Day: May 16, 2024

This Too Shall Pass

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Dave Lassam Author Interview

Meet Dave Lassam, the Man for the Job shares with readers your story of spending 39 years in the Royal Australian Navy and the things you learned and experienced during that time. Why was this an important book for you to write?

It stemmed from many of my civilian friends who had listened to my stories when I had returned from different places. I would often be away for some years and would chat to all my mates in the dog showing world. Many extolled me to write it. Also, I developed PTSD from years of dealing with trauma and loss of comrades, so I found this cathartic but also I needed to talk about it to hopefully help other Defence personnel realise that PTSD itself can be treated. 

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were younger?

Remember, this too shall pass….. many times I felt that things were too tough and I was ready to give up but I never did. If they had given that advice, I perhaps might have had a somewhat easier life. But I wouldn’t change any of it. I am who I am today because of what I got through.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

There would be many I hope, but the main one would be to never give up. I chose a pretty tough yet exciting and sometimes dangerous career but the Navy was my family.  As in any Defence  Force, the comraderie one builds over time can never be broken and it will be there forever.

Author Website

In “Meet Dave Lassam, The Man for the Job: My 39 Years Service in the Royal Australian Navy,” readers are invited into the heart of the Royal Australian Navy through the eyes of a dedicated medic turned Medical Administration Officer. Spanning from the late 1970s to his discharge in 2016, Dave Lassam shares an unflinching account of life in the military, from the adrenaline of emergency medical situations to the quiet moments of deep camaraderie that define the essence of mateship.

This book is not just a collection of veteran war stories; it’s a deeply personal journey through the highs and lows of military missions. Lassam takes us on a ride along with his humanitarian missions in warzones, where the role of a warzone medic transcends the battlefield, offering hope and life-saving care in the midst of chaos. His vivid recounting of the Bali Bombings evacuation and leading medical teams in partnership with the US Navy across the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean encapsulates the global impact of the Royal Australian Navy’s commitment to peace and aid.

Beyond the missions, Lassam opens up about the internal battles many soldiers face upon their return home. Coping with PTSD and a diagnosis of prostate cancer, he lays bare the vulnerability of veterans navigating the transition from military to civilian life. His story is a testament to resilience, showcasing the struggles and triumphs of adjusting to a world outside the uniform while continuing to serve and support the community in meaningful ways.

Aimed at readers of all ages, from young adults to the elderly, especially veterans, “Meet Dave Lassam, The Man for the Job” transcends the genre of military memoirs. It’s a narrative that celebrates the spirit of service, the importance of mental health awareness, and the unbreakable bonds forged in the face of adversity. Through tales of attending car accidents, reviving heart attack victims, and delivering humanitarian aid in disaster zones, Lassam’s career is a compelling reminder of the impact one individual can have on the lives of many.

Whether you’re a seasoned military enthusiast or a newcomer to the stories of the Royal Australian Navy, this book offers a unique perspective on the sacrifices and achievements of those who serve. “Meet Dave Lassam, The Man for the Job” is more than a memoir; it’s an invitation to understand the courage, dedication, and humanity of our military personnel and the enduring legacy they leave in both the civilian and military spheres.

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