Two Over Easy All Day Long

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Two Over Easy All Day Long, by Shari Lane, is a compelling fiction story that follows the journey of Giles Anthony Gibson, the president of ABC (America’s Best Company) Toys in New York City. Inheriting the business from his father, Tony’s life takes a dramatic turn when a child tragically chokes on one of ABC’s toys, leading to Tony being sentenced to a year of community service in the small town of Motte and Bailey, Oregon. There, he is forced to work a minimum wage job at the Sunnyside Up diner as part of his reparation for negligence. As Tony grapples with his new reality, his journey takes an unexpected twist when a dead body is discovered in the diner’s dumpster, thrusting him into an unforeseen and harrowing situation.

The narrative captivates with its richly drawn characters who work at the Sunnyside Up diner. The diverse and colorful cast of employees forms a tight-knit community, providing mutual support and camaraderie through various challenges. The long-time employees’ warm acceptance of newcomers, including Tony, adds depth to the story, highlighting the power of community and belonging. Each character’s backstory and path to the diner are thoughtfully explored, enriching the overall narrative. Tony’s character arc is particularly engaging. Initially portrayed as passive and directionless, his experiences in Motte and Bailey gradually transform him. He stumbles through numerous missteps but ultimately learns valuable lessons about himself and others from different walks of life. This personal growth is a testament to the profound impact of his time in Oregon, offering him a renewed perspective that extends beyond his year of service.

While the book predominantly employs third-person past tense from Tony’s viewpoint, several sections intriguingly switch to third-person present tense, each titled with egg names rather than traditional chapter numbers. This narrative choice, though unconventional, adds a unique flavor to the storytelling, although its purpose may not be immediately clear to all readers.

One intriguing aspect of the plot is Tony’s unexpected decision to become involved in a cover-up rather than reporting a crucial discovery. This surprising twist adds complexity to his character, presenting a challenging scenario that pushes him to confront his moral boundaries. While this action diverges from the straightforward path of redemption, it introduces a layer of tension and growth, ultimately enriching his journey and highlighting the nuances of his transformation.

Two Over Easy All Day Long is a thought-provoking and heartwarming read that explores themes of accountability, personal growth, and the power of community. Shari Lane’s storytelling offers a vivid and engaging experience, despite a few narrative choices that may not resonate with every reader.

Pages: 286 | ASIN : B0D1ZMPL9J

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