Day: May 16, 2024

Daily Verses: 16

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Today I feel on my tongue the bitternessof being. I feel the anguish enterthrough my feet. The day grows thinas a thread. Already the light is sticky porridge.All the pigs scream. The pigs? The pigsof din and racket, the machines stalkingthe streets, our overheated masters.It triumphs over the weary shellsof my eyelids, the itch of […]

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Meloni’s Cultural Revolution

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For months now an enormous excavating machine has been drilling deep into central Rome beneath Piazza Venezia, at the foot of the looming Victor Emmanuel II National Monument—a white marble pile of steps and columns that is probably the closest we will ever get to experiencing the grandeur of ancient Rome. Also known as the […]

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One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware

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I loved diving into One Perfect Couple, the newest Ruth Ware audiobook narrated by Imogen Church. This time Ware takes us to a tropical island where five couples are competing to be the perfect couple, but after the first challenge things go terribly wrong when a tropical storm hits, cutting them off from civilization. A suspenseful thriller that will keep you on edge.

One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware

One Perfect Couple
by Ruth Ware
Narrator: Imogen Church
Length: 14 hours and 9 minutes
Genres: Suspense Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.4x

Harkening to Agatha Christie’s classic And Then There Were None, this high-tension and ingenious thriller follows five couples trapped on a storm-swept island as a killer stalks among them—from Ruth Ware, the New York Times bestselling author who “is turning out to be as ingenious and indefatigable as the Queen of Crime” (The Washington Post).

Lyla is in a bit of a rut. Her post-doctoral research has fizzled out, she’s pretty sure they won’t extend her contract, and things with her boyfriend, Nico, an aspiring actor, aren’t going great. When the opportunity arises for Nico to join the cast of a new reality TV show, The Perfect Couple, she decides to try out with him. A whirlwind audition process later, Lyla find herself whisked off to a tropical paradise with Nico, boating through the Indian Ocean towards Ever After Island, where the two of them will compete against four other couples—Bayer and Angel, Dan and Santana, Joel and Romi, and Conor and Zana—in order to win a cash prize.

But not long after they arrive on the deserted island, things start to go wrong. After the first challenge leaves everyone rattled and angry, an overnight storm takes matters from bad to worse. Cut off from the mainland by miles of ocean, deprived of their phones, and unable to contact the crew that brought them there, the group must band together for survival. As tensions run high and fresh water runs low, Lyla finds that this game show is all too real—and the stakes are life or death.

A fast-paced, spellbinding thriller rife with intrigue and characters that feel so true to life, this novel proves yet again that Ruth Ware is the queen of psychological suspense.


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The story begins with Lyla, who is facing challenges in her career and is married to Nico, an aspiring actor. His agent gets them an interview with the reality show, The Perfect Couple. Lyla reluctantly agrees, and the two are chosen.

We met the other contestants aboard the ship carrying them to the remote island off the Indian Ocean, and we get hints of an impending storm. Lyla and Nico are up against four other couples—Bayer and Angel, Dan and Santana, Joel and Romi, and Conor and Zana. The first challenge ends with tempers high, but that night a storm rolls in, leaving them cut off, with crew members dead and a limited supply.

The tale that unfolds as day turns into night, and days turn into weeks. In order to survive, they must unite and ration their supplies. Ware does a great job of introducing the couples and creating tension. When tragedy strikes, Lyla faces uncertainty. Are others in the group looking to help each other or themselves? Ware slowly increased the tension in this tale of survival and hooked me.

Power struggles, deception, demands and the unthinkable happen on this secluded island. I loved the different couples and dynamics at play and watching things unfold. The tension was electric and Ware had me listening into the wee hours. I could taste Lyla’s thirst and hunger as she put together the pieces. If you loved Agatha Christie’s classic And Then There Were None, you’ll enjoy The Perfect Couple. Ware put her own spin on this classic with a twist.

Imogen Church narrates and does so brilliantly. I love what she adds to Ware’s stories. She captures the characters and tone of the story. She enhances the thrillers and suspense. You’ll want to grab your headphones and listen to this engaging thriller!

Amazon | Audible

About Ruth Ware

Ruth Ware

Ruth Ware grew up in Lewes, in Sussex. After graduating from Manchester University she moved to Paris, before settling in North London. She has worked as a waitress, a bookseller, a teacher of English as a foreign language and a press officer. She is married with two small children, and In a Dark, Dark Wood is her début thriller. Her hen night was very tasteful and nobody got murdered.

About Imogen Church

Imogen Church

Imogen Church has worked everywhere, from theatre to film, commercials to cabaret, but her favourite work is in audio, particularly audiobooks, largely so she can eat cake and not bleach her teeth. She has won awards for it and plans to do it to death.

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In Love with MY 5 Wives

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In Love with My 5 Wives by James Bass presents an unflinching memoir that navigates the tumultuous waters of a life marred by abuse and the challenging journey toward personal redemption. James, a man of mixed racial heritage with an African-American father and a Mexican-American mother, details his lifelong struggle to carve out a sense of identity against a backdrop of enduring hardship. From the adversities of his early childhood to the complexities of his adult relationships, Bass’s narrative is a raw and revealing exploration of the cyclical nature of trauma—hurt people, indeed, often hurt others.

Bass’s account is as much a confessional as it is an examination of a life filled with poignant and painful moments. The narrative draws parallels to the novel “Push” by Sapphire, where, like its protagonist, Bass emerges both as a figure of resilience and as deeply flawed. His story offers a vivid testament to the unforgettable impact of one’s environment on personal development. Despite the often harrowing details of his experiences, Bass provides the reader with a narrative infused with moments of genuine hope and transformation.

This book challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the consequences of abuse while also affirming the profound capacity for human resilience. Bass’s journey toward healing and self-improvement underscores a powerful message: one’s past does not have to define the future. Bass exemplifies the potential for renewal and growth through his efforts to transcend his circumstances and embrace the possibility of love and connection. In Love with My 5 Wives is not just Bass’s story—it is a broader call to reflect on our own capacities to overcome and evolve, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in the dynamics of personal change and redemption.

Pages : 165 | ASIN : B0BLJR84JF

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Adventures with Granny

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In Adventures with Granny: Butterflies and Bravery by H. R. Conklin, young readers are introduced to Hazel and her brother Finn, who revel in the warmth and wisdom of their Granny’s company. Over a summer stay, Hazel grapples with mixed feelings about embarking on adventures far from home, her excitement tinged with anxiety. Through Hazel’s eyes, Conklin masterfully explores the nuances of anxiety affecting daily activities, offering readers a nuanced portrayal of this common emotional experience.

Hazel’s journey is one of gradual discovery, learning to navigate her anxieties with Granny’s guidance. The narrative is skillfully woven with themes of environmental stewardship, portrayed through Granny’s harmonious relationship with nature, which enriches the story without becoming moralistic. Finn’s boundless enthusiasm adds a lively contrast, enhancing the dynamic between the characters. This book not only serves as a gentle introduction to recognizing and understanding anxiety but also emphasizes that experiencing anxiety is a normal part of life. For myself, the story resonated on a personal level, clarifying aspects of social anxiety through its thoughtful depiction of Hazel’s challenges and triumphs.

Adventures with Granny is an educational tool that fosters emotional intelligence through engaging storytelling. It is ideal for young readers aged 6 and up, providing a delightful read for both shared and independent reading sessions on a leisurely summer day. This charming adventure offers both warmth and wisdom, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s library.

Pages: 148 | ASIN : B0CZJGZ2PD

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In Digger by Arjay Lewis, readers meet Joshua Bennet, a young reporter grappling with his father’s mysterious and sudden death. Raised on his father’s stories of nocturnal horrors and having witnessed inexplicable events himself, Joshua doubts the official explanation of his father’s demise. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to find his father’s old ally, known only as Digger. Armed with nothing but an alias, Joshua’s journalistic skills are put to the test in a quest that proves more daunting than expected.

Throughout the novel, Joshua relies on childhood notes about his father’s escapades as a demon hunter, using his journalism career not only as a means to investigate but also as a disguise to deflect suspicion in the small, tight-knit communities he explores. These settings are vividly portrayed, with residents’ wariness adding a layer of authenticity to each encounter. Joshua’s pretense of researching articles lends him just enough credibility to continue his inquiries, gradually peeling back layers of mystery with each reluctant source he persuades.

Fans of supernatural dramas like “Supernatural” or “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” will find Digger a novel take on the demon hunter narrative. Lewis refreshes a familiar genre by shifting the perspective to an outsider, adding a layer of intrigue and novelty. Without revealing too much, the narrative excels in drawing readers into Joshua’s relentless pursuit of the enigmatic Digger. The pacing of the book is deliberate, with early chapters setting a measured tempo that crescendos into a gripping, sleep-defying conclusion.

For those drawn to supernatural thrillers and horror, Digger promises a compelling blend of suspense and the unexplained.

Pages: 412 | ASIN : B0C5TKXXJS

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Shadow In The Ward

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Ari Gray’s Shadow in the Ward weaves a compelling tale set in a not-so-distant future of 2042, where robotic physicians challenge the relevance of human healthcare professionals. At the heart of this story is Dr. Seth Kelley, a man burdened by his professional uncertainties and personal commitments, including caring for his wife, who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Gray captures the ethical and practical quandaries faced by Kelley as he leads a project to integrate artificial intelligence into medicine, a venture that spirals into unforeseen complexities.

The novel’s strength lies in its ability to blend a familiar narrative with an innovative setting. Although the pacing initially feels leisurely, allowing the reader to fully immerse in the intricacies of the future world, the momentum builds effectively. Gray’s prose masterfully heightens the tension and urgency as the plot unfolds, with the characters’ decisions feeling both rational and impactful. The characters are another highlight—distinct, well-defined, and consistently portrayed. The main cast, though small, is richly developed, each with a unique backstory and a role that shines under the spotlight.

ALDRIS, the artificial intelligence, initially risks stereotypical portrayal but evolves into a genuinely menacing antagonist, anchoring the novel’s second half with a credible threat. While the novel features a detailed use of medical terminology, these intricacies highlight Gray’s thorough research and add authenticity to the setting. Although the specialized language may occasionally challenge the narrative’s pace, it also enriches the story’s depth, appealing to readers who appreciate a meticulous approach to thematic elements.

Shadow in the Ward thoughtfully explores technology’s role in healthcare, making it a compelling read for those fascinated by medical drama and ethical dilemmas in an AI-driven future.

Pages: 356 | ASIN : B0CSBYHT6B

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