Day: September 7, 2023

Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

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I had such fun listening to Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer. Narrated by Em Eldridge, we follow Evie Sage, who takes a job as the local villain’s assistant. The tale that ensues brought laughter, suspense and swoons. Come see what I loved about this cozy, romantic fantasy.

Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Assistant to the Villain
by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Narrator: Em Eldridge
Length: 13 hours and 54 minutes
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 4 cups Speed: 1.5x

Once Upon a Time meets The Office in Hannah Maehrer’s laugh-out-loud viral TikTok series turned novel, about the sunshine assistant to an Evil Villain…and their unexpected romance.

ASSISTANT WANTED: Notorious, high-ranking villain seeks loyal, levelheaded assistant for unspecified office duties, supporting staff for random mayhem, terror, and other Dark Things In General. Discretion a must. Excellent benefits.

With ailing family to support, Evie Sage’s employment status isn’t just important, it’s vital. So when a mishap with Rennedawn’s most infamous Villain results in a job offer—naturally, she says yes. No job is perfect, of course, but even less so when you develop a teeny crush on your terrifying, temperamental, and undeniably hot boss. Don’t find evil so attractive, Evie.

But just when she’s getting used to severed heads suspended from the ceiling and the odd squish of an errant eyeball beneath her heel, Evie suspects this dungeon has a huge rat…and not just the literal kind. Because something rotten is growing in the kingdom of Rennedawn, and someone wants to take the Villain—and his entire nefarious empire—out.

Now Evie must not only resist drooling over her boss but also figure out exactly who is sabotaging his work…and ensure he makes them pay.

After all, a good job is hard to find.


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This was fun with a grumpy/sunshine romance. The story had a cozy, quirky mystery vibe to it that pulled me in. The book’s taglines state “Once Upon a Time meets The Office“, and I’d say that is accurate.

I learned this was at one point some kind of TikTok series. I had never heard of it until after listening when I researched about a second novel as the ending left me wanting. It looks like it will be a trilogy. It was a part of a three-book deal. The publishers categorized this as adult romantic fantasy, but it read more like a young adult cozy. The story delivered a very slow-tension building romance, and the protagonist felt young.

The overall story premise and mystery thread held my attention, but weren’t without flaws. The story is heavy with dialogue, mostly between Evie and the Villain. Someone is out to get the Villain and Evie sets out to stop them. There was danger, tension, and plenty of twists and turns.

The meet scene and Evie’s subsequent acceptance of a job as his assistant set the tone. I adored Evie, who desperately wants to help her family and, despite the events in the forest, accepts the position. She is optimistic despite her circumstances and can also be ditzy. The villain is grumpy, demanding and mysterious. Evie knows he is evil, but develops a crush. He, in turn, develops a soft spot for her.

Most of the story takes place in the office at Massacre Manor with hanging head and rolling eyeballs. And yet all the employees walk around and work like it’s a standard office building in New York. The office is almost a character itself. Secondary characters and companion animals round out the story.

Em Eldridge narrates and gave unique voices to the characters. She captured Evie’s personality and helped set the tone. I am exciting to listen to the next one.

The story pulled me in, but the pacing was slightly off and began slowly. It really picked up at the fifty percent mark. Overall, I enjoyed the tale and look forward to the next book. I recommend it for folks who enjoy cozy mysteries, and slow burning character driven romances.

Amazon | Audible

Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer delivered a fun, engaging, cozy, romantic fantasy. #auduiobook #ElmEldridge #audiobookreview
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About Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Hannah Nicole Maehrer—or as TikTok Knows her, @hannahnicolemae—is a fantasy romance author and BookToker with a propensity for villains. When she’s not creating bookish comedy skits about Villains and Assistants, she’s writing to Taylor Swift songs. Her biggest passions in life include romance, magic, laughter, and finding ways to include them all in everything she creates. Most days you can find her with her head in the clouds and a pen in her hand.

About Em Eldridge

Em Eldridge

Em Eldridge’s audiobook career really began when her little sister was born and she started reading to her. Em has narrated over 100 titles and has earned an Earphones Award from AudioFile magazine and a Voice Arts Award. She loves playing the piano and singing along when no one’s listening.

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Baby Senses: A Sensory Neuroscience Primer for All Ages

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Baby Senses: A Sensory Neuroscience Primer for All Ages is an illuminating book by the creative mind of Dr. Jaya Viswanathan, an author whose passion for unraveling the intricate workings of the human brain was ignited at the remarkably young age of 14. Throughout history, the enigmatic complexities of the human brain and those exhibited by our fellow creatures have been the subjects of ceaseless fascination. Thanks to remarkable strides in scientific understanding, we stand on the precipice of delving ever deeper into the labyrinthine mechanisms governing the nervous system and the human brain itself.

In the pages of Baby Senses, a mesmerizing tapestry of creatures, from serpents to lemurs, penguins to worms, are unveiled to illuminate the 16 systems emerging from the bedrock of our five fundamental human senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. This extraordinary odyssey unfolds through the lens of young animals inquisitively engaging their elder counterparts, who bear exceptional attributes such as night vision and reaping enlightening revelations in return.

One facet that conspicuously distinguishes this work is the inclusion of an all-encompassing glossary nestled at its conclusion. Personal encounters with sensory organ descriptors had left me grappling with their essence and role. The addition of this invaluable glossary not only demystifies these terminologies but also bestows an enriched grasp of their functionalities. The vivid and visually compelling graphics interwoven within the narrative further elevate the reading experience.

Baby Senses by Dr. Jaya Viswanathan is a wellspring of education. Beyond inspiring wonder and curiosity, this book stands as a repository of indispensable educational wisdom.

Pages: 74 | ASIN : B0C36NXZJ2

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All the Fragile Hearts

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All the Fragile Hearts by M. T. Solomon is a captivating tale that whisks readers into the heart of Korith alongside the resilient Cecelia. Upon her arrival, Cecelia unexpectedly bonds with Kingsguard Viktor, her and her brother Danon’s protector. Their journey from mutual annoyance to genuine affection is a testament to the novel’s engaging “from-foes-to-friends-to-lovers” narrative.

Viktor, a man defined by honor and duty, faces a complex dilemma when the king coerces him into an arranged marriage with Cecelia. This twist adds a layer of tension as our main characters navigate the vastness of Korith separately. Amidst a looming war, their goal is to reunite.

Solomon does a commendable job alternating chapters between Cecelia and Viktor. This technique offers readers an intimate understanding of each protagonist’s inner workings and motivations. The supporting cast doesn’t fall short, either. Danon stands out as the quintessential protective brother, while Danica’s unpredictable actions keep the plot intriguing. A special nod to G’rig, though I admit, I was left wanting to uncover more layers of his character.

I particularly enjoyed the interspersed “messages” peppered between chapters, teasing what’s next while shedding light on the rich history of Solomon’s constructed world.

Despite its impressive length, I felt there were moments where more depth would have heightened the narrative. But hey, that’s just me nitpicking a bit. The storyline, on the whole, is engrossing. Kudos to M. T. Solomon for crafting such a vibrant world. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment in the duology!

Pages: 485 | ASIN : B0CDB533V8

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French Fries and Ice Cream

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Dive into a heartwarming collection of rescued dogs’ photos in French Fries and Ice Cream. What sets this book apart is how it cherishes these incredible animals. Every page greets you with delightful images of these canines, accompanied by a bite-sized bio showcasing their names, backgrounds, and endearing quirks.

Dogs? Oh, they’re more than pets; they’re the epitome of unwavering loyalty. They never betray, lie, or cast judgment. I fondly remember my days with Roger, my late furry friend. Our shared walks and playtimes were irreplaceable. His passing did leave a void, but this book? It stirred those heartwarming memories and kindled my desire to adopt again.

It’s a gentle nudge reminding us that no dog, or animal for that matter, should suffer the harshness of streets or mistreatment. Flipping through these pages, you’ll feel the warmth of their stories, and you might even be surprised to see some reputedly “tough” dogs showing their softer sides, proving love truly transforms.

For anyone who’s ever felt the joy of a dog’s companionship or is thinking about opening their home to one, this book is a treasure trove. A real feel-good gallery that’ll have you grinning from ear to ear. If you’re toying with the idea of adopting, let this be your sign. Fellow dog enthusiasts, trust me, you’ll want this gem on your shelf.

Pages: 76 | ASIN : B0CCCHSBLG

Buy Now From Amazon

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Kickstarting Heart-to-Heart Conversations

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Chrystal Epps-Bean Author Interview

Tease? No, Please: A Book That Teaches Kids to Just Say NO to Teasing and Bullying is beautifully written and addresses a subject that is not discussed enough at a young age. What was the inspiration for writing this children’s book?

The inspiration for writing this book stems from my passion to reduce teasing/bullying and the emotional impact it has on our children. Schools and schoolyards are meant to be a safe place for children to make friends, learn new things, and have fun. However, for some children, it can become a place of dread and anxiety due to teasing and bullying. The effects of bullying can have lasting psychological and emotional impacts on children, leading to school avoidance, depression, anxiety, and even suicide. All of us have been hurt by words and they may still hurt and haunt us even as adults because they have been conceived in our heart, establishing limitations in our lives. Teasing occurs more often in elementary school, intensifies in middle school, and slowly declines in high school. If we can tackle teasing at the outset during the impressionable ages of 5 or more, we can reduce the occurrences of teasing before it becomes a bigger problem. 

What is one thing that you hope young readers take away from your book?

I hope young readers understand the harmful effects of teasing to guide their decision making, particularly the decision to not tease or make fun of others. My objective is for children to grow in empathy, kindness, and compassion.

How do you envision teachers and parents using your book to help children learn about and prevent bullying?

I envision teachers and parents using the book, Tease? No, Please!, to kickstart heart-to-heart conversations around the issue of teasing and bullying. There are many things that we try to explain to children but oftentimes don’t know how to convey in a way that will resonate with young minds.  The book will help children to easily understand teasing and bullying from all perspectives – the target (victim), the teaser or bully, and the bystander. The book includes interactive activities that support the topic. Lesson plans are also available for teachers.

Is this the first book in the series for children on learning healthy mindsets? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This is the first book of the series. The next book will be released in Spring 2024 and is centered around self-confidence. The protagonist (Molly) is faced with a new challenge at school. Stay tuned.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Looking for an engaging book to teach kids at an early age about the effects of teasing and bullying? This is it! Did you know that 73% of students reported that they have been bullied during some point in their lifetime? Created to bring awareness to the negative effects of teasing and bullying while encouraging kindness, empathy and resilience, Tease? No, Please! follows a girl named Molly who is teased at school by her classmate, Jake, when she falls on the playground at the park. Jake’s teasing influences the other kids, and they join him, further hurting Molly’s feelings. In Tease? No, Please! readers will join Molly as she learns how to move on from teasing without letting it affect how she feels about herself.

Throughout this engaging story, children will learn three important ways to handle teasing and bullying before it grows into a bigger and repetitive problem. Through rhymes and relatable examples, children will understand that it’s okay to have fun, but it’s never okay to make fun of others. They will also learn how teasing is like a sneeze, a tornado breeze, and stinky cheese! By the end of this book, children will have a greater understanding of what teasing and bullying are and how to handle these issues effectively.
This book includes fun concepts, simple similes, interactive activities and examples of positive self-talk to help readers learn how to prevent bullying and spread empathy, kindness, and compassion. Parents and educators are encouraged to teach children about teasing early to stop teasing and bullying at the outset and foster a healthy mindset of “Tease? No, Please!”.

This essential book encourages heart-to-heart discussions about:
Confiding in adults
Mixed emotions
Bystander behaviors

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Gregory Phipps Author Interview

Year of the Puffin follows a college football team from Iceland who sets their sights on winning a championship in the American College Football League. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

American culture has influenced many aspects of Icelandic society, so I thought it would be interesting to take a quintessentially American phenomenon—college football—and drop it into this small island nation. I also thought it could be productively counterintuitive to make the head coach of the team a woman since American football has a reputation for being a hypermasculine sport. Beyond that, I began writing with nothing more than a basic conflict in mind. I imagined the head coach as a character who would be committed to the success of the football program in a very purist sense—she would be someone who is devoted to the ideal of winning for the sake of winning, and her notions of football (with its emphasis on camaraderie, teamwork, sacrifice, leadership, etc.) would be quite idealistic. And then, I imagined a male athletic director who would also be committed to the success of the program, but he would have a more instrumental view of the team. He would be someone who wants to win so he can push a larger agenda. That was basically what I had when I typed the opening lines: a football program in Iceland, and two characters, one man and one woman, who are devoted to the same cause, but for oppositional reasons.

There was a lot of time spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

I suppose the most important factor was psychological realism. I knew the characters were all going to be quirky oddballs in their own way, but I didn’t want their intentions to feel random. I wanted some kind of explanation for why they felt the way that they did. I wanted their actions to feel motivated. For me, one of the keys was to provide each of them with a history, but I leaned toward revealing their backstories in impressions and snippets at select moments.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I think the primary theme in the novel centers on illusions—in particular, the illusions that we build up about people and places. Three of the main characters assemble their mental lives around a muse-type person, an individual who inspires them and/or brings structure and purpose to their goals. However, in each case, the character does not actually know this other person well. Drawing on memories, pictures, and fantasies, they poach select facets of another person’s identity to fit their own romantic vision. They assemble imaginative constructs of the people they love, but they also grasp on some level that such constructs are founded on separation. They benefit from designing their lives around a person they can love from a distance, without the full weight of responsibility and commitment. For me, part of what is interesting about this dynamic is the way that the emotions and actions that arise in these situations can be entirely genuine, even if the individual is ultimately (and, in some cases, disastrously) mistaken about the other person. I wanted this theme to extend to the representation of Iceland, a country that is depicted in tourist narratives and foreign media as a uniquely tolerant, open-minded, and peaceful nation filled with natural splendor. This impression is not wholly false, but the fantasy construct of the nation tends to trump the reality of its culture and climate. In the novel, “Year of the Puffin” refers to the title of a sports feature that captures this kind of idealized portrait of Iceland. In a sense, the novel as a whole is intended to be a more realistic counterpoint to such a portrait.

What is the next book that you are writing, and when will that be published?

At present, I am working on a novel about virtual reality and computer games that features four different first-person narrators. I am not sure when it will be published, but I hope to complete a first draft within a year.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

The Puffins are not your typical college football team. Playing for the University of Iceland, they represent a tiny country where dreams and illusions run wild. Their head coach is a woman, their athletic director is an unqualified misfit, one of their star players grew up in a cult, and another is living a double life.

As the Puffins ascend through the ranks of American college football, sights set on winning a championship, an array of colliding secrets and internal divisions threatens to tear them apart. Entangled in their own ambitions and prejudices, the characters discover that the real drama occurs off the field, in the hidden rooms of Reykjavik, a city that has all of the attractions of an international capital, only on a diminutive scale.

Set against a backdrop of mountains, corrugated iron, and gale-force winds, Year of the Puffin captures the passions and obsessions of both sports and life-the saga of American football in the land of fire and ice.

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