Day: May 22, 2024

Making Sense of the Missing 

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Clair Wills has long been among the most supple and illuminating explorers of the intertwined cultural histories of Ireland and Britain. She works in the intersections between social experience and literary representation, giving as much weight to supposedly ordinary lives as to momentous political events and artistic movements. That Neutral Island: A History of Ireland During […]

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Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf

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Narrated by Ashley Bryce, Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf is the first novel in an unnamed series that blends science-fiction and fantasy. I enjoyed this tale of revenge, Jousting, artificial intelligence and unexpected romance set against a corrupt ruling class in space.

Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf

by Sara Wolf
Narrator: Ashley Bryce
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 4 cups Speed: 1.5x

Bravery isn’t what you do. It’s what you endure.

The duke of the powerful House Hauteclare is the first to die. With my dagger in his back.

He didn’t see it coming. Didn’t anticipate the bastard daughter who was supposed to die with her mother—on his order. He should have left us with the rest of the Station’s starving, commoner rubbish.

Now there’s nothing left. Just icy-white rage and a need to make House Hauteclare pay. Every damn one of them. Even if it means riding Heavenbreaker—one of the few enormous machines left over from the War—and jousting against the fiercest nobles in the system.

Each win means another one of my enemies dies. And here, in the cold terror of space, the machine and I move as one, intent on destroying each adversary—even if it’s someone I care about. Even if it’s someone I’m falling for.

Only I’m not alone. Not anymore. Because there’s something in the machine with me. Something horrifying. Something…more. And it won’t be stopped.

Contains mature themes.

dystopian fantasy Kick Ass Heroine scifi

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“description”: “Narrated by Ashley Bryce, Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf is the first novel in an unnamed series that blends science-fiction and fantasy. I enjoyed this tale of revenge, Jousting, artificial intellig”,
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Heavenbreaker opens with Synali, our protagonist, killing her father, the Duke of House Hauteclare. It’s basically a suicide mission. We learn she is his bastard daughter and that the Duke and others plotted the assassination of her and her mother. Only Synali survived. As she makes her escape, she ends up being mistaken for a rider and takes part in a jousting match. The story that unfolds was a curious one with robotic steeds, noble families and a unique offer for revenge.

It took me a minute to settle into this author’s style and the world we find ourselves in. We’ve got noble families ruling a failing world with social classes, greed at the top and desperation in the lower classes. After her accidental joust, Synali is offered a deal from Dravik, of House Lithroi. For each battle she wins, he will kill one royal from each house involved in her mother’s assassination.

The steeds aren’t horses or birds, as the cover suggests, but these giant robotic suits known as steeds that the riders sit in. Synali rides a giant lady carrying a sword. The story touches on artificial intelligences and I’ll leave you to discover that for yourself. Despite Synali’s suicidal plans, I liked our complex heroine. She is driven almost desperately so by her need for revenge. This need drives her to win each competition even if she knows the houses will never let her live.

The romance is a slow burn and a side plot to the story. The love interest is Rax, from House Velrayd. It’s a forbidden romance. We learn Rax’s story through backstories, his point of view, and interactions with Synali.

Other key characters were Dravik, who mentors Synali and aids in her revenge. I am curious for more of his story. Then we have Mirelle from House Hauteclare. She is Synali’s biggest rival and a standout character with bite. Then there is Rain, the assassin who carried out the murder of Synali’s mother.

Time in the arena was my favorite part and Wolf did a wonderful job of bringing the battles to life in vivid color, but overall I wanted more world-building and found myself frustrated by the tidbits we learned. While I don’t like info dumps, I struggled to fully visualize the world and civilization.

Ashley Bryce narrates and did a great job of capturing Synali’s personality and giving voice to the other key players.

Overall, this was an engaging listen with an engaging plot and I look forward to listening to Hellrunner the next audiobook in the series.

Amazon | Audible

About Sara Wolf

Sara Wolf

Sara Wolf adores baking, cats, and screaming helpfully at her own imagination. When she was a kid she was too busy eating dirt to write her first terrible book. Twenty years later she mashed her fists on a laptop and created the Lovely Vicious series. She lives in Portland, Oregon where the sun can’t get her anymore.

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Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck

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Sue Donnellan’s book Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck is a refreshing and candid guide for parents who are seeking to cultivate a healthier and less stressful relationship with their children. The book’s core message is simple yet profound: by changing their own behavior, parents can influence their children’s behavior positively. Donnellan emphasizes the importance of viewing children as “adults in training” and focuses on partnership-based parenting rather than traditional authoritarian methods.

Donnellan’s writing is not only engaging but also highly practical. She fills her book with real-life examples and relatable anecdotes, making her advice easy to understand and implement. One of the standout concepts, the ‘Magic Mantra: I’m Only in Charge of Me; I’m Not in Charge of You,’ encapsulates the idea of controlling one’s responses rather than trying to control children’s actions. This practical shift in perspective can significantly reduce parental frustration and promote a more peaceful household.

Donnellan’s book challenges the common belief that punishment is the most effective way to change children’s behavior. She argues that punishment often leads to resentment, not real behavioral change. Instead, she advocates for natural consequences and pre-agreed consequences, which can help children learn accountability in a more positive and effective way. I think this approach not only encourages children to understand the impact of their actions but also fosters a sense of respect and self-awareness, leading to more positive outcomes.

The book also provides valuable strategies for developing daily habits and routines that foster a sense of security and independence in children. Donnellan highlights the importance of consistency and the establishment of family routines as foundational elements for raising responsible and self-sufficient children. I particularly resonated with her emphasis on forming a partnership with children, where problems are discussed mutually rather than unilaterally, as I think it fosters respect and better communication.

Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck is an insightful and practical guide for parents who are tired of traditional, punitive approaches and are looking for more effective and respectful ways to raise their children. I think it will be particularly beneficial for parents of young children and teenagers who are struggling with power struggles or public meltdowns or simply want to foster a healthier family dynamic.

Pages: 225 | ASIN: B08VDZD9SM

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Lucky Puppy Finds Two Families

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Lucky Puppy Finds Two Families is a heartwarming tale that chronicles the adventures of a stray dog named Lucky, who navigates the bustling streets of Conakry, Guinea, before finding his way into the loving arms of two different families. Vida Gecas, inspired by her real-life experiences as a U.S. Diplomat, crafts a narrative that captures the essence of resilience, companionship, and the profound impact of love. The story follows Lucky as he transitions from a life of uncertainty to one filled with security and affection, first from a compassionate local family and later from an American family working at the U.S. Embassy.

Vida Gecas’ writing shines with vivid descriptions and an engaging storytelling style that brings Lucky’s world to life. The bustling seaport of Conakry and the vibrant market scenes are painted with such detail that you can almost hear the multilingual chatter and smell the fresh produce. The scene where Lucky meets two girls who eventually take him in is particularly touching, encapsulating the fear and hope that stray animals might feel in such situations. Gecas’ ability to imbue Lucky’s perspective with emotion and personality makes it easy to root for this endearing canine protagonist. The ideas within the book, such as the importance of kindness and the value of diverse experiences, are conveyed effectively through Lucky’s interactions and observations. For instance, Lucky’s friendship with Mariama, a fruit vendor, and Rex, a dog with a family, highlights the different forms of companionship and support systems that can emerge even in the most unexpected places. Gecas’ book also subtly introduces young readers to the roles and responsibilities of embassy staff, blending educational content with a compelling narrative.

Illustrator Lisa Alderson complements Gecas’ storytelling with charming and colorful illustrations that enhance the reader’s connection to the characters and setting. The depiction of the market, the busy streets, and the embassy grounds is both accurate and imaginative, providing a visual treat that aligns perfectly with the book’s tone. Alderson’s portrayal of Lucky’s expressions and body language adds depth to his character, making his journey all the more relatable and heartwarming.

Lucky Puppy Finds Two Families, by Vida Gecas, is an ideal read for children and families who appreciate stories about animals, cultural diversity, and the importance of compassion. The book is especially fitting for young readers interested in learning about different cultures and the life of diplomatic families overseas. Gecas’ personal touch and Alderson’s delightful illustrations make this a memorable addition to any child’s bookshelf. Whether you’re looking for a bedtime story or an educational tale, Lucky’s adventures are sure to entertain and inspire.

Pages: 34 | ASIN: B0D27VN2LM

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The Mess

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The Mess by Alicia Smith is a delightful and heartwarming children’s book that captures the essence of childhood exploration and familial love. Young kangaroos Marie and Elise and their mom embark on a day filled with adventure and creativity. Their nature walk is a splendid depiction of curiosity and wonder, while the afternoon art time reflects the innocence and joy of childhood. The sudden disappearance of their favorite teddy bears introduces a relatable crisis that many children and parents will recognize.

Alicia Smith expertly portrays the close-knit bond of this kangaroo family, highlighting the importance of working together to solve problems. The narrative is engaging and soothing, making it an excellent choice for young readers.

The illustrations by Olivia Smith H. are a true highlight of the book. Her gentle lines and soft watercolors create a magical, almost ethereal atmosphere that perfectly complements the story. The vibrant depiction of the kangaroo world is both enchanting and comforting, inviting readers into a bright and lovely setting. The interplay between text and illustrations enhances the storytelling, making each page a visual and literary delight.

One of the aspects I liked most about The Mess is the portrayal of the mother’s role. Her expert solution to the missing teddy bears not only resolves the conflict but also teaches an important lesson about organization and teamwork. This aspect of the story is handled with such warmth and wisdom that it leaves a lasting impression.

The Mess is a precious picture book that beautifully captures a day in the life of a kangaroo family. It is suitable for all ages and is particularly perfect for bedtime reading. This book is certain to warm your heart and leave you with a sense of contentment as you drift off to dreamland.

Pages: 18 | ISBN: 057890103X

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We Need to Connect With God

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C. Peggy Atoche Author Interview

Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind explores a rich tapestry of themes, including nature, love, faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write Eternal Love?

To me, it was more of a calling, an organic experience with God that inspired me to write these poems. The commentaries were written alongside some of the poems in order to provide clarity and answer questions people might have as they navigate through the reading of these verses.

It’s been a very long, arduous, and extensive journey from the initial experiences all the way to the publishing of this book. In the end, the idea is to have people feel positive, inspired, healed, and/or connected.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this anthology?

Our world is hurting right now and has been for many years. Levels of violence, stress, and uncertainty seem to be on the rise. The main idea I wanted to share with people is that we need to connect with God more than ever before. As we find ourselves feeling sad, angry, hopeless, or empty, I think it is of the utmost importance to connect with something that will bring fulness to our lives — a light, a warmth, a sense of order, certainty, and clarity, and a steadiness we all seem to be seeking now.

God is certainty, reason, the voice of conscience, peace, and the source of love for so many. He “makes sense” in a world when some events make no sense and cause many people out there to feel demotivated, frustrated, powerless, confused, or that life is unfair or unkind.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

I need to give some background here before answering this question. I was not someone who went to church regularly or read the bible. Spirituality and religion were fields of no interest to me. I believed in God, but, at times, I felt he was a spirit that was separate from us. I was more inclined toward business management, and I had an entrepreneurial spirit. I lived a regular life. In 2012, I went through some major transformative experiences, which catapulted me into unknown territory and onto a spiritual path. This new path brought along the gift of writing. My newfound belief in God was the product of an organic experience — without outside influence. God’s powerful and undeniable presence in my life was definitely the beginning of my writing and is the factor that influences and impacts it every day.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from Eternal Love?

Love. I would like them to understand that love is real and a force that is needed abundantly in our world today. When we walk away from love, violence, unrest, and wars increase. It is paramount for people to understand that when we are quick to react with violence, we double the amount of violence in our world. When we respond in ways that address problems in nonviolent ways, we neutralize violence and therefore end it. It is a simple notion that has been echoed by many writers, philosophers, and mystics for centuries, including in modern times. It is a simple principle, sometimes difficult to uphold but always possible. My poems reflect the essence of principles that can guide my readers to understand what God thinks, how he feels about what is happening in our world today, and how we can solve these crises.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter

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Wrestling With Faith

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Weston Fields Author Interview

The Guardians of Kawts follows a young boy with a passion for books who must first face a harrowing ritual and the threat of execution before achieving his goal of apprenticing as a librarian. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

In my eighth grade English class, we had a unit on Dystopian books. Our primary text for the unit was Lois Lowry’s The Giver, but being an avid reader, it did not take me long to finish the book. As it turned out, this was a bit of a problem, because we had a big packet of worksheets that we needed to fill out along with the assigned readings. I talked with my teacher, and we decided that I would spend the rest of the unit reading other dystopian books from the library. As I was reading them, I began to see certain similarities between them (which, in hindsight, should not have been surprising). For some incomprehensible reason, I decided that I would write a dystopian book myself. And that’s where Kawts was born. In terms of the characters, though, a lot of them actually came from the super hero games me and my sisters would play growing up. Most of the named members of the rebellion were originally created by us for our games. It’s the combination of those two things that really laid the groundwork for The Guardians of Kawts.

How long did it take you to imagine, draft, and write the world your characters live in?

From that first idea to publication, it took about seven years. Granted, it wasn’t seven full years – after every round of editing on The Guardians of Kawts, I worked on other books in the series. One of those other drafts that was particularly impactful on the later stages of the book was a prequel focusing on the rebellion’s leader, Gearwire, and the origins of Kawts. A lot of the histories, characters, and events that I made for that were subsequently written back into the original book.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

As a committed Christian, it was important to me that in any fictional world that I created, Christian theology would be true. At the same time, I wanted to explore these questions of faith in a non-dogmatic way, letting the characters wrestle through such questions instead of simply “forcing” them to accept it. Because of this, a major theme in the book is wrestling with faith.

Another theme that was hugely important was the power of stories. In Kawts, there are some pretty heavy restrictions on books. These very books, however, end up being pivotal to the decision of several characters to resist the Council’s control. These stories are in conflict with the story that the Council tells, and it’s this tension that creates a lot of the troubles in Kawts.

I was especially taken with the emphasis on the importance of books. What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

In today’s world (especially in the United States, which is where I live), there is an awful lot of book banning going on right now. And in some ways, it makes a lot of sense. Stories are powerful things because they capture the imagination and the emotions, which tends to be much more effective at influencing people than a logical argument would be. But banning books that peddle a story you don’t like is only going to lead to more conflict; not unity.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

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