Day: May 13, 2024

Chaotic Apéritifs by Tao Wong

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Chaotic Apéritifs by Tao Wong is the second audiobook in the Hidden Dishes Novella fantasy series featuring mage Mo Meng and his Nameless Restaurant. The restaurant is warded, but magic wielders are discovering it. Come see why I love this cozy urban fantasy.

Chaotic Apéritifs by Tao Wong

Chaotic Apéritifs
by Tao Wong
Series: Hidden Dishes #2
Narrator: Emily Woo Zeller
Length: 3 hours and 28 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

The Only Constant with Magic is Change.

Mo Meng is reminded of that fact once again as the Nameless Restaurant faces a new challenge. Magic and its old wielders are returning to the world. For the restaurant, wards of anonymity and camouflage are fading, leading to the arrival of new customers. And some older friends.

What started as a way to pass the decades and feed a few customers has become actual work.

The world is changing, and to face it, the Nameless Restaurant, along with its proprietor and patrons, will need to embrace the change with a good meal and new friends.

Chaotic Aperitifs is book two in the Hidden Dishes series, a cozy cooking fantasy perfect for fans of Travis Baldree’s Legends & Lattes and Junpei Inuzuka’s Restaurant to Another World. Written by bestselling author Tao Wong, his other series include the System Apocalypse, A Thousand Li, Hidden Wishes and Adventures on Brad series.

Foodie magical refreshing urban

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I loved returning to the Nameless Resturant as Mo Meng decides what to prepare and guest chat around the tables. The story, like the first novella, takes place in one evening and I devoured it. Meng uses magical wards to hide the restaurant in Toronto from government officials and humans, but more and more people are discovering this cozy magical restaurant.

Meng serves a limited menu as conversations give way to intrigue and we discover that something from the first story had unexpected consequences.

I enjoy the characters from the hostess/waitress to the unusual guests. Meng’s menu will make your mouth water as you settle in for the evening meal. I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Emily Woo Zeller does a lovely job of narrating and pulled me into the story. These are under four hours and the perfect listen for a commute or evening at home.

Amazon | Audible

About Tao Wong

Tao Wong

Tao Wong is a Canadian author based in Toronto who is best known for his System Apocalypse post-apocalyptic LitRPG series and A Thousand Li, a Chinese xianxia fantasy series. His work has been released in audio, paperback, hardcover and ebook formats and translated into German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and other languages. He was shortlisted for the UK Kindle Storyteller award in 2021 for his work, A Thousand Li: the Second Sect. When he’s not writing and working, he’s practicing martial arts, reading and dreaming up new worlds.

About Emily Woo Zeller

Emily Woo Zeller

Emily Woo Zeller began her voice-over career by voicing animation in Asia. She returned to the United States in 2009 and found a natural fit as an audiobook narrator. Described by AudioFile magazine as doing “an extraordinary job of varying the voices in the dialogue without losing the intimacy of the story,” Emily’s multilingual, multicultural framework brings a particularly unique, clear-eyed, and intimate perspective into Asian American narratives. While she specializes in Asian American narratives, Emily’s work spans a broad spectrum, including young adult fiction and such titles as The Whites of Their Eyes by Jill Lepore and The Sex Diaries Project by Arianne Cohen. She also narrated Gulp by Mary Roach, for which she won an AudioFile Earphones Award.

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A Maiden’s Wish

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In A Maiden’s Wish: A Novella, Alyssa Charpentier crafts a compelling narrative centered around sisters Bayelle and Evora, who are offered a glimpse of a better life through the intervention of a powerful shaman. The sisters quickly learn that wishes and reality diverge as their dreams begin to crumble, leading them to a poignant exploration of the true value of desires and the inevitable repercussions of their choices.

Charpentier’s storytelling shines as she delves deep into character development, ensuring that both sisters emerge from the narrative fully realized, each with a distinct presence and growth arc. The relationship between Bayelle and Evora is particularly well-drawn, capturing the complex dynamics and unconditional support inherent in sisterly bonds. While the novella offers just a glimpse of its magical setting, the enchantment within its pages captivates, suggesting vast, untapped depths that hint at further mysteries to explore. This element adds an intriguing layer to the sisters’ adventures, inviting readers to imagine the endless possibilities within this world. The magic present is intriguing and enriches the backdrop of the sisters’ journey.

A Maiden’s Wish is an engaging exploration of maturity and the lessons learned from the choices we make. It thoughtfully reflects on the inherent magic of shaping one’s destiny and the profound bonds of sisterhood. This novella is a heartwarming read that resonates with those who appreciate personal growth and familial love stories.

Pages: 146 | ASIN : B0D29VX78Y

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Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic on Pro Sé Book 2: Peace on Earth Protocol

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Embark on a centuries-spanning journey where ancient myths blend with the existential queries of modern life in Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol by AmalL era JesuseႱ hO. This literary work offers an immersive experience that captivates and challenges readers to reconsider their perspectives on existence and spirituality.

From the outset, the book draws readers into a world where the line between myth and reality is indistinct, prompting introspection about the foundations of our beliefs. The allure of deep questions regarding faith and the universe’s mysteries makes diving into this saga feel like uncovering a trove of philosophical insights. What distinguishes this narrative is its masterful integration of timeless tales with modern themes. The author rejuvenates ancient stories, infusing them with contemporary relevance that deeply resonates with today’s readers. This novel not only entertains but also connects different ages through its explorative narrative, showcasing the enduring human quest for understanding and meaning across generations. The saga’s layered storytelling offers more than just fantastical adventures and mythical beings. At its core, it probes significant existential questions: the nature of divinity, the search for meaning in turmoil, and more. These themes encourage readers to reflect on their personal beliefs and worldviews. The author’s crafted universe, both strange and familiar, exemplifies their exceptional ability to weave complex threads of myth and reality into a cohesive and engaging narrative.

Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol is not merely a book; it is an intellectual and spiritual odyssey. It appeals to a wide range of readers, from those seeking intellectual engagement to newcomers intrigued by mythology and philosophy. This saga invites you to explore, question, and discover new truths about the world and yourself. It stands as a unique literary journey, poised to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and spark the imagination.

Pages: 104 | ASIN : B0C6Z3Z15R

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CHAOS: Remnants of Ruptured Reflections

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In CHAOS: Remnants of Ruptured Reflections, Hamant Singh offers a reflective exploration of the omnipresent tug-of-war between order and chaos. This poetry collection, rich in symbolism and mysticism, encourages readers to consider how our emotions similarly navigate this continuum amidst life’s inevitable changes. Structured into three segments—Head, Chaos, and Tail—the book traverses themes from dreams to fears, employing language as a tool to guide us between enlightenment and the dark corners of societal injustices.

Singh’s fearless approach to truth-telling is commendable; he opts for clarity and directness over subtlety. His poem “Sheep” exemplifies this, probing the dynamics of care and control between shepherds and sheep while subtly discussing themes of obedience and rebellion. The poems generally employ this technique, blending perspectives to forge new insights into familiar dilemmas, thus revealing the intricate interplay of opposing forces within human nature. While the collection occasionally adopts a robust tone and confronts with blunt ideas, Singh acknowledges the provocative nature of his work, inviting readers to delve deeper than the surface. The conciseness of his expression, where each word is meticulously selected, suits readers ready to face stark realities and engage with a world where unpredictability is the norm. This book is a compelling and energetic read that does not hesitate to place life, death, and resilience on the same spectrum, offering a balanced reflection on the existential constants that shape our experiences.

CHAOS: Remnants of Ruptured Reflections serves as a mirror to the complexities of the human experience, artfully weaving the abstract with the tangible. Through his vivid imagery and thought-provoking themes, Hamant Singh crafts a poetry collection that challenges readers to embrace the multifaceted nature of life itself. This work is an invitation to those who are ready to engage deeply with their internal and external worlds, offering a unique perspective on the delicate balance between chaos and order that defines our existence.

Pages: 28 | ASIN : B0D1WS8LQ9

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Danielle Bouthillier’s Hero is a vivid exploration of the superhero genre that captivates with its cinematic narrative and complex characters. The cover initially drew me in, and the contents did not disappoint, offering a gripping journey from the first page to the last.

The novel strikes a unique balance, making it accessible and enjoyable for both teens and adults. Although some passages challenge the reader with their complexity, the overall suspenseful plot and the palpable tension more than compensate for this. Bouthillier skillfully brings her characters to life with authenticity and depth, even within the bounds of fiction.

Each character, particularly Hero, the unconventional superhero, embodies a distinct archetype, adding layers to the narrative. Their struggles and secrets are portrayed with such realism that they become the story’s heart, holding my attention firmly in their grasp. What distinguishes Hero is its innovative take on superheroes. It delves into their vulnerabilities and complexities rather than just their strengths, offering a fresh perspective that enriches the genre. The mixture of science fiction, drama, and romance further enhances the story, presenting a multifaceted tapestry of themes and emotions. Bouthillier’s use of imagery and playful wordplay in depicting emotions and scenes is particularly noteworthy, adding a poetic quality to the narrative.

For those interested in a nuanced and engaging twist on traditional superhero tales, Hero by Danielle Bouthillier is a compelling choice. Its fresh perspective and rich, emotive language make it a standout read that both entertains and provokes thought.

Pages: 215 | ASIN : B0D2ZBTDC7

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A Multidimensional Field

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Tia Warrick Author Interview

Burst the Bubble offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the pharmaceutical industry, including its different career paths, qualifications, and employment trends. What inspired you to write a book on this topic?

Writing “Burst the Bubble” was driven by my fascination with the pharmaceutical industry’s complexity and its profound impact on our lives. I was particularly inspired by the idea that many people view this sector from a very narrow perspective—either as purely scientific or purely commercial. I wanted to unpack the nuances and explore the myriad career paths, qualifications, and evolving trends that shape this dynamic industry.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

One of the crucial ideas I wanted to convey is the accessibility of pharmaceutical careers. It’s a field often perceived as exclusive to those with a specific scientific background, but in reality, it’s multidimensional, with roles in ethics, policy, marketing, and more. Highlighting these opportunities was essential to me, hoping to inspire a broader audience to consider how they might contribute to this field.

Did you find anything in your research of this book that surprised you?

During my research, I was surprised by the rapid pace of innovation and its implications for employment trends. For instance, the integration of artificial intelligence in drug development and personalized medicine is creating new career paths that didn’t exist a decade ago. This evolving landscape challenges the traditional notions of what it means to work in pharmaceuticals.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Burst the Bubble?

Ultimately, I hope readers take away a deeper understanding of the pharmaceutical industry’s breadth and potential. Whether they are looking for a career change or simply curious about the industry, I want “Burst the Bubble” to challenge their assumptions and encourage them to think about how they could impact this crucial sector.

Author Links: GoodReads

“Burst the Bubble” is a comprehensive guide by Tia Warrick designed to demystify the clinical research industry and serve as an inspiring resource for individuals aspiring to enter this competitive field. The book explores various facets of clinical research, shedding light on different functions, key stakeholders, and the often-overlooked intricacies of the profession. The book aims to clarify the multifaceted nature of clinical research careers through engaging discussions, offering insights that can help readers make informed decisions about their professional paths.
To make the reading experience interactive, the book incorporates question processes that guide readers in discovering the most suitable career within the clinical research landscape. Additionally, it offers a glimpse into the daily routines of specific roles, providing a firsthand account of the challenges and rewards inherent in each position.
The recurring theme of “Benefit or Bust” underscores the importance of understanding the industry’s nuances and making strategic choices for a successful and fulfilling career. Furthermore, the book goes beyond entry-level insights, catering to individuals who have experience in the field but may have only seen it from a limited perspective.
With a commitment to sharing insider knowledge and trade secrets, “Burst the Bubble” aims to empower readers with the information needed to navigate the complexities of the clinical research industry and thrive in their chosen careers. Whether you’re a newcomer eager to break into the field or a seasoned professional seeking a more comprehensive understanding, this book is your guide to unlocking the full potential of a career in clinical research.

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