The Ones Who Don’t Quite Fit In

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Aimee C. Trafton Author Interview

The Misfit Crew follows a sixteen-year-old girl who has lost her mother and is forced to move to a new town where she discovers friends to whom she can relate. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I started writing this book shortly after my own mother passed away in 2021 so I was dealing with a lot of pain and grief myself. Writing for me has always been therapy and a way to process my feelings, so I think I channeled a lot of my emotions into Bay’s character, who also just lost her own mother. 

Did you create an outline for the characters in the story before you started writing, or did the characters’ personalities grow organically as you were writing?

Yes I did quite a thorough outline of characters and plot outline before writing. But these character personalities definitely progressed beyond what I had originally envisioned. I really wanted very real, flawed, three-dimensional characters, and I feel I definitely achieved this, more than any other story I have written. So much so that I actually missed writing this story after I was finished, I found I missed the characters. They became very alive to me, and I found myself re-reading my book quite a few times after I was finished – like I wasn’t quite ready to let them go.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Besides dealing with the theme of grief and loss, I wanted to write a story about a girl coping with anxiety and depression, just as I did as a teenager. Even before her mother dies, Bay has been struggling with mental illness, and I wanted to explore what it really feels like for someone going through this. I started getting severe anxiety and panic attacks around 12 or 13, and it is terrifying for a teenager who has no idea what is going on. Also friendship, especially for teens who are on the outside, the “misfits,” the ones who don’t quite fit in anywhere, but who luckily find each other at a time when they need it the most.

Will this novel be the start of a series or are you working on a different story?

I wrote this as a standalone story, not as a series. I just felt like I had told the story I had wanted to, so didn’t feel the need to expand upon it. As a multi-genre author, I find I am always working on something different. My first book, Amber Tambourine and the Land of Laugh-a-Lot, is a children’s picture book, and I have a second Amber Tambourine book that will be coming out in the next year or so. As well, I am working on an idea for a poetry and prose chapbook on the topic of grief.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Life isn’t about fitting in. It’s about finding the people who are willing to stand out with you.

Sixteen-year-old Bay’s life is slowly unravelling. Already dealing with a debilitating anxiety disorder and a shameful secret, her world is further turned upside down after the sudden death of her mother. Not quite ready to let go, Bay continues sending emails to her dead mother. Her father moves her and her twin brother Ronin to small-town Woodgrove, hoping to make a fresh start. She meets Evie and Xander, fellow misfits who help restore her belief that deep, meaningful friendships do exist, even if you are on the outside. But her friendship with Xander is put to the test when romantic feelings come into play. After her anxiety disorder turns life threatening, Bay discovers that you can never really escape your old life, and that problems will follow you wherever you go – especially when you don’t ask for help.

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