Day: May 9, 2024

Inside Uber’s Political Machine

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In 2016, near the end of his second term as president, Barack Obama was asked what he planned to do on returning to civilian life. He gave a one-word reply: “Uber.” The joke suggested two changes that had occurred during his presidency. First, Uber had become a verb; the idea of “ubering” was commonplace. Second, […]

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Totality by Kim Harrison

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Totality by Kim Harrison is the second audiobook in the Eclipsed Evolution audio first trilogy. First contact has been established with demonic looking Neighbors who claim to be trying to save their dying planet. A tense, addictive tale narrated by Xe Sands that kept me on edge and eager for more.

Totality by Kim Harrison

by Kim Harrison
Series: Eclipsed Evolution #2
Narrator: Xe Sands
Length: 4 hours and 41 minutes
Genres: Science Fiction
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

After a solar eclipse opens a way between our world and a paranormal realm, and the dark side of first contact emerges, one woman’s loyalties will be tested in this gripping serialized adventure from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Hollows series.

Dr. Renee Caisson never expected that her scientific expertise would lead to a role playing interpreter between humans and the demonic-looking Neighbors. When the door between their worlds opened, she was drafted by the government to study the otherworldly beings and was able to prove her theory: the Neighbors had been to Earth before—and now they simply wanted to save their dying planet.

At least, that’s the story, and everyone—both human and Neighbor—is sticking to it. The Neighbor in charge of the new portal’s operation, Noel, isn’t that sure anymore. Having succeeded in finding a new planet to inhabit, the leaders of her world have made the dark truth of their existence clear to her: the Neighbors forcibly tried to make a foothold on Earth in the past—and they can’t afford to fail again.

But the Neighbors’ ability to magically teleport from place to place has convinced Major Jackson that the only way to keep control of the situation is to embrace it and tell the world of the Neighbors’ existence.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees.

Aliens fantasy paranormal scifi

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I recommend listening to this series in the order of its release. Totality picks ups where First Contact left off. In this installment, we learn more about the Neighbors and their history with Earth. We also get to know key individuals better. While both sides claim the Neighbors are here to save their planet, we learn some doubt that.

The Eclipsed Evolution trilogy is the perfect summer listen, from interesting characters to the interactions and tensions created by the Neighbors’ arrival. Have you ever wondered what first contact would be like?

Dr. Renee Caisson continues her role of interpreter, and much discussion is made about how to reveal the Neighbors’ presence to humanity. August and Renee’s interaction intrigued me. The two are moving into the friends category, and I am curious how that will influence decisions. The characters are interesting from optimistic to calculating and I was curious to learn about the players, especially after the debacle that took place during First Contact. What Noel learned about the Neighbors’ leaders built up suspense as did errors made my humans.

Once again I slipped into this science fiction tale and am excited to dive into Emergence, the final audiobook. Fans of science fiction and first contact stories will want to listen to this audio first series. Xe Sands does a wonderful job bringing these characters and their emotions to life.

Amazon | Audible

About Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison, author of the New York Times #1 best selling Hollows series, was born in Detroit and lived most her her life within an easy drive. She’s currently working on the Peri Reed Chronicles, and when not at her desk, is most likely to be found landscaping her new/old Victorian home, in the garden, or on the links.

About Xe Sands

Xe Sands

Xe Sands is an award-winning narrator known for her authentic characterizations and intimate delivery. She has more than a decade of experience bringing stories to life through narration, performance, and visual art, including recordings of Wonderland by Stacey D’Erasmo, The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro, and Survival Lessons by Alice Hoffman. Sands has also been recognized for her engaging romance narrations and was named Most Impressive Narrator Discovery for titles such as Catch of the Day by Kristan Higgins and On Thin Ice by Anne Stuart.

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  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge


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Are There Really Plenty of Fish in The Sea?

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Tony Demechees’s book, Are There Really Plenty of Fish in the Sea? offers a compelling glimpse into the complexities of modern dating and the nuanced quest for a compatible life partner. Drawing from his personal insights and broad observations, Tony paints a vivid picture of the often disheartening realities faced by those navigating the modern dating scene. His exploration into how societal expectations and personal desires intersect in the pursuit of romance is both enlightening and sobering.

Central to Tony’s narrative is the inventive metaphor of a novice fisherman embarking on his first fishing trip—an analogy that he uses to parallel the often bewildering experience of dating. This metaphor not only captures the inherent challenges but also highlights the strategic disadvantage at which novices find themselves. Tony deftly argues that success in the dating world requires not just hope but also strategy and a clear understanding of one’s goals and desires. He further explores the impact of background, age, and social status on dating choices, offering a nuanced view of how these factors shape our relationship trajectories. Particularly poignant is his discussion on the shifting relationship standards over time, especially among women contending with societal pressures and biological timelines. While the book’s engaging cover initially caught my eye, it was the depth of Tony’s insights and the relatability of the fishing analogy that truly held my attention. I found the comparison not only clever but deeply resonant. The

Are There Really Plenty of Fish in the Sea? is a thought-provoking and accessible read that effectively mirrors the complexities of contemporary romance. It’s a must-read for anyone who appreciates a realistic look at the emotional landscape of dating today, enriched with personal anecdotes and a reflective, analytical approach.

Pages: 41 | ASIN : B0CW19WWT7

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One For The Money

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Ryan Hale’s debut novel, One For the Money, introduces readers to Blake Franklin, a former Fort Worth cop turned private investigator, in the first installment of The Blake Franklin Investigations Series. Despite failing the detective exam three times, Blake’s tenacity is undiminished. His transition from law enforcement to private investigation begins with financial backing from his uncle Lewis, setting the stage for his new career. Blake is quickly entangled in a series of cases involving a disreputable car dealer accused of scamming elderly women. His investigation reveals a sinister network of missing individuals, suspicious deaths, and menacing adversaries, escalating the danger as he digs deeper. As the situation intensifies with more lives at risk and a mounting body count, Blake’s quest to recover the stolen cars threatens to disturb a volatile criminal element.

Against a backdrop of vintage automobiles and nefarious activities, Hale crafts a narrative rich with intrigue and action. While Blake’s investigative methods sometimes appear hasty and lack refinement, reflecting his inexperience, these traits also bring a dynamic unpredictability to his character. His natural charm and commitment to justice are his greatest assets, particularly as the stakes grow and the case draws federal attention. The narrative is bolstered by a robust cast of supporting characters. Figures like the affable Sharon Longstreet and the formidable Madeline Bailey provide emotional depth and complexity to the storyline, enriching the reader’s engagement. Fans of crime fiction and thrillers with a penchant for classic cars will find much to appreciate in Hale’s novel. It offers a compelling blend of suspense, sharp plot twists, and a touch of humor that keeps the pages turning.

One For the Money is a thrilling series opener, inviting readers to follow Blake Franklin as he navigates the murky waters of private investigation. Ryan Hale skillfully combines suspense, character development, and action elements, making this an excellent read for anyone drawn to gritty, realistic crime fiction. Whether you’re a devotee of detective stories or a newcomer to the genre, Blake Franklin’s daring escapades and the vivid backdrop of this suspenseful narrative will surely capture and hold your attention.

Pages: 238 | ASIN : B0BW51BJZP

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The Believer within You

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In the heart of rural Gainesville, a remarkable story unfolds. Meet Brenda Sue, a keen 12-year-old who sees what others overlook, her trusty notebook always at her side. As she learns of children nationwide threatened by homelessness, details are noted in her ever-present notebook. Brenda’s journey of integrity and courage begins. She delves into a web of deceit among the adults in her life, using her sharp mind and meticulous notes to piece together a larger picture of corruption. This tale isn’t just about challenges—it’s about overcoming them through vigilance and bravery. Join Brenda as she uses her extraordinary insights and crucial entries from her notebook to spark change, proving that even the youngest among us can impact the world.


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Interview with Death, Tales from the Afterworld Book 1

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In Interview with Death by V. K. Pasanen, readers are introduced to Nathan Miller, a man whose personal tragedies have inadvertently set him on a path of eerie inspiration, guided by Death itself. As a successful war correspondent and writer, Nathan seems to lead a charmed life, shielded by a perceived invincibility linked to his supernatural muse. Yet beneath his professional triumphs, he grapples with overpowering guilt that spirals into addiction.

This supernatural fantasy novel, tinged with magical realism, delves into a rich tapestry of themes, including politics, addiction, love, fate, and the omnipresence of death. The narrative strength lies in the intricate character development and exploring deep existential themes. Nathan’s authentic portrayal of internal conflicts and moral quandaries not only enhances the realism of his character but also pulls the reader into the depths of his tumultuous life. Death is personified in a complex yet intriguing manner, reminiscent of the whimsical yet profound portrayal found in Terry Pratchett’s works. This character adds a layer of suspense and philosophical musing to the plot, enriching the narrative. The presence of Kaisa, another pivotal character, introduces necessary emotional layers and acts as a mirror reflecting Nathan’s inner turmoil and growth. The novel does not shy away from the grim realities of historical atrocities such as ethnic cleansing, embedding these within its fabric to challenge the reader further. Despite these strengths, the novel occasionally stumbles in pacing and development. Certain plot points, particularly those detailing Nathan’s descent into addiction and his consequential decisions influenced by Death, seem hurried and underexplored.

Interview with Death is a compelling exploration of the darker sides of human nature and supernatural intervention. Its rich thematic base and complex characters offer an in-depth, if occasionally dense, narrative experience.

Pages: 316 | ASIN : B0CXXP6B53

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Love, Romance, and Cinema

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Patricia Leavy Author Interview

After The Red Carpet follows a Hollywood star and his fiancé as they work out what their new life together will look like while discovering who they are together while keeping their individual identitiesWhat was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This novel is a sequel to The Location Shoot. Originally, that was intended to be a stand-alone book; however, I fell completely in love with Ella and Finn. There’s a scene in The Location Shoot in which Ella and Finn take a bubble bath and imagine the life they will build together. That was the inspiration for After the Red Carpet. I wanted to see if their fantasies came true.

There is a sense of love and innocence throughout the novel, grounding the characters and making them relatable and realistic. How were you able to capture those feelings and put them into words?

I see and hear Ella and Finn as if they’re in a film playing out in my mind. I feel the closeness between them in a visceral way. In fact, I wrote the original book in the series during the lockdown. It was an escape to someplace joyful and affectionate. I think because these characters have been such a happy emotional place for me to mentally visit, I’ve been able to translate that onto the page. Sometimes people can become so cynical. It’s easy for us to believe that people treat each other badly in relationships. It’s why so many romance novels feature toxic relationships full of love-hate, jealousy, and games. I let go of those ideas a long time ago. I believe people can and should treat each other well. Through Ella and Finn, I’m showing what that might look and feel like.

Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

These characters truly came from my imagination. Their experiences are very different from my own. That said, I’ve certainly fallen in love, built a life with another, and I’m a mother. I know that these things can feel like and look like. Perhaps some of that was woven into the tale.

Will there be a third book in The Red Carpet Romances series? If so, can you tell readers what the book will be about and when it will be available for fans to purchase?

Yes! I am very excited to share there is a third and final book in the series which is already written and will be out in September 2025. I don’t want to give away too much, but I will say the final book takes place 30 years after The Location Shoot. Not only will readers see how Ella and Finn’s romance evolved, but there are three other love stories intertwined into the narrative. Plus, the filming of Jean Mercier’s rumored final film set in an exotic location. The final book is absolutely delicious. It’s a real celebration of love, romance, and cinema.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebok | Website

For fans of Tessa Bailey and Hannah Grace, After the Red Carpet is a feel-good, contemporary celebrity romance about what happens after the fairy-tale beginning as two lovers work toward their own true meaning of “happily ever after.”

After legendary Hollywood star Finn Forrester proposed to philosopher Ella Sinclair on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, the couple captivated the press and public with their real-life fairy tale. Now they vow to prioritize their romance and live an adventure of their own making. Ella moves into Finn’s Beverly Hills mansion and must adjust to his world. Finn, secretly afraid of losing Ella, is determined to make everything perfect for his betrothed. Meanwhile, Ella wants nothing more than to retain her own identity as they build their new life together. All the while, she is writing a philosophical treatise on love, exploring the question: when we love so deeply, where do we end and where does the other begin?

In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Location Shoot, will Ella and Finn finally live the life they’ve dreamed of? See how their epic romance unfolds, after the red carpet.

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