of even the simplest encounters. The strength of Saints and Skeletons lies in its courage to tackle challenging topics such as faith, approached with sensitivity and authenticity. Manwaring fearlessly addresses themes including family dynamics and the pursuit of personal passion, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences.

Saints and Skeletons is a captivating and introspective work that encourages readers to embrace life’s complexities. Ana Manwaring’s unflinching honesty and willingness to bare her soul are both brave and inspiring. This memoir stands as a testament to the transformative power of storytelling and the remarkable human capacity for growth and resilience.

Pages: 298 | ASIN: B0C4QLYLC8

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Divinely Trained

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“Divinely Trained” by Maggie Havoc, the second installment in the riveting “Ancients” series, embarks upon an enthralling journey of power, temptation, and resilience. The protagonist, Ellie, finds her concealed powers unmasked before Lucifer, the formidable hell binder and devil. He offers her a perilous pact, seeking to exploit her capabilities for his benefit. However, upon her refusal of the gifts of immortality and magic, he embarks on an unrelenting pursuit to possess her. The divine intervention of god and a timely rescue by an ancient transports Ellie to distant lands, catalyzing an epic transformation.

Havoc demonstrates her literary prowess in crafting this sequel, as she seamlessly resolves the preceding book’s cliffhanger. Readers will be engrossed from the first page as she weaves a complex tale of suspense and adventure.

One of the most compelling aspects of “Divinely Trained” is Ellie’s character development. Havoc masterfully portrays her transition from a police clerk to an indomitable warrior, keeping the readers riveted. The narrative is further enhanced by the introduction of intriguing side characters and mythical creatures, deftly combining elements of reality with a dash of the fantastical.

Havoc’s meticulous attention to detail and uncanny ability to cultivate suspense renders this book a captivating thriller. Furthermore, her vivid and descriptive writing style elevates the world-building elements presented in the first book, engendering a remarkably immersive reading experience.

The narrative takes a particularly inspiring turn with the introduction of the enigmatic ancient and the showcasing of Ellie’s resilience. As Ellie wrestles with self-doubt and combats her inner demons, she evolves into a more grounded and pragmatic character.

“Divinely Trained” is a dynamic saga imbued with unpredictable plot twists, offering readers an adrenaline-charged, suspenseful journey. The impressive second installment in the series not only meets expectations but exceeds them. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to those seeking an enthralling tale of resilience, courage, and mysticism.

Pages: 614 | ASIN: B0BZZVSLJM

Buy Now From Amazon

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Champions Of Our Humanoid Species

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David A. Collier Author Interview

Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647 has an intriguing setup to a novel that is high in social commentary. What was your moral goal when writing this novel and do you feel you’ve achieved it?

My moral goal was to raise awareness about the realities and convergence of climate destruction and artificially intelligent robots, and how it might end. We humans are committing “ecological suicide” by our inaction, debates, delays, and naivety. And no, I have not achieved my goal.

A more practical goal was to encourage movie producers and their firms to fund and make emotional movies on these topics. They are the masters of establishing “an emotion connection” between people and Earth’s biosphere. Many actors already support sustainability and climate mitigation initiatives. Movie producers can make the visual products that help create champions of our humanoid species and its home.

I call such emotional champions—champoids. What is a champoid? A champoid™ is a person who champions our humanoid species and supports and protects Earth’s biosphere. Through their beliefs and actions, champoids support all life forms and what we call non-life, including Earth’s rare, balanced, fragile, and priceless biosphere.

Some events in the book were chillingly similar to real life events. Did you take any inspiration from real life when developing this book?

Yes, some scenes in the novel reflect what is happening in our world today. Every day, I read about AI and Earth’s changing climate. In 2647, I use the Paris family’s trials and tribulations in a dystopian world as a mirror reflecting humanity’s potential future. Vela, Livia, Kutter, and an insightful home service robot named NILA sacrifice their well-being for the good of humanity. 

One point on this reality issue. I could have written a science fiction book series with no relevance to issues of the day. Writing the Earth’s Ecocide book series was risky because of the controversy surrounding climate change and artificial intelligence. But I didn’t choose the easier path because of my sincere passion and love for this planet and all things in it. The following quote embodies the approach I follow in past academic and novel works. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” (Source: Unknown)

I did my best to write adventurous and entertaining stories on these complex issues that I believe foretell human extinction. Professionals in film and visual arts can use the novel series to create captivating visuals that will make us cry for our one-and-only home planet. We must establish “a strong emotional connection” between people, and our species and the planet’s well-being. Champoids will push for AI and climate related laws and regulations to enhance our survival.

I hope you enjoy the stories in the book series, and they inspire you to protect our home planet, so future generations can enjoy its majesty. ​​

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

  • Humans versus technology and nature.
  • Personal autonomy and sacrifices versus helping humanity avoid extinction.
  • Orb believers (e.g., alien protector, God) versus nonbelievers (e.g., atheist).

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

At the end of Earth’s Ecocide: Extinction 3147, humanity no longer lives on Earth. The Imperium robot nation aided by climate destruction now controls Earth’s biosphere (called the upside). Intelligent robots are better suited for life on Earth than the human species. The collective robot society eradicates humanity with “no agony, no sympathy, and no apologies.”

Ceva is the name of the planet that orbits a star in the massive Antoinium galaxy, 49 billion light years from Earth. For a variety of reasons, the Cervian civilization has no hierarchical social classes, no national borders, a global and integrated economy, strange bodies and planet terrain, and common goals of well-being and survival. Past human families learn from the Cevians how to cherish and protect a planet’s biosphere and live in Plato’s world of forms. In Earth’s Ecocide: Ceva, humans reclaim Earth from the diabolical Imperium robot nation with the help of a cryptic orb.

Author Links: Atmosphere Press | GoodReads | Twitter | Website | LinkedIn

The Earth’s Ecocide science fiction novel series is a one-thousand-year story of humanity struggling to cope with climate destruction and the awakening of artificial intelligence.

What will life be like if global average temperatures increase 2, 4, or 8 degrees Celsius? What will life be like if sea levels increase 1, 10, or 70 meters? What if both happen?

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