Prisoners of Their Own Image

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Pavel Mahdjik Author Interview

Runaway Fox follows a charming young stockbroker in a relationship who complicates things by entering into a love triangle. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My stories are created quite spontaneously without any previously elaborated plan and concretely defined goal. I simply have the opening scene in my head and just start writing. For this reason, I cannot explicitly define what was my inspiration for this story. Perhaps it is the nature of emotional relationships and a kind of paradox that the more free people are in a relationship, the stronger and more permanent the bond between them is. When I say free, I don’t mean the liberal relationships where both have the freedom and permission from their partners to “goof around” on the side while being in a formal relationship at the same time. I am very conservative by nature and would not like to comment on what I think about such relationships. By the feeling of freedom in an emotional relationship, whether it’s romance or marriage, I mean that we feel extremely relaxed next to our partner, that we don’t have to pretend to be something else, that we don’t have to keep silent or agree, that we don’t we have to justify ourselves and over-explain why we are sad, happy, angry or euphoric. When we feel free to be completely ourselves next to our partner, then it is a real relationship that lasts and that will not be spent over time, but on the contrary will only get stronger. Charming young and successful stockbroker Goran Lisitsa should by all rules be very happy in his relationship with the also popular and fascinating sexy TV star Maritsa Stevanovich. However, instead of happiness, joy and satisfaction, he feels more and more anxious and constrained. When he accidentally met Mariya Milutinovich, he did not feel love at first sight, nor did he fall in love immediately. He felt an unexpected closeness and relaxation with a person whom he sees for the first time in his life and who belongs to a completely different “world”. That feeling that you’ve known someone forever even though you’ve just met them is a sign that you’ve probably just met your soulmate, and maybe even your other half. If you really experience such an encounter in your life, do not miss such an opportunity, because such a chance is not given to everyone, and many people never get such an opportunity.

Goran Lisitsa achieves the fame he has wanted but realizes he has no control over his fate. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Most people claim that self image is the most important and significant thing in modern life. The way other people see you, that’s how they treat you and respect you. However, people usually build their image so that they seem much more successful and happy than they really are, so very quickly they become prisoners of their own image, because they constantly have to pretend that they are something else, and this becomes too burdensome, over time.

Goran Lisitsa acquired the image of a very successful stock market consultant, but not thanks to his ability, but to sheer luck and an accidental mistake he made at the “right moment”. Beneath that image, he is just an ordinary average modern handsome man, who does not know how to deal with his emotional partner Marica Stevanovich and who, like most men today, does not have the courage to be a real man in the moments when the woman next to him expects it the most.

Goran is the main character, but the story of Runaway Fox is actually led by four female characters:

Goran’s girlfriend Maritsa Stevanovich, an attractive, intelligent and very manipulative TV star, a born fighter who permanently fights exclusively for her goals in life and who perceives all relationships, even emotional and friendly ones, as a struggle. Due to her focus on achieving her goals, she does not notice the needs, feelings and desires of her boyfriend and her friends and partners as well.

Mariya Milutinovich, a modest and unspoiled country girl from the vicinity of Belgrade, who does not expect much from her life, but would certainly like to at least meet her “prince on a white horse”. She’s beautiful indeed, but rather invisible in an urban Serbian mileu full of attractive sexy dolls

Dragitsa, Mariya’s neighbor, who sees Mariya as her unborn daughter and who belongs to that type of old-fashioned women for whom the meaning and purpose of their life is complete dedication to their family. These kinds of women are always ready to make sacrifices and you can rely on them at any time of day and night. Unfortunately, such women are gradually “dying out” in modern Serbia.

Tatyana Lisitsa, Goran’s mother, a modern experienced woman, who knows very well how things work in both men’s and women’s worlds

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

    Although Runaway Fox is just a fairy tale like love story with the obligatory happy ending, it is enriched with additional universal themes, where some of which are pure embellishments to this story. These are topics related to science and religion, which are discussed in an extremely optional way in the dialogues between Goran and his friend, the scientist and monk Boyan Krstich, as well as in the sermons of the Orthodox priest Father Antoniye. I believe that many readers will be surprised and probably shocked by Boyan Krstich’s thoughts on religious and scientific topics, and liberal readers will be appalled by Father Antoniye’s sermons. Nevertheless, one of the universal themes underlying this story is fate, because the entire course of the story is determined by the chance encounters between Goran and Mariya Milutinovich. What is actually a destiny? A chronological journal of life or a screenplay, written in advance, according to which we all perform our roles in life? Are we really the masters and creators of our own destiny or is our life a river whose stream carries us along its course, while we only try to stay on the surface and not to be stranded on a sandbank or not to be broken against a rock before our time is over? Well, this story does not give the answers to any of these universal themes questions, it just asks proper questions.

    What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

      As I said before, my stories are created completely spontaneously. I only need to write the first few pages, to begin with only one character, and the story will continue to develop on its own. At the very beginning, I really have no idea in which direction my story will go, who will all participate in it and how it will end. It’s a very fun process for me and probably similar to creating an art painting on a canvas, because I’m not sure that after the first stroke of the brush, every artist knows in detail how their painting will look in the end. Right now I’m still expecting that kind of inspiration, but maybe this time it will be a political novel, given that we’re currently on the brink of a world war, which has probably already started. My impression is that Western civilization, lulled by long-term prosperity, is not at all ready for the tectonic changes that are happening in the world, and given the current ruling “religion” of conformity and individualism, I am not sure if it is even capable of mobilizing as a society for the fight which is surely waiting for them.

      Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook

      Thanks to his relationship with the popular and attractive TV anchorwoman Maritsa Stevanovich, Goran Lisitsa (Fox in Serbian), a charming young stock broker, gets his own show about the stock market on Hertz television, where he gains media popularity and along the way promotes himself, with Maritsa’s wholehearted help into a real stock market wizard.
      The two of them are the most beautiful, most successful and most popular celebrity couple “Lisitsa and Maritsa”, both in the country of Serbia and in the city of Belgrade, for these two only the sky is the limit. However, due to extremely unusual circumstances, Goran accidentally meets a modest and beautiful girl, Mariya Milutinovich, from Veliko Selo, near Belgrade. Like any real man, Goran unintentionally complicates his life with this acquaintance to the point that his further fate is no longer decided by him, but by the behind-the-scenes game of four women, with discreet help from the highest level.

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