Day: May 2, 2024

The First Death by Kendra Elliot

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Rowan Wolff is a search and rescue expert who is still searching for answers from her own tragic past in this suspenseful mystery thriller. If you’re not familiar with Kendra Elliot, this book is the ideal starting point.

The First Death by Kendra Elliot

The First Death
by Kendra Elliot
Series: Columbia River #4
Genres: Mystery
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

For a search and rescue expert, the buried remains of her past are a dangerous obsession in a twisting novel of suspense by a Wall Street Journal and Amazon Charts bestselling author.

Rowan Wolff was five years old when she, her brother, and their babysitter were kidnapped by a serial killer in the Pacific Northwest. The babysitter was murdered. Rowan was saved. Her brother was killed and buried in the forest, his remains never found. The convicted killer refuses to say where he buried the boy. Twenty-five years later, Rowan is committed to search and rescue with her faithful canine and is obsessed with finding her brother’s grave—and closure.

Detective Evan Bolton thrives on unraveling tough cases, but his latest is disturbing. There’s another serial killer hunting in Deschutes County, Oregon, and the crimes are identical to those committed by the sociopath languishing in prison. Each victim is linked to Rowan. When skeletal remains of several bodies are exhumed in the forest, Rowan’s connection becomes more entwined and impossible to ignore.

Rowan and Evan are determined to solve the case before someone else dies. And someone else will, as the truth about the past is unearthed.


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Kendra Elliot has a knack for pulling readers into her stories and holding them there until the end. Such was the case with The First Death. Rowan Wolff was kidnapped as a child, along with her brother. She made it out of the woods. He did not. Now, as a search and rescue expert, she can’t help but to look for her brother’s remains in the woods surrounding her town in the Pacific Northwest.

When a grave is found with several remains, Rowan thinks maybe her brother is among them. Detective Evan Bolton is concerned that they have another serial killer on their hands. One whose murders match those of the serial killer they convicted years ago.

A side of romance, a rescue dog, and a twisted murder-mystery with a harrowing tale of kidnapping and torture kept me on edge. I loved how the cases blended together and the twists Elliot threw our way. I felt for Rowan’s family and appreciated getting to know both Evan and Rowan.

The First Death is part of the Columbia River series, but each book holds its own with its own case. I am slightly behind on the series and ready to dive into At the River before The Next Grave releases in December.

Fans of murder-mystery, law enforcement and romantic suspense will want to grab the series available in KindleUnlimited and on Audible.

Amazon* | Audible


About Kendra Elliot

Kendra Elliot

An Amazon #1 selling author, Kendra Elliot has sold over 4 million books. She grew up in the lush Pacific Northwest and still lives there with her husband, three daughters, two cats, and a Pomeranian. She’s fascinated with forensics, refuses to eat anything green, and dreams of living every day in flip flops. The BONE SECRETS NOVELS: HIDDEN, CHILLED, BURIED, ALONE, KNOWN and VEILED (a novella) The CALLAHAN & McLANE novels are a spin-off of the Bone Secrets books. VANISHED, BRIDGED, SPIRALED, and TARGETED. The MERCY KILPATRICK series, a spin-off of the CALLAHAN & McLANE series, A MERCIFUL DEATH, A MERCIFUL TRUTH, and A MERCIFUL SECRET. She also writes the Rogue River novella series with author Melinda Leigh. A four-time Wall Street Journal best selling author, 2014 International Thriller Writers finalist, a three time Daphne Du Maurier winner, and a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice finalist.

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Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean

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Danger Close offers a provocative and unapologetically candid look into the life of Patrick Byrne, a figure who has stirred significant controversy in both the financial and political spheres. Written by Byrne himself, the book delves into his evolution from a Wall Street golden boy to a self-proclaimed domestic extremist, detailing his myriad encounters and exploits that challenge the integrity of governmental and financial institutions. With prefaces by notable figures such as General Michael T. Flynn and Maria Butina, the narrative sets the stage for a deep dive into the murky waters of national intelligence and the complex web of political and corporate corruption.

Byrne’s writing style is both engaging and controversial, reflective of his persona as a maverick who is not afraid to confront what he perceives as systemic failures and injustices. His book weaves through personal anecdotes, complex accusations of high-stakes corruption, and philosophical musings, which are all fascinating. The book is heavy with detailed accounts of interactions with major political and financial figures, backed by extensive documentation and footnotes, which lend credibility but also make for a dense read.

The core of Byrne’s argument is that the systems meant to safeguard the public good are instead riddled with corruption, which is compelling as well as unsettling. He does not shy away from naming high-profile individuals and institutions he accuses of wrongdoing, providing a detailed exposition of his battles against what he views as a deeply flawed system. This part of the book is likely to resonate with readers who are skeptical of government and corporate power.

Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean is a book that does not hold back in its critique of the power structures within the US, driven by Byrne’s tumultuous experiences and the significant risks he claims to have taken in his quest to expose corruption. I think this book is best suited for readers who are interested in narratives that challenge the status quo, particularly those concerned with issues of governmental overreach, corruption, and transparency. Skeptics of Byrne’s theories may find it provocative, but his story is undoubtedly compelling for anyone fascinated by the intersections of finance, politics, and law.

Pages: 188 | ASIN : B0CVMCNWBV

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Framed for Murder

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Framed for Murder by Marla A. White offers a charming blend of cozy mystery and light romance reminiscent of a Hallmark movie. The story centers around Mel O’Rourke, a former police officer who now operates a bed and breakfast in the picturesque mountain town of Pine Cove. Despite a previous murder incident at her establishment, Mel finds her new life settling into a comfortable rhythm—until Poppy Phillips, a notorious cat burglar, arrives seeking refuge from a botched burglary. This complicates matters, especially with a local deputy sheriff who has romantic designs on Mel and could threaten Poppy’s safety.

White’s novel is a delightful foray into the cozy mystery genre, echoing the quaint and engaging qualities of Agatha Christie’s work. The narrative is well-paced, maintaining a balance that is neither too intricate to follow leisurely nor too simplistic to solve prematurely. This equilibrium ensures a pleasurable reading experience that is engaging without being taxing. The real allure of Framed for Murder lies in its characters. Mel O’Rourke, with her law enforcement background, serves as a stabilizing voice of reason amid the colorful cast of secondary characters. Her grounded presence contrasts effectively with the vibrant and sassy contributions of figures like Grandma O’Rourke and Poppy Phillips. The latter’s flair and mystery are so compelling that they could easily be the focus of a spin-off, exploring her adventures and backstory in greater depth.

Marla A. White’s Framed for Murder is an enjoyable read, perfect for those looking to unwind with a book that combines mystery, charm, and a touch of romance. Whether you’re cozying up at home or basking in the summer sun, this novel is a wonderful companion.

Pages: 284 | ASIN : B0D18C415T

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Valentino’s Purpose

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“Valentino’s Purpose” is a heartwarming children’s book that brings to life an inspiring tale of diversity, self-expression, and acceptance. Through the journey of Valentino, a service dog with a flair for fashion, young readers are introduced to the beauty of being unique and the importance of embracing our differences. This enchanting story offers several benefits for children:

  • Celebrating Diversity: Valentino’s adventures teach children to appreciate and celebrate the differences in themselves and others. It’s a colorful reminder that our uniqueness is what makes us special.
  • Building Confidence: As Valentino confidently sports his stylish clothes, children learn the importance of self-expression and being true to themselves, encouraging them to stand tall in their uniqueness.
  • Promoting Empathy: The story highlights the impact of kindness and understanding, fostering empathy in young readers as they witness Valentino’s encounters with bullying and how he responds with forgiveness and friendship.
  • Encouraging Friendship and Inclusion: Valentino and his friends exemplify the joy of inclusive friendships, showing how accepting each other’s differences can lead to strong bonds and fun adventures.
  • Inspiring Resilience: The narrative teaches resilience in the face of adversity. Despite initial challenges, Valentino’s positive attitude and his mother’s wise words help him overcome obstacles and inspire others.

Join Valentino on his delightful journey where fashion, fun, and a big heart come together to spread a message of love, acceptance, and the joy of being oneself. “Valentino’s Purpose” is not just a story-it’s a celebration of every child’s unique sparkle.

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Left Wing, Right Wing, People, and Power: The Core Dynamics of Political Action

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Douglas Giles’ book Left Wing, Right Wing, People, and Power offers an insightful exploration into fundamental political questions: What is power? What defines political philosophy? How do Democrats differ from Republicans? Giles adeptly unpacks the ideologies of both left-wing and right-wing factions, tracing their impact on historical and contemporary politics.

Giles delves into the origins of conservatism through a study of Edmund Burke, often regarded as the father of conservatism, and his critique of the French Revolution. The book doesn’t just stop at traditional political boundaries; it also examines more radical and so-called “fake left” movements, providing a comprehensive overview of political dynamics.

The author’s prose is both thorough and accessible, making complex ideas approachable without sacrificing depth. His analysis, enriched with historical examples ranging from Hitler’s fascism to the French Revolution, invites readers to draw their own conclusions, supported by extensive references and a detailed appendix for further exploration.

One particularly enlightening segment discusses the distinctions between libertarianism and conservatism, highlighting the former’s emphasis on power over tradition. Giles’ comparisons between historical and modern political movements offer readers a broad perspective on both American and international political histories.

Left Wing, Right Wing, People, and Power is an essential read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the political spectrum. It clarifies the true ideologies behind commonly supported political labels and warns of the risks associated with extremist movements. Giles’ work is a valuable educational tool that could greatly benefit American school curriculums, equipping students with a comprehensive knowledge of political ideologies and their historical contexts.

Pages: 107 | ASIN : B0CWDP6D1H

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