Day: May 18, 2024

In the Heart of Bahia

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For Americans trying to understand Brazilian history, it may help to think of Brazil’s North as akin to the American South and the Brazilian South as resembling our North. It was in Brazil’s coastal Northeast, more than a century before Jamestown, that the Portuguese established their first permanent settlements. In colonial times a plantation-based monoculture […]

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Second Hand News

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Partway through David Adjmi’s new narrative play, Stereophonic, five musicians and singers, assembled behind a recording studio’s glass window, workshop their new material live on stage. They start and stop, allowing the flame of their artistry to die out and reignite as they try out ideas. Awash in Jiyoun Chang’s immaculate lighting design, the band […]

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A Dystopian Future

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Reginald Andah Author Interview

A New Dawn follows a soldier in training who is placed into cryostasis only to awaken to a world where Earth is a warzone with entities intent on wiping out all humans. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I wanted to give readers an insight into what would happen to us as a society if we continued to put our trust, fate, and livelihoods into institutions and entities that don’t have the best intentions for us. The only way I could do that was to create a story where I gave the audience a glimpse into a future where humanity did nothing to stop the corruption happening in our present day. Cryostasis has been a topic spoken about for years and research centers put forth effort to this day to make it a reality if they haven’t already. Celebrities have also spoken about such a method to preserve their body this way to live longer. Also, since I wanted the story to be as grounded as possible for readers to relate, cryostasis seemed to be the way to go to set the story into a dystopian future.

When Xander emerges from his cryostasis, he is immersed in a world he no longer recognizes and must adapt without all his memories. What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Our memories make up who we are. It reveals our past experiences, the decisions we’ve made, and the relationships we were able to form with others. Without it, who are we? This is the question I wanted to answer through Xander and other characters within the story. By approaching the narrative in this way with the characters, there would be no doubt for readers who everyone is since without the memories, it reveals who an individual is at their core. For example, Valeria is innocent and naive at heart, looking for a male role model and companion to fill the void her father created in her life. Joselyn wants to make sure the love she and her husband once shared is never lost again. By preserving it, she feels she is honoring the bond they once had, which is why she takes such a liking to Xander and Leona. With Xander, I wanted to show that even though he didn’t have the most fulfilling past, he still had the chance to change himself and the world through his actions. No matter how small the steps he took, he was still able to take the step without the past holding him down as he decided to step forward and be there for others. I believe a lot of people can learn from this concept.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One of the overall themes was that we all have a role to play when it comes to the degradation or success of society. Each individual plays a role that affects others throughout their life. Valeria, for instance, still has PTSD from what happened in her past with her father, mother, grandmother, bullies, and brothers. All of these people shared a residual effect on this one person’s life. Also, through Xander, you see that Valeria’s big brother, Henry, affected many people’s lives both in life and death. If Henry hadn’t made the sacrifices he did for everyone, Xander wouldn’t have been able to retrieve an artifact capable of turning the tide of the war, and he would’ve died. Not to mention, everyone else in space would’ve perished on the ships months later without a fighting chance against the entities on Earth. This is true in real life as every decision we make connects us in some fashion or form. There are a lot of other themes to explore throughout the novel, including religious ones, but taking accountability and being conscious of the decisions we make every day, no matter how small, plays a huge part in how our society becomes. That’s the main theme I wanted audiences to take away from this book.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This is indeed the first book in the series. I originally wanted it only to be two books but based on how the story is going as I’m continuing to write, it may be four books. We’ll see. Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact date or estimate of when the next one will come out as of now. I’ve been doing a lot such as getting my master’s, taking care of my family, and finding a job; hopefully, as a creative writing professor. I’m hoping to be done with the manuscript at least for the next book by the end of this year. I also do music on the side. In fact, I made a soundtrack for this book that can be found on music sites such as these featured on this link:

For the sequel, due to how it ended, it will feature both perspectives of Xander and Leona. Readers will get to see why Leona made the decisions she did which could end up playing a huge factor later in the story. Fans will also see how Xander copes with the current situation the rest of his comrades are in and how they move forward with every negative force attacking them from all sides. New characters will be introduced as well, which will reveal the ones really behind the war, setting up for the final arcs after this sequel. I thank everyone for being on this journey with me. The more support you give, the more time I can dedicate to writing this story. I hope you all enjoy it!

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Amid over a decade-long war, Xander Williams finds himself as a soldier-in-training in what’s left of the current military. After several months in cryostasis, he awakens to a new reality. As he discovers the modern world that has befallen him, survivors left to fight live on ships in space, since Earth has turned into a warzone, plagued by vile beings. These entities are bent on life’s annihilation. The light humanity once had turns dim, and their faith is tested like none before. Everyone’s memories, serving as the last connections to the world they once knew, are vague, including Xander’s. One person he cares about is a woman named Leona who gives him the strength to live. The only thing they know for certain is the way they feel for one another. However, as their memories return and the history of the war reveals itself, not everyone and everything are who they appear to be—especially each other.

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A Tool for Healing

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“Prince” Jason O’Neal Williams Author Interview

God Got Me Too is a collection of poems narrating the poignant journey of a man who is grappling with depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. What was the inspiration for this collection of poetry?

I found inspiration in God. Despite battling depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety since childhood, writing poetry has been my solace. Poetry allows me to navigate my past and present. It is a gift from God, a tool for healing.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Faith, morality, redemption and spiritual growth.
Self-love and Self-worth.
Living a virtuous life and finding inner peace.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

I remember when life felt unbearable, pushing me to the brink. But writing became my lifeline, pulling me from the darkness and into the light. It inspired me to embrace life again, filling each page with hope and healing.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from God Got Me Too?

Embrace difficult experiences as opportunities for growth. Remember you are not alone. God’s love surrounds you through every challenge. Stay strong, have faith, and trust that better days are ahead. You are cherished and supported through it all.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

Difficult experiences and problems are a constant part of life. However, take solace in the fact that God is with you and me, providing strength and guidance. Trust in His plan and remain steadfast, knowing that He will see us through every challenge we face.

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Embracing Differences

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Wanda Reyes Author Interview

In Valentino’s Purpose, young readers learn to celebrate diversity and uniqueness alongside a lively Goldendoodle preparing to become a service dog. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Valentino, my own PTSD service dog, he was the heart and soul of this story. He was truly extraordinary. He wore clothes and shoes and had a personality that was almost human. He had a heart of gold and touched so many lives. The idea of using him to teach children about embracing differences came naturally.

Valentino was different. He wore clothes, which made him stand out. He was a service dog, a role that not all dogs play. This made him a perfect example for young readers to understand that being different isn’t just okay, it’s something to celebrate.

What character did you enjoy writing for most?

Valentino because he was more than just a service dog. He was my best friend, my confidant, and a constant source of love and support. He taught me so much about resilience, compassion, and the importance of embracing differences. I’m so grateful for the time I had with him, and I hope his story will inspire others to be kind and accepting.

The illustrations in your book are fantastic. Can you share with us a little about your collaboration with illustrator Lilly Walther?

The vibrant colors and charming characters in Valentino’s Purpose are a testament to the incredible collaboration between myself and illustrator Lilly Walther. It all began when Lilly, one of Valentino’s 3,500 Instagram followers, reached out after I shared my dream of writing a book. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and it was clear she wanted to be a part of this creative journey. From the very start, we knew we had a special connection. I envisioned a world filled with bright, happy colors, and Lilly’s talent perfectly captured that vision. We spent countless hours discussing the characters, the settings, and the overall atmosphere we wanted to create. My artistic knowledge, combined with Lilly’s incredible skill, resulted in illustrations that not only brought the story to life but also added a layer of depth and emotion.

Can young readers look forward to seeing more from Valentino in the future? What are you currently working on?

With five new Valentino books poised for publication, the future of my beloved Valentino is bright. Readers can anticipate a world of new adventures, unexpected twists, and the enduring power of storytelling that has captivated audiences from the very beginning.

My goal is to create stories that not only entertain but also inspire.

I want young readers to feel empowered to face their own challenges and to believe that anything is possible.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

“Valentino’s Purpose” is a heartwarming children’s book that brings to life an inspiring tale of diversity, self-expression, and acceptance. Through the journey of Valentino, a service dog with a flair for fashion, young readers are introduced to the beauty of being unique and the importance of embracing our differences. This enchanting story offers several benefits for children:

Celebrating Diversity: Valentino’s adventures teach children to appreciate and celebrate the differences in themselves and others. It’s a colorful reminder that our uniqueness is what makes us special.
Building Confidence: As Valentino confidently sports his stylish clothes, children learn the importance of self-expression and being true to themselves, encouraging them to stand tall in their uniqueness.
Promoting Empathy: The story highlights the impact of kindness and understanding, fostering empathy in young readers as they witness Valentino’s encounters with bullying and how he responds with forgiveness and friendship.
Encouraging Friendship and Inclusion: Valentino and his friends exemplify the joy of inclusive friendships, showing how accepting each other’s differences can lead to strong bonds and fun adventures.
Inspiring Resilience: The narrative teaches resilience in the face of adversity. Despite initial challenges, Valentino’s positive attitude and his mother’s wise words help him overcome obstacles and inspire others.

Join Valentino on his delightful journey where fashion, fun, and a big heart come together to spread a message of love, acceptance, and the joy of being oneself. “Valentino’s Purpose” is not just a story-it’s a celebration of every child’s unique sparkle.

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Gumshoe Goes to a Quinceanera

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Gumshoe Goes to a Quinceañera spins an intriguing yarn around an unexpected protagonist, a reincarnated detective turned Siamese cat, Gumshoe, who assists his teenage witch companion, Mia. The story begins with a mysterious murder at a quinceañera, and Gumshoe, in his feline form, leverages his past life’s detective instincts to untangle the case. Set in a small town rife with secrets and imbued with the mystical, author Laura Hawks weaves a narrative that is as much a coming-of-age tale for Mia as it is a murder mystery.

Hawks’ writing style in Gumshoe Goes to a Quinceañera is not only engaging but also accessible, making it a perfect choice for a light and enjoyable read. The first-person perspective of Gumshoe adds a unique and humorous touch to the mystery.

The character of Gumshoe is a delightful surprise. Hawks skillfully brings to life a character type that I have never seen in mystery novels: a detective trapped in a cat’s body. This whimsical concept adds a layer of fun and unpredictability to the story.

Gumshoe Goes to a Quinceañera is an entertaining and lighthearted young adult mystery novel that stands out for its creative premise and the charm of its feline detective. I feel this book will particularly appeal to readers who enjoy cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist and younger audiences looking for a blend of magic and mystery.

Pages: 98 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CHQ3ZZTG

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No More Lies (The Jason Scarsdale Series Book 3)

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Alan Brenham’s thriller No More Lies dives into a web of deception, betrayal, and suspense that captivates from the first page. The story unfurls with Dani Mueller, a lawyer whose life spirals into chaos when her husband, Jason, disappears under mysterious circumstances. Packed with unexpected twists, the narrative delves into the complexities of trust and truth within a marriage shadowed by tragedy.

Brenham’s prose is crisp and engaging, making it easy to get lost in the unfolding drama. His ability to craft multi-dimensional characters, particularly Dani, whose resilience and sharp mind are as compelling as they are believable, stands out. While I enjoyed the story, I felt that the pacing occasionally felt rushed, especially during key revelations that made me yearn for more.

The novel’s exploration of grief and its impact on personal relationships adds a deeper layer to the mystery. Brenham handles the sensitive topic with nuance, presenting it not just as a backdrop but as a catalyst for the unfolding events. This approach enriches the characters’ motivations, especially as the plot veers into the darker territories of the human psyche.

No More Lies concludes on a note that is both satisfying and thought-provoking, leaving readers to ponder the moral implications of the characters’ choices. This ending is a testament to Brenham’s skill in not only plotting a gripping mystery but also in sparking deeper reflection.

I recommend this book to fans of psychological thrillers and anyone interested in stories that probe the complexities of human relationships under stress. Brenham’s blend of suspenseful narrative and emotional depth will particularly appeal to readers who appreciate character-driven mysteries.

Pages: 321 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CLYSJXWD

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