Day: May 28, 2024

Cult Classic by Stephen Blackmoore

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Cult Classic by Stephen Blackmoore is the ninth and final audiobook of the gritty Eric Carter urban fantasy series. Narrated by Rudy Sanda, Eric is hunting the Oracle of Las Vegas. Time magic, a cult and a spell to raise the dead have our necromancer very busy in this addictive story.

Cult Classic by Stephen Blackmoore

Cult Classic
by Stephen Blackmoore
Series: Eric Carter #9
Narrator: Rudy Sanda
Length: 9 hours and 38 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

The ninth book of this dark urban fantasy series follows necromancer Eric Carter through a world of vengeful gods and goddesses, mysterious murders, and restless ghosts.

Eric Carter has a lot on his plate.

He’s hunting the Oracle of Las Vegas, a literal talking head that manipulates the future to make its prophecies come true. But it has a new trick. It can change the past, too.

Now Jazz Age Los Angeles is invading the present. Long gone buildings suddenly restored, decommissioned Red Car trains appearing on paved over tracks, miles of the city changing back to orange groves.

Throw in a hundred-year-old doomsday cult, time magic, and a terrifyingly powerful spell to raise the dead and it makes for a busy week. Carter knows the Oracle is behind it all but he can’t figure out how. Or why.

But he better figure it out soon or he, the city, and everyone he knows might be wiped from existence.

Cult Classic is noir urban fantasy at its finest, with a cutting voice, sharp wit, and a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

magical Mythology snarky urban

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I devoured Cult Classic the minute I downloaded it. We are still chasing the Oracle of Las Vegas, basically a talking head that Eric and others created. It was designed to manipulate the future, only now it’s changing the past. This installment is action-packed and fast-paced, with twists, time-slips and trouble around every corner.

Eric has an interesting group of allies and others he has persuaded to assist him. He will need all the help he can get. Because of these friendships, bargains with gods, resurrections and more, I recommend you start this series from the beginning and listen in the order of their release. You’ll appreciate the character growth and romance that unexpectedly develops.

I love Blackmoore’s blend of noir and the gritty character Eric Carter. He’s flawed and the perfect anti-hero. This may be the last book, but I loved Janna, the chronomancer who was introduced. The author created a great storyline and weaved in mythology into this series. It was brilliant and well done. I truly am sad to see it end. The series wrapped up well, closing threads while leaving the door open to revisit. I am hoping the audiobooks which published in the past year bring new listeners and readers to the series.

Rudy Sanda narrates the series and did a stellar job of bringing Eric to life, as well as the other characters. He enhanced the author’s story from tone to unique voices. I highly recommend listening.

Amazon | Audible

About Stephen Blackmoore

Stephen Blackmoore

Stephen Blackmoore is the author of the noir / urban fantasy Eric Carter series (DEAD THINGS, BROKEN SOULS, HUNGRY GHOSTS, and FIRE SEASON), about a necromancer in modern-day Los Angeles.

About Rudy Sanda

Rudy Sanda

Rudy Sanda is a versatile actor, singer, voice-over artist, and fight choreographer. He has acted all over the United States and England on the stage and screen, including Laguna Playhouse, Ivoryton Playhouse, the Colonial Theatre, and Ocean State Theatre. Rudy holds a BFA in acting from the University of Rhode Island and received further training at the Beverly Hills Playhouse in Los Angeles and RATA in London. He has been described as a powerful, deeply connected presence bursting with charm and enthusiasm.

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Two Over Easy All Day Long

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Two Over Easy All Day Long, by Shari Lane, is a compelling fiction story that follows the journey of Giles Anthony Gibson, the president of ABC (America’s Best Company) Toys in New York City. Inheriting the business from his father, Tony’s life takes a dramatic turn when a child tragically chokes on one of ABC’s toys, leading to Tony being sentenced to a year of community service in the small town of Motte and Bailey, Oregon. There, he is forced to work a minimum wage job at the Sunnyside Up diner as part of his reparation for negligence. As Tony grapples with his new reality, his journey takes an unexpected twist when a dead body is discovered in the diner’s dumpster, thrusting him into an unforeseen and harrowing situation.

The narrative captivates with its richly drawn characters who work at the Sunnyside Up diner. The diverse and colorful cast of employees forms a tight-knit community, providing mutual support and camaraderie through various challenges. The long-time employees’ warm acceptance of newcomers, including Tony, adds depth to the story, highlighting the power of community and belonging. Each character’s backstory and path to the diner are thoughtfully explored, enriching the overall narrative. Tony’s character arc is particularly engaging. Initially portrayed as passive and directionless, his experiences in Motte and Bailey gradually transform him. He stumbles through numerous missteps but ultimately learns valuable lessons about himself and others from different walks of life. This personal growth is a testament to the profound impact of his time in Oregon, offering him a renewed perspective that extends beyond his year of service.

While the book predominantly employs third-person past tense from Tony’s viewpoint, several sections intriguingly switch to third-person present tense, each titled with egg names rather than traditional chapter numbers. This narrative choice, though unconventional, adds a unique flavor to the storytelling, although its purpose may not be immediately clear to all readers.

One intriguing aspect of the plot is Tony’s unexpected decision to become involved in a cover-up rather than reporting a crucial discovery. This surprising twist adds complexity to his character, presenting a challenging scenario that pushes him to confront his moral boundaries. While this action diverges from the straightforward path of redemption, it introduces a layer of tension and growth, ultimately enriching his journey and highlighting the nuances of his transformation.

Two Over Easy All Day Long is a thought-provoking and heartwarming read that explores themes of accountability, personal growth, and the power of community. Shari Lane’s storytelling offers a vivid and engaging experience, despite a few narrative choices that may not resonate with every reader.

Pages: 286 | ASIN : B0D1ZMPL9J

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Price of Justice-The Jason Scarsdale Series

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Alan Brenham’s Pride of Justice is a gripping thriller that masterfully intertwines suspense, mystery, and legal drama. Brenham’s background as a law enforcement officer and attorney infuses the narrative with a sense of authenticity and realism, crafting a compelling story that captures the reader’s attention from the outset.

The plot centers on Detective Jason Scarsdale, a dedicated investigator who relentlessly pursues justice while grappling with personal struggles. His life becomes more complicated when he encounters Dani Mueller, a determined and enigmatic woman seeking her own form of justice. Their uneasy alliance forms the crux of the story as they work to solve a complex murder case, unearthing a labyrinth of dark secrets, deceit, and corruption. Brenham’s character development stands out. Scarsdale is portrayed as a complex individual, battling internal demons and moral dilemmas that give him depth and relatability. Dani Mueller is equally intriguing, with her secretive nature and personal vendetta keeping readers hooked and curious about her true motives. Their interactions are charged with tension and mutual distrust, adding another layer of complexity to the narrative. The plot is well-constructed, with carefully placed twists and turns that maintain the tension and pace. Brenham’s knowledge of investigative procedures adds gratifying credibility to the story through his meticulous attention to detail.

Pride of Justice offers a sophisticated exploration of justice, morality, and the lengths people will go to protect those they love. Fans of the genre will eagerly anticipate Brenham’s next work.

Pages: 348 | ASIN : B0CGPVL81Y

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Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family

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Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family, by Kathy Bolte, captures the precious bond between a pet and its family, a relationship often as deep as any other familial connection. Bolte’s narrative starts with the adoption of Ringo, tracing their shared experiences from joyous adventures to their eventual, inevitable parting. This book is more than a simple recounting of pet ownership; it’s an engaging, love-filled journey through life with Ringo, marked by vibrant anecdotes and moments of joy.

Bolte does not focus solely on Ringo; she paints a full picture of her life with multiple pets, both cats and dogs, detailing the family dynamics and the different personalities of each animal. Her writing brings us into the fold of her household, enriched with photographs that offer a glimpse into these cherished relationships. The inclusion of characters like Amanda, who possesses the ability to communicate with animals, adds a unique dimension to the narrative, deepening our understanding of the pets’ distinct traits. The prose is rich and evocative, effectively conveying the emotional landscape of living with and loving animals. It emphasizes themes of empathy and family unity. The story is beautifully told, with life lessons woven through the personal reflections and shared moments that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved a pet.

In Ringo’s Rainbow Journey, Kathy Bolte beautifully illustrates the multifaceted relationship between humans and their animal companions, capturing the essence of love, loss, and the indelible mark a pet leaves on a family. Her heartfelt storytelling invites readers into a world where pets are not just animals, but cherished family members with their own stories and personalities. This memoir not only shares the joy and challenges of pet ownership but also celebrates the unbreakable bonds that form along the way, leaving readers with a deeper appreciation for the creatures that enrich our lives.

Pages: 238 | ASIN : B0D3KB31WW

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A Sinister Love

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In A Sinister Love, by Spencer Hixon, we are introduced to Scribble, a demoness abruptly reassigned from her mundane clerical duties to a role she never anticipated: a Sinister on Earth. Tasked with tempting her assigned human, Paul, into sinning, Scribble struggles not from a lack of cunning, but because she tends to talk more than she tempts. Deciding that a physical presence might improve her odds, she assumes a succubus body with the help of her enigmatic new boss. As Scribble navigates her new form, she not only charms Paul into offering her a job but also grows unexpectedly close to him, leading to unforeseen emotional complications. Is her discomfort due to the new body, or could she be falling for a human?

Hixon’s portrayal of Scribble as an avid reader adds an unexpected layer of relatability to the demoness, making her journey from timidity to bravery quite compelling. Similarly, Paul is a thoughtfully crafted character whose struggles with mental health add depth and relevance to the narrative. The character of Rotworm is vividly realized—his sleazy demeanor is palpable, yet he delivers surprises that leave readers eager for more. While the novel excels in character development and a gripping plot, I feel that some areas seemed a bit underexplored and could benefit from further elaboration. Despite these minor gaps, this book remains a highly engaging read, especially for those who appreciate a blend of supernatural elements with human emotional dilemmas. Hixon’s work is a commendable addition to the genre, promising a level of intrigue that will keep readers looking forward to the next installment.

Spencer Hixon’s A Sinister Love masterfully blends the supernatural with the profoundly human, crafting a narrative that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant. Through the eyes of Scribble, a demoness finding her footing among humans, readers are treated to a story that challenges the traditional boundaries of genre fiction. This book is sure to delight those who enjoy tales of personal growth, supernatural intrigue, and the complexities of love, making it a worthy addition to any reader’s collection.

Pages: 344 | ASIN : B0D1F6FS5K

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I Have Questions

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J.A. McGovern Author Interview

Words Left Unspoken invites readers to immerse themselves in a richly crafted poetic world that reflects diverse experiences and insightsWhy was this an important collection of poetry for you to write?

Words Left Unspoken was an important collection to write because it was the first solo poetry collection I published outside of my first self-published literary anthology, Perception, which I published a year after I graduated college with all of my artistic friends at that time. I have been studying and writing for many years between: traditional verse, free verse, prose, and Japanese haiku, senryu, and tanka. I was extremely excited my wonderful publisher, Anamcara Press, was interested in this collection which contained many diverse forms of poetry. My wife, Constance McGovern, was the first person to truly believe in our artistic journey together, the stories and messages I created, and encouraged me to take my poetry and writing out of my backpack, and start submitting to publishers aside from publishing in literary magazines and journals. For every artist, there is an: understanding, patient, compassionate, empathetic, and loving wife or husband standing by the artist’s side to cry in darkness and cheer in light, together. Connie is my inspiration who helped pull me out of dark times where my poetry reflected much of my feelings and lead me to lighter and brighter moments. Words Left Unspoken is dedicated to my wife, Constance McGovern. 

Altogether, Words Left Unspoken, took over fifteen years to write, curate, and publish from the past twenty plus years of writing poetry. Words Left Unspoken was created to help readers embark on a journey and reflection through the human experience. There are so many questions we internalize in fear of being criticized either by our peers or society who is controlling our peer’s thoughts. I wanted to raise questions and create poetic stories and journeys from many different perspectives, in hopes to help build an awareness for others to begin their own personal explorations searching for: empathy, compassion, silent moments, adventure, spirituality, wisdom, and love. These particular themes are crafted through the different pieces along with other important ones such as: anger and hatred, admiration and respect, anti-war and peaceful moments, daily mantras, truth and deceit, heartbreak and laughter, abuse and sex, alcoholism and drug abuse.

Every written piece in Words Left Unspoken weaves and intertwines into one single story after the back cover closes, to create a poetic collection which mirrors the reader to question themselves. Perhaps, personally in their life, they haven’t physically or emotionally experienced what each character(s) has within the particular piece; however, that shouldn’t stop one from reading about the message of the poem to gain insight and understanding to gain wisdom and change for the better because personal identity and how you treat the next living creature is important. 

Most of all, I created Words Left Unspoken because I have questions, many of them – similarly, as everyone else does. Not one living creature on this planet or in society has all of the answers and that’s ok, this is the magnificent beauty to life and knowing limited allocated time to understand ourselves is vital. Even though I don’t know someone’s journey, no matter if it’s challenging or easy, whatever the circumstance – I encourage all readers to participate in an open and honest dialogue with the other person, to learn it’s ok for them to not have similar thoughts and feelings, at the end we are all imperfect and that’s ok. I only hope we’re all imperfect, as human, with an open mind and an honest heart.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

The vast array of people I have met along this journey, formed relationships with, over the past twenty years have made significant contributions to my writing and the stories I create. I believe personal relationships are so important and they come and go in seasons – some seasons never end and others, after a certain amount of time, come to a close. The importance is to recognize the lessons to learn from mistakes made and the positive wonderful moments shared during the particular season within the relationship. Some examples of significant impacts on my life which inspired stories within my writing: the beautiful awkwardness of late teens into slowly discovering your voice in early twenties and interacting at these specific moments in time of young love, heart break, friends going to war, comprehending different forms of sex in all its wonder, discovering cherished moments of forming one or two true friendships you will have for life and protecting them. Other significant impacts stemmed from: embarking on adventurous road trips to different towns I never heard of, everyday travels walking city streets and observing, relaxing with a drink and company in different night clubs, catching flights to new cities I always wanted to visit, and traveling to different countries to experience and converse to learn about other cultures and lifestyles.

While in college: the students, security guards, professors, even meal staff (I used to cater to make extra money while going to college, aside from studying and teaching swim lessons at the school pool because I was a water safety instructor/lifeguard) I interacted with during college had an impact with my writing and the person I am today. Each person I came in contact with, took the time to listen and exchange stories and ideals, showed me there are so many different and beautiful ways to live existence – there is not one mold and not one way of thought and how life should be. The writing groups with our school’s poetry club and other activities I’ve been involved with such as: mask and foil/theater, gospel choirs, and musical productions have provided me with the opportunity to expand my mindset and thought processes with an honest and open mind.

The different jobs I’ve worked from high school through college and after college: construction, catering, a medical call center service representative (a glorified secretary), driving a facility service truck, working as an analytical inorganic chemist – all have exposed me to various life experiences and discussions. I’ve learned so much through daily conversations and the many differences not only between hobbies and activities most people in each field like to do in their free time, but the different types of literature they consume and don’t, to the different mindsets and thought processes they contain. So many of the people I have interacted with I have formed life long memories and bonds which are sprinkled throughout my writing not only from: friends I have grown up with, friends who have immigrated to the United States in hopes of a better future, friends from high school, friends from college, friends from different work environments, and friends I write with internationally; all have had an impact with the poems I create.

The most important impact on my writing is the day I met my future wife casting her in Atlantic City for my first successfully completed independent film, “All Over Again.” Connie helped me learn not only how to stand on my own two feet, to stand strong and steadfast when standing up for what is right, and never stop walking forward even when the level of difficulty and struggles feel overwhelming and impossible; she has provided true love between us and nurturing admiration, patience, and never-ending support with our independent film work together and the books I publish. Connie has been by my side supporting me through the darkest days when I was alone, continue pushing forward through a failing film production business which derailed our lives together to come out, not only ok but an even stronger and smarter team. Through her love and support Connie helped me leave my self-destructive lifestyle behind to find my focus and work through all my personal and professional traumas to continue pursuing artistic endeavors and fulfill ambitions. 

What is one thing that people point out after reading your book that surprises you?

I’ve noticed after creating art through: writing poetry, writing novels, songwriting, and creating independent films – as a whole, in reference to my work, the audience either likes the piece or doesn’t, there’s very few thoughts in between. I don’t create for a specific audience; I always create for myself. Usually, even if someone is experiencing my work, and perhaps doesn’t like the message, they find the journey entertaining. I look at my creative endeavors as a legacy I want to be proud of, carefully constructing and building a solid foundation of work, which I will leave behind after I’m gone.

What surprises me the most with Words Left Unspoken, in particular for reactions – so far critics, competitions, and general audiences have enjoyed the collection in its entirety. I have received a couple thoughts where the collection wasn’t the readers type of book too; however, they enjoyed the writing, language, techniques, and overall respect the time, dedication, thought, and drive it took to create Words Left Unspoken. A few readers who don’t like poetry at all have expressed they love my style of writing and how I create stories where they feel they’re experiencing all the emotions the different characters are within the poems.

Overall, the feedback from reading Words Left Unspoken have been positive, many readers have asked when my next book will be released and what type of book to expect. Also, readers have been able to identify with at least one message and different characters throughout the collection; most importantly the book has generated outside discussions and thoughts after the last page is read. This is how I know I did my job as a writer – inspiring conversations between readers, from the variety of themes, who have read Words Left Unspoken or with other people who haven’t even opened it yet. In my eyes this is the greatest accomplishment I could achieve: open dialogue with my characters, messages, and themes – this is why the past fifteen to twenty years of struggle was worth it and if I’m lucky enough to have more conversations generated from my work over the next fifteen to twenty years, I would be forever grateful to my supporters.  

What is your next book, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

At the moment, I’m focused on promoting Words Left Unspoken – my publisher, Anamcara Press, has submitted this project to The National Book Award for Poetry, The Griffin Poetry Prize, The National Book Critics Circle Awards for Poetry, and The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry; along with many more upcoming competitions.

Also, I’m an independent filmmaker and will be promoting my new film “Is This the Bed We Lie In?” on the film festival circuit this coming year while I complete post-production for another film, “Inside Jonathan Fox.” My wife, Constance McGovern, and I plan on creating a spoken word album with my filmmaking sound designer, Matthew Amadio, for Words Left Unspoken to submit for consideration: Best Spoken Word Album at The Grammy’s, along with submitting a new music video, “All Over Again,” my production team created from our original award winning and critically acclaimed short film, “All Over Again.”

I have been putting together another poetry collection and I have been in discussions for publication of my novel, “Even Angels Wear Leather Jackets and Ride Motorcycles.” 

I would like to take a moment and give my love and appreciation to everyone who has taken a chance and purchased or read Words Left Unspoken. Your time and energy reading the pages is the greatest gift you could ever give me in return and I appreciate all your love and support through the years following this artistic journey. I’m eternally grateful for you and I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy this future read. 

Author Links: GoodReads | X | Facebook

Discover life’s untold stories through J.A. McGovern’s evocative poetry. Walk city streets, bask in meadows, and journey through spirituality, love, and adventure in Words Left Unspoken.
Finalist: Amity Literary Prize, 2023

The reader is invited to embark on a poetic odyssey through life’s complexities in Words Left Unspoken—an exploration of silence, wisdom, and universal resonance.
Would you like to take a walk through the inner city, lie down in a sunny meadow, savour time with nature and family? All these moments, and more, are captured within J.A. McGovern’s debut poetry collection.
McGovern’s poems urge us to take to the road for wild adventures, to question ideas of life and death, and to learn through another’s eyes and experiences.
More than a compilation of verse, McGovern’s work is a profound exploration of the silent struggles that resonate within us all, compelling readers to listen and truly understand the echoes of a world yearning to be heard.
J.A. McGovern’s diverse experiences create a rich tapestry of moments, urging readers to explore life’s complexities, question ideas, and listen to the profound echoes of universal struggles. As a multifaceted creator with recognition in various mediums, McGovern’s debut collection promises a unique blend of intellectual depth, artistic prowess, and a fresh perspective in the world of poetry.

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