Day: May 23, 2024

Gray Days by Hailey Edwards

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Gray Days by Hailey Edwards is the ninth audiobook in the Black Hat Bureau fantasy series. The Black Hat compound is in ruins and someone has declared open season on agents. Rue has to deal with a surprise visit all while putting out fires and proving herself. Plenty of twists kept me listening.

Gray Days by Hailey Edwards

Gray Days
by Hailey Edwards
Series: Black Hat Bureau #9
Narrator: Stephanie Richardson
Length: 9 hours and 46 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameHalf a Flame
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

The Black Hat compound is rubble on the ocean floor, the director hasn’t been seen since the explosion that demolished his life’s work, and old enemies have decided it’s open season on the remaining agents. Oh. And Arden has decided now is a great time for a surprise visit to force a confrontation with Rue.

Between holding the Bureau together, searching for her grandfather, and babysitting Arden, Rue has her work cut out for her. But her distraction allows her to be blindsided by a loss that fractures her very soul. Betrayal is a familiar sting for Rue, she barely feels it anymore, but this time? She might not survive it.

magical smartfunny SUSPENSE urban

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The story took a minute to develop, but once it did, we were off and running with Rue and her motley crew as agents end up dead and she finds herself in charge at the Bureau with her grandfather missing and assumed dead.

Action-packed with character growth and relationship development, it is important to listen to this series in the order of their release. This novel is longer than its predecessors and for a minute I thought this might be the conclusion of the series. Particularly with the growth in Rue. Our witch has come a long way, but a twist and development at the end left us with a cliffhanger that has me craving Gray Dawn, the last installment in the Black Hat Bureau series.

If you love mystery, snark, friendship, found families and romance filled with magic, supernatural creatures and more, you’ll want to grab the series. Edwards has created fun, well-developed characters who work well together and bring out the best in each other. I had a blast listening to Gray Days and highly recommend it.

Amazon* | Audible

About Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

About Stephanie Richardson

Stephanie Richardson

Stephanie Richardson records audiobooks from her professional home studio near the mountains in Utah. She places a special emphasis on bringing positive and wholesome content in the world and records work in a variety of nonfiction and fiction genres, including self-development, memoir, children’s and young adult, and cozy mystery. She has trained with award-winning narrators PJ Ochlan and Sean Pratt and was awarded the ABR award for best mystery in 2020. While not enjoying a book, she can be found playing zoo-keeper to her four rambunctious children, playing nerdy board games, or talking to her plants.

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A Firefly Named Felix

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Understanding what bullying is and how to identify it empowers children to break cycles of abuse and foster safe, healthy school environments. A Firefly Named Felix by Deanna Hart assists in this crucial task. This is a fantastic children’s book that promotes respect for others and acceptance of our differences.

Felix, the protagonist, is a boy who loves spending time with his friends. However, he harbors a secret: unlike his peers, he cannot glow. This difference saddens him as he watches his friends play with their lights. One day, some classmates notice this and start teasing him. Felix’s teacher then engages him in a reflective conversation, helping him recognize his unique qualities and face his situation with a new perspective.

A Firefly Named Felix is a remarkable picture book that skillfully addresses the themes of resilience and friendship. Many children will find the situations presented highly relatable. Deanna Hart explores the importance of acceptance and tackling difficult situations, imparting valuable life lessons to young readers. The book’s final section, featuring questions for parents and teachers to ask children before, during, and after reading, enhances its interactive quality. Additionally, fun facts about fireflies are included, adding an educational element.

The narrative is characterized by clear and concise sentences, perfect for children to practice reading, while the engaging plot transitions smoothly from one scenario to another. The illustrations are captivating and colorful and depict expressive characters that draw children into the story. The school setting helps children better understand how to interact with their peers. The book imparts beautiful lessons on maintaining friendships and learning to forgive.

A Firefly Named Felix is an invaluable resource for parents and teachers, providing children with the confidence to express their concerns openly. It is a delightful read for children and adults, fostering conversations about empathy, collaboration, and kindness.

Pages: 43 | ASIN : B0D3NLKTC3

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The Wisdom of the Willow

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In The Wisdom of the Willow, Nancy Chadwick weaves a poignant narrative centered around the lives of Margaret and Joe and their four daughters. The novel begins with a symbolic gesture as Joe plants a willow tree in their yard to celebrate their burgeoning family and new home, setting a tone of rootedness and growth that resonates throughout the story.

The plot unfolds through the perspectives of the four sisters, each distinct in their aspirations and struggles. Charlotte, the youngest, grapples with her future in business administration, while Debra, formerly a magazine worker with a penchant for travel, faces a personal and professional crossroads. Linney finds contentment managing a beloved shop in Chicago, contrasting with Rose, an aspiring actress whose ambition drives her narrative.

Central to their journeys is their mother, Margaret, whose terminal illness is a closely guarded secret known only to Charlotte. Margaret’s role as advisor and confidante, with many pivotal scenes unfolding under the willow tree, adds depth to the family dynamics. The tree itself becomes a silent witness to the sisters’ trials and triumphs, embodying the novel’s themes of familial bonds and personal growth. Chadwick excels in creating well-rounded characters, from Linney’s nurturing nature to Debra’s authoritative demeanor, often attributed to her role as the eldest sibling. The narrative’s shift between each sister’s point of view allows a comprehensive exploration of their individual and collective challenges. The novel resonates particularly with those who have experienced the complexities of sustaining long-term friendships and the simplicity of life in a close-knit community.

The Wisdom of the Willow is a thoughtful exploration of family, identity, and belonging, recommended for readers who enjoy contemporary fiction that delves deeply into the nuances of sisterhood and personal development.

Pages: 304 | ASIN : B0C9HJWKTZ

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The Door to Trilesk

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The Door to Trilesk by Shannon Holly is an evocative tale that delves into the journey of self-discovery and embracing one’s true identity. The story centers on Kate, a young woman who inherits the traveler gene from her family lineage, a trait her mother, Janice, vehemently opposed activating. The narrative begins when Janice decides to sell Aunt Esmerelda’s house, compelling Kate to visit the place that holds the key to her suppressed memories. As Kate spends time in the house, she begins to recall the summer she spent there with her aunt at the age of eight. These resurfaced memories awaken her latent traveler abilities, setting her on a path of conflict with her mother to preserve the house and her freedom. Through this struggle, Kate not only embraces her true self but also unlocks the potential to rescue her aunt from mysterious captors.

Set firmly within the fantasy genre, The Door to Trilesk captivates with its imaginative realms and magical dimensions. Holly skillfully blends the present with the past, creating a seamless narrative highlighting self-acceptance’s importance. Kate’s journey is a poignant reminder that one cannot escape their true nature. Suppressed for years, her traveler gene reactivates when she reconnects with her past, leading her to abandon her former career aspirations in favor of a fulfilling life as a traveler. Holly’s writing is both accessible and engaging, guiding the reader effortlessly through the transitions between past and present. The vivid descriptions of Kate and Esmerelda’s experiences create a realistic portrayal, though Janice’s character development introduces a layer of ambiguity, making the reader question the reality of these events. The male characters serve as a backdrop that highlights the strength and complexity of the female protagonists, adding a unique dynamic to the story. The narrative’s mystery, especially surrounding why Janice’s door leads to a dark dimension, adds an intriguing layer that keeps readers engaged and eager to uncover more.

The Door to Trilesk is a compelling read that combines magical elements with a heartfelt exploration of identity and personal growth. Shannon Holly’s talent for storytelling shines through, making this book a worthwhile addition to the fantasy genre.

Pages: 227 | ASIN : B0CW9FRJPQ

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“Rip and Read”

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James Terminiello Author Interview

The Conscience of the C.O.D. follows the PR director of a luxury cruise line who gets an unexpected surprise when he discovers the owners have donated it to house 4000 refugees, and that is just the start of the nightmare. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

As they say in newspaper circles – “rip and read”. When I read that New York City seriously considered housing the migrants on cruise ships, the idea sparked in my brain. I was looking for a starting point for a satire on today’s culture. What better way than to compress it all on a cruise ship? With the C.O.D. as my focal point, I loaded the ship up with people and events which became part of my shooting gallery.

Trip Torrent thinks he has it good as the PR director on a luxury cruise ship, but he ends up in a world where if it could go wrong, it is going to, and he has to make the best of the situation. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Once again, I noticed that in the real world presidential spokepersons only last about 18 months. It is a grueling meatgrinder. They must live in a bizarre world where reality is passed through a prism of interpretation and expedience. (There is an old joke: How much is 2 + 2? The answer: Are we buying or selling?) Torrent wants to rise to that level of achievement and even dreams about how this whole life of presidential misdirection could play out. I could easily see that someone with Torrents personality would love to be the master of misdirection. Keeping reporters confused and guessing. Torrent is not a particularly noble character but I see him as very real with genuine desires and hopes. And he does get tested by events mostly out of his control. He even has a spot of nobility when he thinks (wrongly) that one of the migrants was executed. O’Higgins the revolutionary is a true idealist who is forever battered and bruised by real life (My mother-in-law was a disappointed idealist and served as an inspiration) We all have our ultimate wants in life and too often reality gets in our way.

This is an action-packed and entertaining novel. Did you have fun writing it?

I had a blast! There is so much in today’s society that needs the santizing enema of satire that I had to hold back. In my previous satire Junkyard I have a master media manipulator named Sebastian El Dorado turn a simple old man who built an extraordinary vehicle into a semi-messianic, global figure.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

Working title: It Is Not Yet Your Time. An ordinary man is saved from a traffic death by a woman who is a member of a group called The Apologizers. He is capitvated by her. Her group believes that God has abandoned humanity and they must perform good works in order to … apologize. The man is accidently drawn into an Arab terrorist kidnapping, falls in with goverment agents, and meets the mysterious founder of the Apologizers – all in an effort to romance the woman whom he calls the Benevolent Pumpkin.

I hope to get it out by late 2025. I hope.

Author Links: Twitter | Facebook | Website

We’ve all had bad days, but nothing compares to Trip Torrent’s. PR director of the luxury cruise ship Climax of Dreams, he awakens to the discovery that the ship’s owners have donated it to house 4,000 squabbling refugees. Then, at a celebrity-glutted fundraiser, it gets hijacked. And that’s only the beginning! Torrent’s reluctant sea voyage includes seminude female commandos, a secret stash of special ops weapons, a billion-dollar cloud of money, a kidnapped tech guru, a ship navigation system with a dangerous stutter, a soccer match haunted by Navy drones and fighter jets, a faded comic whose skills at mimicry could save or sink the ship, an unexpected global fashion craze, a double-dealing repairman, and a whopping big hurricane. Even his attempts at romance are interrupted-by the synthetic charms of a robot bartender with a bit too much charisma! What will blow up first: his career, his relationship, or the ship?

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The Road Symbolizes Our Lives

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Kendall T. Newell Author Interview

Adversity Road is a collection of poetry exploring the different forms of adversity that people face, presented in a way that children can understand. Why was this an important collection for you to write?

It was important for me to write this to promote the message that adversity comes in many different forms. 

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

An idea that was important for me to share was the concept of the road. The road symbolizes our lives. We are all walking this path we call life but it is filled with adversity. I wanted to emphasize that despite us all encountering adversity, it may look different for other people. This creates a platform for me to highlight compassion and empathy for the people around us. We never know what other people are going through but if you take a second to think about the obstacles of other people then maybe it will help us practice more empathy in our own lives.

I loved the art in this book; it is extremely eye-catching and a great way to keep children engaged. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Tionna J. Clarida?

I connected with Tionna Clarida online back in 2022. She is a very passionate artist that has a lot of beautiful work to her name. None of it was published but I truly believed she needed to be so I offered her an opportunity to publish her work to the world with my story. This first time illustrator did not disappoint! Tionna got straight to work after we had a virtual session talking about the vision we had. This book is a poem so this allowed Tionna to truly express herself through her talent. She spent about a year gathering photographs and sketching to create a vision for this. The final product resulted in beautiful illustrations that brought my story to life. Tionna J. Clarida is an amazing illustrator and I hope she continues to showcase her artistic abilities to the world. 

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be published?

I am taking a break from publishing to pursue other things I wish to accomplish in life. It has been a great journey writing two children’s books. If I choose to write more in the future then I would continue to keep an inspirational theme.

Author Links: Amazon | GoodReads

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