Day: April 29, 2024

The Nightmare Machine by Tim White

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I did not know what I was diving into with The Nightmare Machine by Tim White, but when I saw it was narrated by the talented Patrick Zeller, I had no choice but to listen. The tale that unfolds was epic with monsters, gods and heroes.

The Nightmare Machine by Tim White

The Nightmare Machine
by Tim White
Series: Soulaerium Trilogy #1
Narrator: Patrick Zeller
Length: 26 hours and 27 minutes
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.45x

Sara is a teenage girl, and a chosen maiden from a long line of descendants tasked with saving the world. Sara must enter a nightmarish otherworld and can take three protectors with her. Together, they must complete their quest to quiet a malevolent god.

White hooked me from the beginning as he introduced us to Sara and Dylan, the young man who secretly loves her, along with Dr. Alex Warner, where the two of them work and Tom, a war hero plagued by the carnage he witnessed. Each has been having nightmares, and only Sara knows why.

As the story progressed, I became connected to the characters as they faced perils, unthinkable monsters, and learned of Sara’s task and what it meant for humankind. My heart raced as they completed tasks, were chased by monsters and dealt with near-death moments.

The romance was subtle and sweet and the connection between all four as they fought to survive and work as a team was gripping.

The author did a fantastic job building the world and pacing. The story was addictive as the three protectors worked to help Sara. Their travel was filled with monsters, suspense, discovery, and personal quests as they faced their fears and sacrificed. The tale is fantasy, horror, thriller, and science fiction all intertwined.

Patrick Zeller did a stellar job of voicing these characters, creatures and setting the tone for the story. I recommend listening.

fantasy HORRIFIC Monsters SUSPENSE

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Sara is a teenage girl, and a chosen maiden from a long line of descendants tasked with saving the world. Sara must enter a nightmarish otherworld and can take three protectors with her. Together, they must complete their quest to quiet a malevolent god.

White hooked me from the beginning as he introduced us to Sara and Dylan, the young man who secretly loves her, along with Dr. Alex Warner, where the two of them work and Tom, a war hero plagued by the carnage he witnessed. Each has been having nightmares, and only Sara knows why.

As the story progressed, I became connected to the characters as they faced perils, unthinkable monsters, and learned of Sara’s task and what it meant for humankind. My heart raced as they completed tasks, were chased by monsters and dealt with near-death moments.

The romance was subtle and sweet and the connection between all four as they fought to survive and work as a team was gripping.

The author did a fantastic job building the world and pacing. The story was addictive as the three protectors worked to help Sara. Their travel was filled with monsters, suspense, discovery, and personal quests as they faced their fears and sacrificed. The tale is fantasy, horror, thriller, and science fiction all intertwined.

Patrick Zeller did a stellar job of voicing these characters, creatures and setting the tone for the story. I recommend listening.

Amazon* | Audible


About Tim White

Tim White

Tim White is an author, editor, writing coach, and game designer in Phoenix, Arizona. He started writing fiction in 1996 and nonfiction in 2006. As of 2023, he has published more than 1,000 nonfiction articles and three nonfiction books. He has written three novels, four novellas, dozens of tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) scripts, and hundreds of short stories. His upcoming novel, The Nightmare Machine , is book one of the Soulaerium horror-thriller trilogy. Tim is a zealous crusader for the power of storytelling to promote human flourishing. He writes fiction in several genres, particularly one that he calls “Romantic horror” (as in “Romantic-era novelists” such as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas, not as in “romance novel”). This little-known genre is unique in that it uses fear as a backdrop against which heroism is sharply contrasted, dramatized, and elevated.

About Patrick Zeller

Patrick Zeller

Patrick, an actor, writer and producer, holds a BFA in Theatre from Emerson College and an MFA in Dramatic Arts from the Old Globe Theatre/University of San Diego. Favorite narration projects include the Bocas trilogy from Thomas M. Barron, The King’s Assassin by Ed Cannon and the metaphysical noir-thriller by Randy Niederman, The Myth of Love. You might recognize Patrick from national and regional spots for Chevy Malibu, Sam Adams and Sprint. Feature film credits include No Reservations, Virgin Alexander and Just One More Kiss, for which he won “Best Actor” at the Aphrodite Film Awards. Network television appearances include Law and Order, Medium, Kidnapped and The Young and the Restless. On stage Patrick has performed in New York and around the country from Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA to the Denver Center Theatre Co., to The Old Globe Theatre in San Diego, CA. Shooting and recording schedule permitting, he indulges a handful of dubiously accurate titles including amateur Brew Guru, Marathon Runner and Irish Folk Musician.

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Against All Enemies

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Against All Enemies plunges its readers into a high-stakes military scenario led by the adept and seasoned Commander Bill Wilkins. The novel thrusts Wilkins and his crew into the heart of a conflict sparked by an audacious attack from the People’s Republic of China against the United States. Navigating these treacherous waters, the story unfolds in enemy territory, while political turmoil back home adds layers of complexity. Washington is in disarray, with a President depicted as out of touch and government officials pursuing personal agendas, leaving the nation’s unity and direction in jeopardy. Simultaneously, Russia seizes the opportunity to sow further discord among U.S. allies.

Drawing comparisons to the suspenseful narratives of Tom Clancy, the book presents Wilkins as a character reminiscent of the renowned Jack Ryan. Wilkins’ intellectual and strategic acumen are central to the plot as he endeavors to lead his crew to safety amid escalating tensions. The narrative does not shy away from the gritty realities of such a dire situation, portraying the challenges and the resilience of Wilkins and his crew in vivid detail. An underlying theme explores the concept of patriotism in a modern context. Wilkins’ love for his country is evident and unwavering, yet the portrayal of a fractured and self-serving American leadership raises poignant questions about the nature of this devotion. The novel invites readers to ponder what it means to fight for one’s country when the very essence of that country seems undermined by its leaders. It subtly hints at a disconnect between Wilkins’ clear sense of duty and the broader, more nuanced realities of national and international politics.

Against All Enemies offers more than just a military thriller; it is a reflective journey into the complexities of loyalty, leadership, and the often-blurred lines between ideals and reality. The narrative challenges readers to consider the true meaning of patriotism in a world where political motivations can be as convoluted as they are compelling.

Pages: 461 | ASIN : B0CHXLMFDD

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The Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension

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Josiah Akhtab’s The Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension artfully blends the boundaries between science fiction and fantasy, infused with elements characteristic of young adult fiction. In this narrative, we meet Jake Matthews, a visually impaired teenager grappling with a sense of directionlessness. Despite his blindness, Jake possesses a remarkable ability to perceive the world through his other senses. Yet, his daily life seems boring until an unexpected turn of events catapult him into another dimension – the planet Figueroa. Here, Jake is thrust into a role of cosmic importance: to thwart The Black Figure and bring an end to The Great Figueroan War. Under the tutelage of The White Figure General of X-Otropolis, Jake hones his combat skills, slowly unraveling his pivotal role in the fate of not just one but multiple worlds.

Akhtab’s narrative may remind readers of a video game plot, intertwining elements reminiscent of classics like Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game. While familiar, the trope of ‘the chosen one,’ is reinvigorated in Akhtab’s hands, illustrating how a well-worn concept can remain engaging when approached with a fresh perspective. The story poignantly explores the inner world of a teenager like Jake, whose mundane reality is dramatically transformed, echoing the daydreams of many adolescents yearning for adventure and significance. Akhtab’s prose is imbued with contagious excitement and fervent joy, lifting the story beyond the conventional confines of its genre. While The Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension might not break new ground in terms of originality, its strengths lie in sharp, witty dialogue, imaginative scenarios, and a sprinkling of inventive twists. These elements coalesce to render the book a commendable and enjoyable read, particularly for those fond of sci-fi and young adult adventures.

The Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension is a spirited foray into a world where sci-fi and fantasy converge, appealing especially to young adult readers. Josiah Akhtab skillfully crafts a universe that is both familiar and refreshingly new. Jake Matthews’ journey resonates with a universal appeal, capturing the timeless allure of transformation and discovery. This book stands as a testament to the enduring power of imaginative storytelling, where even well-trodden paths can lead to captivating destinations. For readers seeking an engaging blend of adventure and character growth, Akhtab’s novel is a noteworthy addition to the genre.

Pages: 522 | ASIN : B07ZY9DQ5V

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XENOPSYCHOLOGY: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos

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In Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos, Dr. Scott Flagg takes readers on a groundbreaking journey into the psychologies of extraterrestrial beings. The book explores the vast possibilities of alien minds, delving into how these entities might perceive, think, feel, and interact in ways that are fundamentally different from humans. Utilizing a blend of astrophysics, biology, and psychology, the author pushes the boundaries of conventional thought to explore non-anthropocentric forms of intelligence and consciousness. His exploration is not only about understanding alien life but also a reflective examination of human cognition and the broader existential inquiries it incites.

Dr. Flagg’s writing style is both engaging and accessible, making complex scientific concepts understandable for readers without a background in the hard sciences. His speculative approach enriches the inherently theoretical nature of xenopsychology, making it an exciting read for those who appreciate expansive thinking beyond the confines of concrete data and empirical studies. The vivid descriptions of potential alien senses, emotions, and societal structures are intellectually provocative and creatively rich, inviting readers to expand their understanding of what life can entail across the cosmos.

The book’s real strength lies in its ability to merge scientific rigor with philosophical inquiry. Dr. Flagg challenges readers to consider not only the possible but also the ethical implications of encountering and interacting with alien life. His discussion on the potential emotional and psychological landscapes of extraterrestrials is particularly fascinating, raising questions about universality versus diversity in emotional expression and experience across different life forms.

Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos is a must-read for those fascinated by the potential of life beyond Earth and the vast complexities of the universe. I highly recommend it to students of astrophysics, psychology, and philosophy, as well as anyone interested in the future of space exploration and the possible encounters with other sentient beings. Dr. Flagg provides a compelling blueprint for a new field of scientific inquiry.

Pages: 290 | ASIN : B0CW1BLTNT

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Behind School Walls

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Behind School Walls is a transformative exploration of education and personal development, challenging conventional wisdom with fresh and effective solutions. The author, James H. Darnell, Jr., an expert in the field, presents a series of compelling chapters that dissect the roots of common educational and behavioral issues, ranging from the dichotomy of math and language learning to the dynamics of bullying and integrity, and proposing innovative strategies to overhaul outdated methods.

Darnell’s writing style is articulate and engaging, making complex ideas accessible and stimulating. His approach to educational reform, particularly the idea of integrating two forms of common sense, mathematical and literary, into teaching practices, is thought-provoking. By advocating for this approach, he addresses the needs of diverse learners and also enriches the teaching methodology itself. While the concepts presented are intriguing, I think the book could be further strengthened by including more empirical evidence to complement the anecdotal insights. This would enhance its persuasiveness and appeal to readers who value data-driven approaches.

The chapters on bullying and intrinsic discipline were particularly impactful to me. The author delves into the psychology behind bullying, providing a nuanced view of the “bullying cast,” which includes roles like the bully, the instigators, and the bystanders. His solutions focus on addressing these roles in a systemic manner rather than merely punishing the perpetrators, which I think could potentially lead to more sustainable behavioral changes in schools.

The book excels in its ability to connect educational theory with practical application. The narrative includes numerous scenarios and dialogues that not only illustrate the strategies but also empower the readers to implement them effectively. This practical application extends beyond the classroom, touching on personal growth and self-awareness, which makes the book a valuable resource for educators and students alike.

Behind School Walls is a compelling read that challenges traditional approaches to education and personal development. James H. Darnell, Jr.’s innovative ideas, combined with his clear and engaging writing style, make this book a worthwhile addition to both educational literature and personal libraries. It is particularly recommended for educators, parents, and anyone interested in the psychological underpinnings of learning and behavior.

Pages: 111 | ASIN : B0CYLGPGD5

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When the Hoax Becomes Real

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T Kolodziej Author Interview

Mimic follows an online content creator who accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, letting in a supernatural killer with the ability to imitate with great skill humans and invade the police. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The set up for Mimic was inspired by fake paranormal online content. They’re the kind of videos we often see where someone films themselves opening demon boxes, having seances or playing with spirit boards. I pondered what would happen if the creator of hoax content actually tapped into something from another realm. What would that mean for them specifically and for humanity as a whole.

A supernatural killer that mimics humans is a creative character. How did you come up with the idea for the antagonist in this story, and how did it change as you wrote?

The antagonist was inspired by my love of monsters and my belief that nothing is scarier than a deadly threat that blends in. A something or someone that could pass you on the street and you’d never know how close you came to certain death. As the story progressed, the antagonist transitioned from a basic creature to an otherworldly entity with a profound connection to the existence humans currently enjoy and that evolution afforded the exploration into how tenuous our reality truly is.

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story, where you constantly have to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

The most difficult part of writing a story like Mimic is keeping it unique, intriguing and engaging while ensuring it’s not predictable for the reader. Each revelation should be akin to a step on a staircase. Once the reader reaches the top and looks down on the story it should all come together. Knowing when to reveal something and how, becomes the real challenge. I worried constantly that I would reveal too much too soon. For me, it’s probably the most stressful part of writing a story.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

My next release, which will be book three of this series is called Lake Halcyon. Decima and the detectives are summoned to a small cottage town to investigate a series of deaths that all have a tie to water yet are seemingly impossible. Lake Halcyon explores mythology, mysticism and the power of the human mind. Tentatively, its release is slated for winter 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

Ancient myths, otherworldly beings and a mystery that defies time. Let the hunt begin…

When an online content creator accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, Decima, Rennic and Stokes find themselves in a high stakes game of cat and mouse with a mysterious entity armed with the ability to mimic and a hauntingly selective hunting pattern.
Racing against time, with mere days to unravel the truth behind the enigmatic adversary who is leaving a trail of victims in its wake, the team must confront the unknown to stop it, or risk altering the course of human history.

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