Day: May 30, 2024

Crossroads by Devney Perry

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Crossroads by Devney Perry is the first audiobook in the Haven River Ranch small-town romance series. Narrated by Samantha Brentmoor & Connor Crais, I loved this second chance romance, filled with loss, childhood memories, first kisses all set on a ranch in Montana. Come see why I loved this one!

Crossroads by Devney Perry

by Devney Perry
Series: Haven River Ranch #1
Narrator: Samantha Brentmoor, Connor Crais
Length: 8 hours and 46 minutes
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameHalf a Flame
Narration: 4.5 cups Speed: 1.5x

A sweeping small-town romance about love, loss, and a Montana legacy from USA Today bestselling author Devney Perry.

I met West Haven when I was eight years old. He taught me to play poker when I was nine, and we made paper airplanes together when I was eleven. He kissed me when I was sixteen. He was the best part about my family’s summer vacations to Montana. He was the boy who stole my heart. I was twenty-three when life ripped us apart.

Years later, I’m breaking my vow and returning to the ranch, not as a guest but its new owner. West might want me gone, but even he has to admit the only way to save his family’s legacy is with my help.

It’s not easy working side by side and facing those old memories. But this situation is only temporary. We’re at a crossroads. And as long as I don’t let myself fall in love with West Haven again, maybe this is our chance to put those ghosts to rest. Maybe this time we’ll finally be able to say goodbye.

Cowboys ROMANCE Small-town Truffles

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Perry has been on my list of authors I’d like to try after reading raving reviews from several fellow book bloggers. I am so glad I picked up Cross Roads. I loved this story from the ranch and cabins to the story that brought these two back together.

I can see why my friends love this author. She knows how to tug at your heartstrings and make you laugh in the next sentence. This is a second chance romance that never really happened the first time around. Instead, it shared the story of how they met as children. He was the rancher’s son and she was a regular summer guest.

The set up was great from the heated first meet to the seeing them work together as the author took us back through the years and brought us forward. The ranch, particularly the lodge and cabins, are in trouble, and Indy intends to save it. West Haven, feels betrayed by his father, and doesn’t know what to do with his feelings for Indy.

If you love a romance with all the feels and a powerful story tied to it, you’ll love CrossRoads. Samantha Brentmoor did a fantastic job voicing Indy. Indy is a strong, business smart gal who has a vulnerable side when it comes to West. I’ve only listened to Connor Crais once before and, to be honest, wasn’t impressed, but his narration for West was spectacular. He was perfectly suited for this strong, complex man.

While this story offers an HEA and left me satisfied, Perry also introduced secondary characters, like West’s brother who has me eager to return to Haven River Ranch.

Amazon* | Audible

*kindleulimited 🎧

About Devney Perry

Devney Perry

Devney is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

About Connor Crais

Connor Crais is a classically trained actor living in the Midwest with his wife, two kids, and rescue greyhound. He has been both a stage and television actor, and before plunging into the romance genre, he had been narrating commercials, audiobooks, and explainers for well over a decade from his home studio.

About Samantha Brentmoor

Samantha Brentmoor is a voice over actor raised in Kansas and based in New York. Her versatile voice brings complex women and their love lives to life in audiobooks and videogames.

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Sele Speaks Without Words

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Sele Speaks Without Words is a heartfelt and imaginative story about a young boy named Sele, who navigates life with nonverbal autism, sensory processing disorder, and learning difficulties. Sele’s journey begins in the familiar world but soon takes a fantastical turn when he discovers a magical stone that transports him to a realm filled with unique creatures, each with their own talents and challenges. Through his interactions with these creatures, Sele learns valuable lessons about friendship, self-acceptance, and the power of communication beyond words.

From the first page, I was captivated by Ediale’s storytelling. The descriptions of the magical world are enchanting, and Sele’s interactions with creatures like Maddy the Dragonfly, Drogo the Owl, and Cha-Cha the Butterfly are both imaginative and poignant. The author’s ability to depict Sele’s inner thoughts and feelings, especially in the epigraph and introduction, provides insight into the mind of a child with autism. This empathetic portrayal is touching and enlightening, making Sele an endearing protagonist who captures the reader’s heart.

One aspect I liked most about this book is the way it handles complex emotions and challenges associated with various conditions like ADHD, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. For instance, the chapter where Sele helps Drogo cope with his fear of the dark and aids Flash in managing his hyperactivity is beautifully crafted. These moments highlight Sele’s growth and demonstrate the importance of patience, understanding, and creative problem-solving.

The illustrations interspersed throughout the book are another highlight. They complement the narrative wonderfully, providing a visual representation of Sele’s adventures and his friends’ unique traits. The colorful artwork, such as Sele bandaging Cha-Cha’s wing or meditating with Flash, enhances the reader’s connection to the characters and their journey. These visual elements make the story more engaging for younger readers, adding a delightful touch to an already compelling tale.

Sele Speaks Without Words is a beautifully written children’s book that will resonate with children and adults alike. It’s perfect for readers who enjoy fantasy stories with meaningful messages about acceptance, empathy, and the power of non-verbal communication.

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The Fancy Flamingo

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The Fancy Flamingo introduces readers to a delightful flamingo with a penchant for big hats, sparkly sunglasses, jewelry, and a pink boa. Realizing she stands out from the other flamingos, she begins to wonder if her flair is too extravagant, prompting her to seek reassurance from her friends.

Maygon Lucart has crafted an enchanting and charming tale that is bound to captivate young readers. The book’s vibrant, eye-catching illustrations are a visual feast, providing plenty of talking points during storytime. The flamingo’s exuberant personality is infectious, and her happiness leaps off the pages, making the story an absolute joy to read.

I particularly appreciate how The Fancy Flamingo effortlessly conveys important life lessons. Lucart encourages young readers to embrace their individuality and remain true to themselves. The message of accepting others for who they are, regardless of their appearance, is both timely and timeless. This inclusive perspective is a crucial lesson for children, promoting empathy and understanding. The flamingo’s positive attitude and confidence are truly inspiring. She not only enjoys her unique style but also embraces the joy of spending time alone. This aspect of the story is especially important, as it reassures young readers that it’s perfectly fine to enjoy solitude as well as the company of friends, as long as it makes them happy.

The Fancy Flamingo, by Maygon Lucart, is a delightful and meaningful read that combines charm, vibrant illustrations, and essential messages in a way that is both engaging and educational. Lucart’s ability to deliver such profound themes with such grace and fun makes this book a standout choice for any child’s bookshelf.

Pages: 28 | ISBN : 979-8-218-30084-5

Available Here

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Never Say A Word (The Claire Deveraux series Book 2)

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Never Say a Word, the second installment in The Claire Deveraux series by Alan Brenham, delivers a gripping blend of suspense and psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story ignites a political storm when Claire Deveraux, a deaf employee of the U.S. Embassy in France, is abducted during a conference in Rome. Her kidnapper, Franco Lazzari, a wealthy pharmacist with a distorted view of reality, believes Claire is the perfect replacement for his late spouse. Claire’s journey is a testament to her resilience and ingenuity. Stranded in Lazzari’s secluded Italian countryside home, she must navigate her escape despite her inability to hear. Her vulnerability is palpable, yet her determination shines through, making her a compelling and strong protagonist who refuses to be a victim.

Brenham skillfully delves into the minds of his characters, offering a chilling exploration of Lazzari’s psyche. Lazzari’s obsessive-compulsive disorder and his disconnection from reality create a disturbing yet fascinating portrait of a psychopath. His twisted justification for his actions adds depth to his character, making him a formidable antagonist. The narrative is dynamic, shifting perspectives between Claire, Franco, and Megan, which adds layers to the story and maintains a brisk pace. The short chapters and straightforward language ensure the plot never lags, with escape attempts and confrontations providing intense, pulse-pounding moments. Claire Deveraux continues to evolve as a character, standing out as a strong, independent woman who takes charge of her fate. Her refusal to wait passively for rescue and her resourcefulness and bravery distinguish this novel from typical police procedurals. The focus remains on Claire’s struggle for survival rather than the police’s efforts. Brenham captures the raw emotion and desperation of Claire’s situation, culminating in a powerful and satisfying conclusion.

Never Say a Word is a fast-paced, action-packed read that can be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel despite being part of a series. Brenham’s storytelling is sure to captivate fans of suspense and thrillers, as well as shows like “You” or “Gypsy.” This book is a testament to the strength of its heroine and the dark complexities of its villain, making it a highly recommended read.

Alan Brenham has crafted a thrilling narrative that combines psychological depth with relentless suspense. Never Say a Word stands out for its strong, resourceful protagonist and its chillingly complex antagonist. It’s a novel that not only entertains but also resonates with the strength of its characters and the intensity of its plot. A must-read for fans of the genre.

Pages: 274 | ASIN : B0CJLYPN4R

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Mommy Needs A Minute

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Mommy Needs a Minute is a heartfelt and candid exploration of the journey from burnout to empowerment in modern mothers’ lives. Drawing from her personal experiences and extensive research, author Alyssa Brade offers a compassionate look into the struggles of motherhood, emphasizing the importance of self-care, mental health, and maternal intuition. The book is a blend of memoir and practical advice aimed at helping mothers find balance and reclaim their sense of self amid the chaos of raising young children.

From the very beginning, Brade’s writing is engaging and relatable. The introduction sets the tone with humor and authenticity, capturing the reader’s attention by vividly describing the less-than-ideal circumstances many mothers find themselves in while trying to find a moment of peace. Her honesty about her own struggles, such as feeling inadequate and overwhelmed, resonates deeply, making it easy for readers to connect with her narrative. The book’s structure, which blends personal anecdotes with insights and practical tips, keeps the reader engaged while providing valuable information.

Brade’s discussion of information burnout is one of the book’s strongest aspects. She effectively highlights the paradox of the modern age, where an abundance of parenting advice often leads to confusion and self-doubt rather than empowerment. Her anecdote about obsessively researching the perfect swaddle for her baby only to find that her husband’s simple solution worked best perfectly illustrates how parental intuition can sometimes be more effective than expert advice. This theme is consistently woven throughout the book, encouraging mothers to trust their instincts and find a balance between external advice and personal intuition.

Brade also tackles the challenging topic of mental health burnout with sensitivity and depth. She shares her own journey of recognizing the need for mental health care and provides practical, actionable steps for mothers to prioritize their well-being. The chapter on slow living was particularly impactful to me. It offered concrete steps to simplify life and reduce stress. Brade’s emphasis on self-worth and the need to set boundaries is a refreshing reminder that taking care of oneself is not only beneficial but essential for effective parenting.

Mommy Needs a Minute is a must-read for any mother feeling the weight of burnout and the pressures of modern parenting. Alyssa Brade’s compassionate and authentic voice and her practical advice make this book an invaluable resource.

Pages: 168 | ASIN : B0D523K45F

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