Love, Romance, and Cinema

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Patricia Leavy Author Interview

After The Red Carpet follows a Hollywood star and his fiancé as they work out what their new life together will look like while discovering who they are together while keeping their individual identitiesWhat was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This novel is a sequel to The Location Shoot. Originally, that was intended to be a stand-alone book; however, I fell completely in love with Ella and Finn. There’s a scene in The Location Shoot in which Ella and Finn take a bubble bath and imagine the life they will build together. That was the inspiration for After the Red Carpet. I wanted to see if their fantasies came true.

There is a sense of love and innocence throughout the novel, grounding the characters and making them relatable and realistic. How were you able to capture those feelings and put them into words?

I see and hear Ella and Finn as if they’re in a film playing out in my mind. I feel the closeness between them in a visceral way. In fact, I wrote the original book in the series during the lockdown. It was an escape to someplace joyful and affectionate. I think because these characters have been such a happy emotional place for me to mentally visit, I’ve been able to translate that onto the page. Sometimes people can become so cynical. It’s easy for us to believe that people treat each other badly in relationships. It’s why so many romance novels feature toxic relationships full of love-hate, jealousy, and games. I let go of those ideas a long time ago. I believe people can and should treat each other well. Through Ella and Finn, I’m showing what that might look and feel like.

Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

These characters truly came from my imagination. Their experiences are very different from my own. That said, I’ve certainly fallen in love, built a life with another, and I’m a mother. I know that these things can feel like and look like. Perhaps some of that was woven into the tale.

Will there be a third book in The Red Carpet Romances series? If so, can you tell readers what the book will be about and when it will be available for fans to purchase?

Yes! I am very excited to share there is a third and final book in the series which is already written and will be out in September 2025. I don’t want to give away too much, but I will say the final book takes place 30 years after The Location Shoot. Not only will readers see how Ella and Finn’s romance evolved, but there are three other love stories intertwined into the narrative. Plus, the filming of Jean Mercier’s rumored final film set in an exotic location. The final book is absolutely delicious. It’s a real celebration of love, romance, and cinema.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebok | Website

For fans of Tessa Bailey and Hannah Grace, After the Red Carpet is a feel-good, contemporary celebrity romance about what happens after the fairy-tale beginning as two lovers work toward their own true meaning of “happily ever after.”

After legendary Hollywood star Finn Forrester proposed to philosopher Ella Sinclair on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, the couple captivated the press and public with their real-life fairy tale. Now they vow to prioritize their romance and live an adventure of their own making. Ella moves into Finn’s Beverly Hills mansion and must adjust to his world. Finn, secretly afraid of losing Ella, is determined to make everything perfect for his betrothed. Meanwhile, Ella wants nothing more than to retain her own identity as they build their new life together. All the while, she is writing a philosophical treatise on love, exploring the question: when we love so deeply, where do we end and where does the other begin?

In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Location Shoot, will Ella and Finn finally live the life they’ve dreamed of? See how their epic romance unfolds, after the red carpet.

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