Day: September 26, 2023

Heading Toward a Second Nakba

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On a stormy winter day in February 2012, a Palestinian bus carrying schoolchildren on an outing collided with an Israeli trailer truck on the notoriously dangerous Jaba‘ Road near the West Bank village of A-Ram, not far from Ramallah. The bus burst into flames; six young children and one teacher were killed and others were […]

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I Will Love You Forever and Always

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In every family, differences of opinion are inevitable. Yet, the undercurrent of love remains steadfast. Often, parents find themselves reminding their children to maintain tidiness or exhibit good behavior at school. While this is driven by their desire to instill good values, children might occasionally feel disheartened or under pressure. Enter Sarah M. Thomas Mariano’s enlightening work, I Will Love You Forever and Always, which delves deep into the premise that even amidst corrective actions, a parent’s unwavering love takes precedence.

As a seasoned child and family therapist, Mariano is acutely aware of the intricate dynamics that color parent-child interactions. Her book provides a refreshing avenue for fostering communication by presenting narratives from a parental viewpoint, addressing routine challenges. Through Mariano’s storytelling, readers are reassured that parental guidance, even if tough at times, springs from a well of love.

An intriguing element of the book is its depiction of various animal families, each facing a unique conflict and subsequent resolution. This choice not only universalizes the themes but adds a touch of whimsy to the narrative.

Mariano’s storytelling is both captivating and relatable for young readers. Accompanied by vivid illustrations, the characters burst with emotion, although a tad more detail would have added depth. The core message of the book rings true and poignant, making it an invaluable addition to household libraries. Serving as a mirror for introspection during turbulent times, I Will Love You Forever and Always is a heartwarming read, fostering cherished moments between parents and children.

Pages: 24 | ISBN : 1646068319

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The Zen of Dancing in the Rain: Becoming one with the storm

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The Zen of Dancing in the Rain: Becoming One with the Storm by Aurita Maldonado is an incredibly engaging and inspiring personal life story that weaves together the author’s journey of resilience, self-discovery, and pursuing her dreams. As a U.S. Army veteran and a passionate dancer, Maldonado’s narrative is a testament to her unwavering determination. Maldonado’s life has been marked by numerous challenges and heart-wrenching tragedies, including her time in the army and her courageous decision to relocate to Alaska after retiring. Her remarkable story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of perseverance, serving as an inspiring example for anyone looking to live life to the fullest.

I found this book to be an absolute gem. Maldonado’s passion and authenticity shine through every page, making it an irresistible read that keeps you glued to its narrative. It’s the kind of book that leaves you feeling elated after each chapter, where you hang onto every word as if it were a cherished melody. The Zen of Dancing in the Rain is undoubtedly a riveting page-turner, a testament to Aurita Maldonado’s compelling storytelling. As you delve into this inspirational memoir, you’ll find yourself reevaluating your own choices and questioning whether settling for the status quo truly serves your deepest desires. Maldonado’s story is a captivating portrait of a Lady Hurricane, both in her literal and metaphorical dance with life’s tempests.

The Zen of Dancing in the Rain is a captivating and inspirational memoir that transcends genres. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking motivation and a glimpse into the transformative power of resilience and determination. Aurita Maldonado’s story is a testament to the human spirit, and I eagerly anticipate more from this talented author.

Pages: 264 | ASIN : B09YM8C4P3

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Year of the Four Emperors

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In Year of the Four Emperors, we are plunged into a realm of political intrigue, clandestine assassinations, and unbridled desire. Set against the backdrop of the majestic Kristianborg, the Emperor’s demise leaves behind a power vacuum with four potential heirs, none anointed the rightful successor. As the empire’s aristocracy oscillates in their loyalties, backing the prince who appears most formidable at a given juncture, the balance of power remains precarious. This already tenuous situation is compounded by the looming threat of the Vampir Kingdom, where the astute Zephyrinus seeks to amass military might to ascend his kingdom’s noble hierarchy. With the fate of Kristianborg hanging in the balance, the new Emperor’s challenge is not just to claim the throne but to rally the noble households and unify the imperial military might.

K. A. Khan employs a straightforward narrative style. While this approach occasionally leans towards exposition over evocative imagery — which I think dilutes the impact of crucial plot points — it intriguingly evokes the tone of a historical chronicle. There’s a tantalizing sense of realism, akin to reading a historical account, which one wishes Khan had delved deeper into, possibly framing the tale as a fictional historical diary or treatise.

While the plotline is meticulous and engrossing, and the characters are intricately crafted, the blend of textbook-like narration within a novelistic format sometimes hampers the narrative’s fluidity. Several plot nuances and flashbacks could have benefited from a more expansive treatment, ensuring a smoother pace. With the foundation so robustly laid out, a more immersive narrative technique or additional pages to delve deeper into the story could elevate this already compelling tale.

Pages: 258 | ISBN : 978-1-03-917903-5

Coming Soon

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Fallen From Grace

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Len Joy Author Interview

Freedom’s Just Another Word follows a scandalized political writer who, while trying to regain his fame, must evaluate his beliefs and protect his children. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The short answer is that I started writing this novel when my hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune, was going through a wrenching change in ownership. Many of my favorite columnists were jettisoned as the new owners struggled to survive in the world of 21st-century journalism.

It had to be a very difficult time for both those who were let go and for the survivors. That event provided the career background for the story I wrote.

Almost all major newspapers have had popular columnists who have “fallen from grace,” and the Tribune was no exception. I realized as I look back at the other novels I have written that a common feature in all of them is that the main character has achieved a measure of success and then lost it. I guess I am most interested in the life lived after the cheering stops.

In Freedom’s Just Another Word, Jake Doyle made a mistake of the heart, and he paid the price. As he says early on, he has no regrets. At least, that’s what he tells us.

Jake struggles with his political beliefs and his desire to protect his family. When the two views contract each other, he has to decide what matters more. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Another theme common to all my novels is the notion of loyalty. I like characters (and real people, too!) who put loyalty to their friends and loved ones above their own personal interests. Jake is that kind of person, but in this story, the conflicts he faces are complicated. Can he remain true to values he has held his entire life if they conflict with what he needs to do to protect his family?

The first line of the novel is, “I used to be famous.” Jake, who is not always a totally reliable narrator, seems to accept his reduced status. He’s content to play out the string. But as the story unfolds, he is presented with an opportunity that will put him back in the game. He must decide if the prize is worth the price.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I am interested in the life lived after the cheering stops. What does someone do to pick up the pieces and get on with his or her life?

The novel touches on many hot-button issues: abortion, gun control, race relations, politics, social media.
In our society we tend to identify or label people by what they do or what they believe. Here is what Jake Doyle wrote about that in the first column that appears in the book:

If we rely on the labels we assign folks instead of trying to discover why they believe what they believe, we are doing ourselves a disservice. We are being intellectually lazy.

Many folks on the right and the left want the same thing. For sure, nobody wants to put children at risk. We just disagree on how to achieve the goal.

Our country is polarized. Gun control. Abortion. Income inequality. Climate change. And, of course, the issue no one can escape: the President’s conduct. Those issues divide us. We need to have an honest debate. But if we label ourselves as “The Resistance” and refuse to engage, that’s like deciding everyone who doesn’t agree with us is a traitor. Unworthy of consideration.

That mindset is myopic and dangerous. And it’s tearing the country apart.

We need to do better.

I agree with Jake.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am about half finished with a new novel titled AMERICAN JUKEBOX.

The first novel I wrote, AMERICAN PAST TIME, which was published in 2014, is the story of Dancer Stonemason, an all-star minor league pitcher who, on the cusp of being brought up to the major leagues, pitches a perfect game but injures himself and that costs him his shot at making it to the majors.

His life unravels, and the novel, which covers the era from 1953 to 1973, tells his story of failure and redemption and how that impacts the lives of his two sons, Clayton and Jimmy, and his wife Dede.

My third novel, EVERYONE DIES FAMOUS, published in 2020, returns to Dancer Stonemason and takes place on a single day in 2003. He is grieving the death of his son Clayton and helping his other son, Jimmy, to liquidate Clayton’s business – American Jukebox.

AMERICAN JUKEBOX (the novel-in-progress) is Clayton’s story. It covers the early years of AMERICAN PAST TIME (but from Clayton’s perspective) and progresses through the years leading up to Clayton’s death in 2001.

So with this novel, I will have a STONEMASON TRILOGY.

Before I began work on this novel, I completed a screenplay adaptation for my novel, DRY HEAT, and I plan to also do an adaptation for my novel, BETTER DAYS.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

ake Doyle used to be famous.

Twenty years ago, his Chicago political column was syndicated in two hundred papers, but he had an affair — and a son — with his intern, and lost it all. Now he writes a local column and drives for Uber to pay his bills.

Jake is playing out the string when his tranquil world is turned upside down. His biracial son — an ambitious entrepreneur — is marked for death by a street gangster, his alcoholic daughter is pregnant and wants an abortion — which his ex-wife is determined to stop at any cost – and his boss, a wealthy publisher, wants Jake to give up his column to help him run for president.

Jake believes in gun control, but he wants to protect his son. He believes in his daughter’s right to choose, but that belief looks different now that it’s personal. And he wants to keep writing his column without interference, but he also wants one more chance to be famous again.

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There’s No Filter

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S.P. Somtow Author Interview

Nirvana Express: Journal of a Very Brief Monkhood shares your exsperances of deciding at almost 50 years old to visit Thailand and enter a Buddhist monastery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I am most well-known as a novelist, and my stories are set in disparate planets, or distant periods in history. I try to create or reimagine these worlds as clearly as possible, yet there are those who try to understand my work through the “biographical approach” — difficult because I’ve never been an alien, or a gender-transition slave in ancient Rome, or a civil war zombie. I still have to pull out these characters from the deepest parts of my own psyche.

I thought, for a change, I’d tell some of my own story. I’ve selected five or six things I’ve done that could be interesting to my readers. My time as a Buddhist monk was one of those things. To my surprise, Nirvana Express has been a popular book though I am not sure that its audience has much crossover with the fans of my science fiction and horror novels.

But, it’s rare for someone to undergo this experience, yet be articulate enough in any western language to be able to explain what it’s really like to people in western cultures. It’s also rare to do this while already having passed through many of life’s adventures, because becoming a monk in Thai culture is usually something that happens on the brink of adulthood, not when one is already mature. That’s why I decided to do the book.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

As a bicultural person, I spend a lot of time explaining people’s viewpoints to each other. But in this book I’m talking about a time in which I learned many things that people who have grown up in Thailand take for granted. I never experienced these things first hand and to me many commonplace things evoked a sense of wonder. I wanted to share this.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

In novels, one also writes about oneself in a way — but not directly. You’re digging things out of hidden corners of your psyche and bringing them into the foreground. You’re saying “what if” a lot, because you know that you are not your characters. In a memoir like this, there’s no filter, and readers always know if you’re not telling the truth. So yes, it’s always hard. In real life, you try to hide the blemishes, but a book like this is about the blemishes in a sense.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

Perspectives. Even in late middle age, I was seeing the world from a viewpoint I hadn’t really thought about. I wanted to share not just how different and alien this inner world seems, but also how universal the truths that I learned were and how they applied even in a life far removed from meditation and contemplation. Buddhism isn’t a “religion” if you define a religion as an organized system of relationships with a supreme being or beings, because there’s nothing being “worshipped” as such. Sometimes its view of reality is closer to that of, say, quantum physicists. At the same time, Buddhism doesn’t reject the idea of religion. What I learned most is that sometimes taking a break from the real world can help you embrace the real world with deeper tolerance, understanding and enthusiasm.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Memoir meets self-help in this true account about the meaning of buddhism, meditations, and living a spiritually abundant life!
Novelist, composer and conductor Somtow Sucharitkul (who writes books under the name S.P. Somtow) had an extraordinary epiphany while driving downthe California coast.
At almost 50 years of age, having spent very little time in his native Thailand, Somtow was seized by an overwhelming desire to enter a Buddhist monastery.
This is the story of that journey, full of surprises, culture shock, discoveries, humor and spirituality!
Visions, dreams, comedy, philosophy, wisdom and superstition mingle in an unforgettable fusion.
Join the journey and discover your inner spirituality, by ordering your copy of Nirvana Express, today!

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