Day: August 5, 2023


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Nothing Compares, the documentary about Sinéad O’Connor directed by Kathryn Ferguson and released last year, opens with her 1992 appearance at a tribute concert for Bob Dylan. We hear O’Connor announced off-camera by Kris Kristofferson, then watch her step out in front of a sold-out crowd at Madison Square Garden. At once the crowd breaks […]

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Colten and the Bullfrog Adventure

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Colton loves time spent with Poppy because every adventure with Poppy brings new and interesting facts. When the two set out to find the “old man,” they both know they will have a great time, and Colten knows he will learn in the process. The pair take off into the darkness with everything they need to make their search a successful one. Poppy, always ready to introduce Colton to something new and different, takes the time to explain everything he knows about the “old man,” how he lives, and what makes him special.

Colton and the Bullfrog Adventure, written by Julie Houston Rogers and illustrated by Joshua Allen, is a wonderful mixture of realistic fiction and a nonfiction text written to both interest young readers and educate them on the life of a bullfrog. The affectionate term “old man” draws readers in and engages them in young Colton’s story. His relationship with Poppy is precious and will resonate with families who share this tale with little ones.

The nonfiction elements in Rogers’s writing will appeal to both families who homeschool their children and teachers in elementary classrooms. For some younger readers, nonfiction texts can be particularly difficult to handle and even a little dull if they are steeped in straightforward facts. Rogers’s presentation of facts is both interesting and easy to follow. The casual dialogue–the exchange between Colton and Poppy–helps little ones learn while enjoying the banter between the main characters.

Colton and the Bullfrog Adventure, written by Jule Houston Rogers, is an excellent book to add to any classroom library, STEM curriculum, or homeschool life science unit. I highly recommend Rogers’s sweet story to anyone who wishes to quickly engage young readers in a story that is both relatable and educational.

Pages: 24 | ASIN: B07MKMKH8S

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A Positive Path Forward

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Steven Greenebaum Author Interview

An Afternoon’s Dictation: Inclusive Revelation for the 21st Century shares with readers your years of research and study into the spiritual guidance you received from an inner voice. Why was it important to share your findings?

With our world continuing to embrace “Me, me, me” rather than “Us”, I felt obligated to express not only how important it is to think beyond ourselves, but how and why I had reached this crucial realization. We keep saying “United we stand, divided we fall.” Yet while acknowledging this, we continue to divide ourselves.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

For me, the most important ideas were that we can respect rather than be fearful of our spiritual differences, and that ALL of our spiritual traditions have tried, in their own ways, to teach us to love one another. It’s nothing new, but it keeps being repeated because we keep falling back into divisions of “them” vs. “us”.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

Having written three books on the call of Interfaith to the human family, and having reached my mid-70s, I wanted to write one final book that might help us to see how and why we might embrace unity, justice, love, and humility as a positive path forward. I wanted to do so with clarity, and in all humility myself.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from An Afternoon’s Dictation: Inclusive Revelation for the 21st Century?

I am hoping that the reader will take away from the book that we are truly one family – the human family, and that we have an obligation to posterity to ACT on that belief.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

In 1999 Steven Greenebaum felt he’d hit the wall. Fifty years old, he could not make sense of his life or the world around him. For several months he angrily demanded answers from God, if God were there. One afternoon, an inner voice told him to get a pen and paper and write. Steven then took dictation – three pages, not of commandments but guidance for leading a meaningful life.

An Afternoon’s Dictation grapples with, organizes, and deeply explores the revelations Steven received and then studied for over ten years. His sharing is NOT offered as the only possible way to understand it the dictation. It is offered, rather, as a start. The book’s sections include deep explorations into “The Call to Interfaith,” “The Call to Love One Another,” “The Call to Justice,” and “The Call to Community.” These explorations
are rooted in a crucial part of the dictation that directs us to “Seek truth in the commonality of religions – which are but the languages of speaking to Me.”

Thus, An Afternoon’s Dictation builds on what unites our diverse spiritual traditions, not what divides us. It shows us a path to respecting our differences while embracing unity of the great callings of our spiritual traditions. An Afternoon’s Dictation provides caring guidance forward in these hugely challenging times – if we are open to it.

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The Blessings In Our Lives

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Ginger Taylor Author Interview

The Woman’s Curse shares with readers your own experiences of building a successful marriage and the challenges Christian women face in today’s world. What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The most important idea was… as a woman to realize that I want the final word, but to know that the responsibility of the family in general falls on the husband. Typically if a woman is submissive he will listen to her advice and take it to heart, but he feels a burden to take care of the family. We as women don’t understand this and want to not only take over but to rule over the man. I found out that it was my curse to want to do that.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about women being submissive to their husbands?

I believe women think that men would dominate them with an iron fist. However, I think that a man would appreciate it and actually love her more and want to give her almost anything she desires because of the submissiveness. Women think they feel less important or that God sees them as less than equal, however this is not true it is just a different role. Like a president and a governor. One is higher than the other but they both have important roles.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

If we could assume our role in submission to our husbands our lives would change forever. Their children’s lives would reflect even what they see. It changes in every aspect of our lives from the smallest to the biggest areas of our lives in a positive way. When we do things with Gods design we reap the blessings in our lives and in our families.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Website

All women are cursed for life, but how can the curse be broken? Since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, woman-kind has lived with a curse – a desire to control their husbands and act in their position as the head of the family. Ginger Taylor’s goal is to help women understand why they want to be in control and how taking over their husband’s position defeats the marriage each couple is trying to grow. This book will give you insight into the benefits of submission to God, your husband, and the consequences of taking over his position. Through Scripture and life experience, this mindset shift will benefit your marriage and your relationship with your children. This book is a revolution waiting to happen! It is a must-read for any married Christian woman.

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Hilarious Adventure Awaits

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G. S. Gerry Author Interview

Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs follows Viktor into the heart of his fiancée’s eccentric family, chronicling his hilarious exploits and trials in a world more chaotic than any reality show. What inspired the setup of this story?

The inspiration for this story is based on the time-honored tradition of finding the partner of your dreams, falling in love, and last but certainly not least meeting the family. I have been blessed to be married to the love of my life for 18 years now. And she has 7 brothers and sisters. I remember the first time meeting her parents and her family and it kind of led me down this rabbit hole. What if, not everything is as it seems? What if, the boyfriend decided that this could be the ultimate opportunity for a reality show adventure?

Reality shows are quite popular and the thought dawned on me to use the reality show aspect as an avenue to deliver the story in a very unique and creative way.

The episodic structure of the book gives it a unique sitcom feel. Why did you choose this format? Is this a hint of a possible TV adaptation?

In coming up with the idea for a reality show, I researched other books with a reality show aspect and really couldn’t find many adaptions. Stephen King’s The Running Man has a reality show aspect as does Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. While these novels are fantastic, my goal was to do something wildly different. During my research, what I found is that there aren’t many true-to-life reality show books in existence. Which I thought was great because it gives me an opportunity to differentiate myself and my writing from a lot of authors. I love pushing the boundaries and capturing the reader’s imagination in a unique way. I wanted the entire book to feel as if you are literally watching the reality show unfold with each turn of the page. I invoke vivid imagery and ensure the reader continues to be engrossed within the reality show aspect.

I would love for this book to be adapted for television. That would be a wonderful transition for “The Hindlegs” and the chaos readers have come to know and love about this family.

The character of Viktor Sniperbone seems like an everyman thrown into chaos. Can you share some insights about his character development?

Viktor is an only child. He has no brothers or sisters and only has some vague ideas about his girlfriend, Mandi Hindlegs’ family. He has had girlfriends in the past and never met a set of parents or family that didn’t like him. That is, until now! What Viktor doesn’t realize is that the “meet the parents” introduction is actually a trap he has never experienced before. Mandi’s parents and family are one-of-a-kind and do everything within their power to make him uncomfortable and push the boundaries of just how much one person will endure to be with their significant other.

The end of the book suggests the possibility of a Season 2. Can we expect to see more of Viktor’s adventures with the Hindlegs family in the future?

I did leave the book open-ended for a reason. What people don’t realize is that Mandi doesn’t just have brothers, she also has sisters! So, my plan is to create a Season 2 of Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs focusing on the sisters Hindleg and the chaos that ensues between Viktor, Mandi, and The Hindleg sisters. I also have ideas for a season 3 that involves Viktor and Mandi’s children, as well as the Hindleg brother’s and sister’s children. When families come together, there is no telling what sorts of unspeakable danger and hilarious adventure awaits.

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Website | Amazon

In a world where reality is stranger than fiction, Viktor Sniperbone’s inspired idea takes you on a hilarious wild ride filled with near-death antics, secrets, and the crazy dynamics of one unforgettable family.

Meet Viktor Sniperbone, a guy who seems to have it all — youth, good health, independence, and a promising future. But something’s missing. When he meets Mandi Hindleg, the woman of his dreams, his life takes an unexpected turn.

They’ve only been dating for six months, and yet Viktor is convinced she’s “the one”. The only hurdle? Meeting Mandi’s quirky family, the Hindlegs.

Viktor then hatches a crazy plan to secretly film the Hindleg family, capturing their real-life drama like you’ve never seen before. Get ready for an uncut, authentic reality show that will redefine the literary game and leave an indelible mark.

As family members shed their polite facades and embrace their true selves, hilarity ensues and a wild rollercoaster of events awaits. Experience the erratic highs and lows, the stomach-aching laughter, as Viktor navigates the Hindlegs’ very own unpredictable make-shift reality TV.

Will his audacious endeavor lead to discovery, chaos, or a revelation that changes everything?

Step into a realm where reality blurs with entertainment as you immerse yourself in Hysterical Hangouts With The Hindlegs — award-winning author G. S. Gerry’s groundbreaking concept — and embrace a wild ride of madness, fast-paced comedy, and jaw-dropping revelations.

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The Creation Of A Bloodthirsty Icon

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Richard H. Grabmeier Author Interview

The Prophet and the Warrior takes the biblical stories of Moses and Joshua and transforms them into works of historical fiction, creating a comprehensive narrative. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

The idea for the novel came from my reading the books of Moses in the Bible (KJV). I became aware of how the typical teaching about Moses glosses over the horrible atrocities the man committed in the name of God. I realized then that the big three religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) were not so much interested in teaching the whole truth as they are in teaching a version that suits their purpose (control of the population). This is, in fact, brainwashing, a procedure used by all people who want control and power (think of the Roman empire, the various Kahns, and Adolph Hitler).

What kind of research did you do for this novel to ensure you captured the essence of the story’s theme?

I read and reread Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy looking for obvious departures from what we now consider moral behaviors (There are many). I researched the archeological evidence of the existence of Moses and could find none. When Moses supposedly died they buried him in an unmarked grave (Deuteronomy 24 and others) supposedly to keep his many enemies from corrupting it. I realized that this is a good cover story if one is trying to create a religious icon from stories passed down by word of mouth about a legendary national hero for which there is no solid archeological evidence.

There are no writings in Egypt or other countries of the period, no trash piles or graveyards in the wilderness areas supposedly inhabited by thousands of refugees for forty years. There would have had to have been many graves and skeletons of bodies preserved in the ground in that arid climate. There would have been trash piles with broken Egyptian pottery and the like (which do not decay). The absence of these pieces of evidence and the absence of Egyptian records of something as economically transforming as the Exodus are hard to dismiss.

What is one thing that people point out after reading your book that surprises you?

I have heard little from readers outside of a few who liked the open context of the book and one rather ignorant condemnation that claimed I was condemning the actions of Moses and God. This is exactly what the book is about, the creation of a bloodthirsty icon who is on a first-name basis with God. I am very careful not to condemn God because I believe in a creator God who loves all creation. Here I use the word “which” instead of “who” because no human has ever seen God and so it is natural to create a God in a super-human mage. A friend, who read the book with a Bible at his side (to check references) said it was like two books in one. This is because Moses starts out as a well-meaning, though slightly paranoid, young man who builds a new life with a nomadic tribe after he kills an Egyptian. Later he appears to develop delusions (schizophrenia?) and goes on to become a powerful and psychotic dictatorial leader.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

Actually, I have three other published books, available at bookstores, and a fourth and fifth ready for publication. Peter Olaf – The New World At Last, and its sequel, Suddenly A Larger World – Sons Of Peter Olaf, and AcrossThe Chasm, which is a paranormal love story are in print and are being converted to audiobooks. A manuscript, The Scrolls Of Elizaphan is being made into an audiobook and will be published as a paperback, possibly in two volumes because of its size (400+ pages). A manuscript, Alltrust – The Alliance Of Trust, a world government story, is ready for publication. And I have started a new novel.

Author Links: Goodreads | Amazon

The Prophet and the Warrior is historical fiction that follows the Biblical texts of the books of Moses as presented in the King James Bible. This novel enhances the various stories by adding dialogue and expanding the role of various characters. It occasionally diverges from the Biblical text when an alternative context seems more logical to the author. Richard H. Grabmeier’s own religious experience prompted him to read the Bible with a more critical eye.

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