Finding Messi: The Miracle Cat From Kyiv

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Finding Messi: The Miracle Cat From Kyiv, by Trevor Ostfeld and Iryna Chernyak, is a touching and poignant tale that centers around the bond between an eleven-year-old girl, Iryna, and her cat, Messi, set against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Iryna and her mother are forced to flee their home in Kyiv, they face the heart-wrenching decision to leave Messi behind. The story unfolds with Iryna’s relentless efforts to reunite with her beloved pet, showcasing themes of resilience, hope, and the power of community in times of crisis.

The writing is straightforward yet evocative, capturing the emotional turmoil of displacement through a child’s perspective. The authors effectively convey Iryna’s fear, confusion, and determination, making it easy for readers to empathize with her journey. The narrative is interspersed with tender moments, such as Iryna hiding soccer balls for Messi to find while she’s away, which highlights the deep bond between the girl and her pet. This personal touch adds a layer of warmth and humanity to the story, making the impact of the war on families all the more tangible.

One of the standout aspects of the book is its ability to address complex and heavy topics like war and displacement in a manner that is accessible to young readers. The illustrations by Katherine Blackmore complement the text beautifully, providing visual context that enhances the storytelling. For example, the scenes depicting Messi’s adventures and the family’s journey are both heartwarming and heartbreaking, helping to bridge the gap between the narrative and the young audience’s understanding.

The book succeeds in educating readers about the realities of war without overwhelming them with its harshness. While the simplicity of the writing is a strength, I feel it also occasionally glosses over the more profound emotional and psychological impacts of the events. I believe the book could have delved deeper into the internal struggles of the characters, particularly Iryna, to provide a more rounded exploration of their experiences.

Finding Messi is a heartfelt and inspiring story that sheds light on the human side of geopolitical conflicts. It is particularly suitable for young readers, offering them a gentle introduction to the themes of war, family, and perseverance. The book would be an excellent read for children who enjoy stories about pets and adventures, as well as for those who might benefit from understanding the experiences of children in war-torn regions. It is a commendable addition to children’s literature by Ostfeld and Chernyak and stands as a vital and touching narrative that will resonate with readers of all ages.

Pages: 56 | ASIN : B0CVLYX164

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