About Us!

Greene Publishing is a platform for books created by author RC Greene.

The publishing industry is a hard road to navigate, so not wanting to struggle with that process.

We created our site to promote our books to allow our followers the opportunity to buy at a reduced cost.

We specialize in EBook publishing of manuscripts.

With our editors, layout designers, and marketing specialists.

Our team works hard to get the word out about our books to the public.

Welcome to the world of RC Greene – RC Greene is an author, educator, and entrepreneur. He has written several books in the genre of non-fiction. RC Greene has an insatiable curiosity about the world around her and strives to explore new concepts and ideas in her writing. Her creative works are shaped by her own life experience combined with the stories of those she holds near and dear. She hopes to inspire her readers to connect with the insights they encounter within each of her books. With each new narrative, RC Greene works diligently to create unique stories that explore the world on business and Entrepreneurship. She invites her readers to journey through the depths of revealing the joy, passion, and hard work in becoming successful in your dreams. At the core of each work, RC Greene believes that creating stories can open conversations and build a bridge for understanding the universal aspects of our shared experiences. We invite you to explore the world of RC Greene and connect with her. Join us today and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey!