We Need to Connect With God

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C. Peggy Atoche Author Interview

Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind explores a rich tapestry of themes, including nature, love, faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write Eternal Love?

To me, it was more of a calling, an organic experience with God that inspired me to write these poems. The commentaries were written alongside some of the poems in order to provide clarity and answer questions people might have as they navigate through the reading of these verses.

It’s been a very long, arduous, and extensive journey from the initial experiences all the way to the publishing of this book. In the end, the idea is to have people feel positive, inspired, healed, and/or connected.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this anthology?

Our world is hurting right now and has been for many years. Levels of violence, stress, and uncertainty seem to be on the rise. The main idea I wanted to share with people is that we need to connect with God more than ever before. As we find ourselves feeling sad, angry, hopeless, or empty, I think it is of the utmost importance to connect with something that will bring fulness to our lives — a light, a warmth, a sense of order, certainty, and clarity, and a steadiness we all seem to be seeking now.

God is certainty, reason, the voice of conscience, peace, and the source of love for so many. He “makes sense” in a world when some events make no sense and cause many people out there to feel demotivated, frustrated, powerless, confused, or that life is unfair or unkind.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

I need to give some background here before answering this question. I was not someone who went to church regularly or read the bible. Spirituality and religion were fields of no interest to me. I believed in God, but, at times, I felt he was a spirit that was separate from us. I was more inclined toward business management, and I had an entrepreneurial spirit. I lived a regular life. In 2012, I went through some major transformative experiences, which catapulted me into unknown territory and onto a spiritual path. This new path brought along the gift of writing. My newfound belief in God was the product of an organic experience — without outside influence. God’s powerful and undeniable presence in my life was definitely the beginning of my writing and is the factor that influences and impacts it every day.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from Eternal Love?

Love. I would like them to understand that love is real and a force that is needed abundantly in our world today. When we walk away from love, violence, unrest, and wars increase. It is paramount for people to understand that when we are quick to react with violence, we double the amount of violence in our world. When we respond in ways that address problems in nonviolent ways, we neutralize violence and therefore end it. It is a simple notion that has been echoed by many writers, philosophers, and mystics for centuries, including in modern times. It is a simple principle, sometimes difficult to uphold but always possible. My poems reflect the essence of principles that can guide my readers to understand what God thinks, how he feels about what is happening in our world today, and how we can solve these crises.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/05/22/we-need-to-connect-with-god/

Categories: Uncategorized

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