Day: May 21, 2024

Those Who Stood Up

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I photographed Occupy Wall Street for a year, from 2011 to 2012. Nearly ten years later, as part of my work documenting the Covid-19 pandemic, I followed the Black Lives Matter demonstrations of 2020. It was never my intent to focus on social justice, and I continue to make more experimental images. But paying attention […]

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Mind Games by Nora Roberts

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Mind Games by Nora Roberts delivered a standalone novel of loss, suspense, magical realism, and romance that held me captive from beginning to end. The audiobook narrated by January LaVoy was brilliant and one I highly recommend.

Mind Games by Nora Roberts

Mind Games
by Nora Roberts
Narrator: January LaVoy
Length: 14 hours and 52 minutes
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

The #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Identity presents a suspenseful new novel of tragedy and trauma, love and family, and the evil that awaits.

As they do each June, the Foxes have driven the winding roads of Appalachia to drop off their children for a two-week stay at their grandmother’s. Here, twelve-year-old Thea can run free and breathe in the smells of pine and fresh bread and Grammie’s handmade candles. But as her parents head back to suburban Virginia, they have no idea they’re about to cross paths with a ticking time bomb.

Back in Kentucky, Thea and her grandmother Lucy both awaken from the same nightmare. And though the two have never discussed the special kind of sight they share, they know as soon as their tearful eyes meet that something terrible has happened.

The kids will be staying with Grammie now in Redbud Hollow, and thanks to Thea’s vision, their parents’ killer will spend his life in supermax. Over time, Thea will make friends, build a career, find love. But that ability to see into minds and souls still lurks within her, and though Grammie calls it a gift, it feels more like a curse―because the inmate who shattered her childhood has the same ability. Thea can hear his twisted thoughts and witness his evil acts from miles away. He knows it, and hungers for vengeance. A long, silent battle will be waged between them―and eventually bring them face to face, and head to head…

Family Magical Realism ROMANCE SUSPENSE

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I started off reading Mind Games and then devoured the audiobook when it became available. I am a huge Roberts fan and generally prefer her trilogies, but Mind Games was a fantastic five star listen that held me captive, made me cry and left me yearning to raise chickens.

We are introduced to the Foxes as they travel to the Appalachians to drop their children off for a two-week summer vacation at their grandmother’s farm. Twelve-year-old Thea and her ten-year-old brother are excited to spend time with their maternal grandmother as their parents return to Virginia, unaware that trouble is coming.

Roberts is a masterful storyteller as she takes us through the tragedy of the parent’s murder, introduces us to Thea’s gift, and dives into the mind of the killer. She weaved magical realism and the police investigation into the story, then giving us a glimpse of the children’s lives on the farm before moving the story to their adulthood where Thea will find acceptance, love and face the evil that stole her parents.

The story was wonderfully paced, with touching moments, family, heartbreak, misunderstandings and humorous moments that made me laugh and cry. The suspense angle built slowly as we became connected to the Foxes, their maternal grandmother and uncles. Then she wove in, a sexy neighbor, a loveable dog, a cute little boy and more to make the story complete.

I love when I become completely immersed in the characters and story. Roberts did just that. As I stated, I began reading, but switched over to audio. January LaVoy beautifully captured the characters, the emotions and helped heighten the suspenseful moments of the story. I highly recommend grabbing your earbuds for this one!

Amazon | Audible

About Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts is the number-one New York Times–bestselling author of Whiskey Beach, The Witness, Chasing Fire, and The Search, among other titles. She is also the author of the bestselling In Death series, written under the pen name J. D. Robb. There are more than 400 million copies of her novels in print.

About January LaVoy

January LaVoy

January LaVoy is a stage, television, and voice actress. She performed on Broadway in Enron and on television in One Life to Live, All My Children, Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: SVU, and Guiding Light.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge


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How to be a BAD cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide

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If you’ve ever called yourself a bad cook, this is your invitation to be bad – better. This book is not for already-good cooks (keep away!), or would-be chefs, or even those who adore cookery books. It’s for self-proclaimed “bad cooks” who may actually be halfway decent – but don’t want to be tied down by time-consuming, pretentious, and detailed “recipes.” So welcome, fellow bad cook. From basic nourishment to expressions of love and comfort, food is something we can’t live without. But what about its preparation? Far more than the act of heating potentially edible material, cooking has stayed at the heart of countless cultures, epochs, and bookshelves since time began. But not all delight in the culinary arts… For those who want enjoyable, nutritious, hot food no one can mess up: this one’s for you. Filled to the brim with quirky cartoon illustrations and infused with anthropological titbits on cookery and the far-off origins of the food we unthinkingly consume today, this is not your usual cookbook.

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Kira The Kookaburra

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Kira The Kookaburra, by Sharon White, is a charming children’s book set in the Australian bush. It tells the story of Kira, a kookaburra with a beautiful singing voice and a unique sense of style, marked by her impressive hat collection. The book weaves a story of self-discovery and self-love as Kira navigates her feelings of being different and ultimately finds joy in her own uniqueness.

Sharon White’s writing is both engaging and accessible, particularly for younger readers. White’s ability to create a vivid and colorful world is one thing I truly enjoyed about this story because it made the Australian bush come alive. There are sections where the dialogue appears to be more direct, possibly aiming to clearly communicate its messages to a young audience. While this approach has its educational merits, I feel it might also be observed that integrating these messages more seamlessly into the storyline could enhance the overall narrative flow.

One of the book’s strongest elements is its exploration of themes like self-acceptance, diversity, and the importance of friendship. The way Kira’s journey is portrayed, from feeling sad about being different to celebrating her unique traits, is both heartwarming and empowering. The inclusion of various animals, each with their own personality and opinions, adds to the richness of the narrative.

The illustrations, also by Sharon White, are charming and colorful. The vibrant colors and expressive characters complement the narrative well and capture the essence of Kira’s world and her emotional journey. The easy-to-read text and colorful images are effective in engaging younger readers.

Kira The Kookaburra is a delightful read for children, especially those aged four to eight. It offers an engaging story with important messages about self-love and acceptance. This picture book’s visual appeal and positive themes make it a worthwhile addition to any young reader’s library.

Pages: 91 | ASIN : B0CK9RFGCC

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Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For

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Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For by Dr. Harms tackles the profound yet often unspoken aspects of life’s journey—legacy, mortality, and the lasting impact we hope to leave. This work is an introspective guide that delves into the intricate dance between life’s beginning and end, acknowledging the chaos and beauty that define our existence. Dr. Harms addresses these themes with grace, articulating the dualities of love and pain, joy and sorrow.

In her exploration, Dr. Harms defines what legacy means by sharing compelling narratives of individuals who have turned adversity into opportunities for growth and compassion. These stories not only inspire but also challenge readers to reflect on their own legacies and the marks they wish to leave on the world. Dr. Harms embraces a variety of belief systems, emphasizing their validity and the universal truths that connect humanity—the cycles of birth and the inevitability of death. This book pushes the reader into sometimes uncomfortable but necessary contemplations about proactive legacy building, which can alleviate the burdens of uncertainty and grief for loved ones.

Dr. Harms encourages persistence, her writing style imbuing a sense of resilience and urging readers to continue despite discomfort. What sets this book apart is Dr. Harms’ compassionate and relatable storytelling. She injects her own experiences into the narrative, providing comfort and guiding readers towards making essential life decisions. Her gentle yet effective nudging is designed to move you from contemplation to action, leaving readers grateful for the encouragement to take proactive steps in legacy planning.

Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For is clearly a labor of love, reflecting Dr. Harms’ commitment to thoughtful writing and genuine connection with her audience. Her message is poised to resonate with anyone pondering their impact on the world, making this book a valuable read for those seeking to understand the importance of crafting a meaningful legacy.

Pages: 302 | ASIN : B0CHG23HD5

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Goddess of the Flowers

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Goddess of the Flowers by S.A. Stolinsky plunges readers into the harrowing world of Xochitl Gonzalez, consort to Carlos Morales, the formidable leader of the Morales Cartel. Xochitl’s life unfolds within the cartel’s oppressive confines, where violence and human trafficking are rampant. Tasked with grooming young girls for a grim fate, she endures an existence marred by fear and brutality.

Stolinsky’s narrative captures the escalating horrors that Xochitl faces daily. Her ordeal reaches a tipping point after she witnesses the chilling murder of a young girl, compelling her to contemplate a perilous escape. The novel does more than narrate a tale of captivity; it explores the psychological and emotional toll of living under constant threat. The author’s use of raw, authentic dialogue and vivid depictions of cartel dynamics intensifies the reading experience. These elements work in tandem to create a palpable sense of tension and danger, immersing the reader fully in Xochitl’s desperate quest for freedom. Goddess of the Flowers is a gripping crime thriller that skillfully weaves themes of courage and justice into its fabric. Stolinsky invites the reader to traverse this dangerous labyrinth alongside Xochitl, rooting for her every step as she navigates her fraught path to emancipation.

Readers drawn to stories of resilience and survival against overwhelming odds in the shadowy corners of the criminal underworld will find this an unforgettable story. Goddess of the Flowers offers a powerful exploration of resilience and the indomitable human spirit. S.A. Stolinsky deftly guides readers through a labyrinth of suspense and peril, delivering a narrative that not only entertains but also resonates deeply with those who champion the triumph of courage over fear. As Xochitl’s story of redemption unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the strength required to challenge darkness and seize control of one’s destiny. This novel is a compelling read for anyone fascinated by stories of survival and the quest for justice in the face of daunting adversity.

Pages: 360 | ASIN : B0CXJ35119

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Finding Messi: The Miracle Cat From Kyiv

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Finding Messi: The Miracle Cat From Kyiv, by Trevor Ostfeld and Iryna Chernyak, is a touching and poignant tale that centers around the bond between an eleven-year-old girl, Iryna, and her cat, Messi, set against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Iryna and her mother are forced to flee their home in Kyiv, they face the heart-wrenching decision to leave Messi behind. The story unfolds with Iryna’s relentless efforts to reunite with her beloved pet, showcasing themes of resilience, hope, and the power of community in times of crisis.

The writing is straightforward yet evocative, capturing the emotional turmoil of displacement through a child’s perspective. The authors effectively convey Iryna’s fear, confusion, and determination, making it easy for readers to empathize with her journey. The narrative is interspersed with tender moments, such as Iryna hiding soccer balls for Messi to find while she’s away, which highlights the deep bond between the girl and her pet. This personal touch adds a layer of warmth and humanity to the story, making the impact of the war on families all the more tangible.

One of the standout aspects of the book is its ability to address complex and heavy topics like war and displacement in a manner that is accessible to young readers. The illustrations by Katherine Blackmore complement the text beautifully, providing visual context that enhances the storytelling. For example, the scenes depicting Messi’s adventures and the family’s journey are both heartwarming and heartbreaking, helping to bridge the gap between the narrative and the young audience’s understanding.

The book succeeds in educating readers about the realities of war without overwhelming them with its harshness. While the simplicity of the writing is a strength, I feel it also occasionally glosses over the more profound emotional and psychological impacts of the events. I believe the book could have delved deeper into the internal struggles of the characters, particularly Iryna, to provide a more rounded exploration of their experiences.

Finding Messi is a heartfelt and inspiring story that sheds light on the human side of geopolitical conflicts. It is particularly suitable for young readers, offering them a gentle introduction to the themes of war, family, and perseverance. The book would be an excellent read for children who enjoy stories about pets and adventures, as well as for those who might benefit from understanding the experiences of children in war-torn regions. It is a commendable addition to children’s literature by Ostfeld and Chernyak and stands as a vital and touching narrative that will resonate with readers of all ages.

Pages: 56 | ASIN : B0CVLYX164

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