Proactive Not Reactive

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David Buck Author Interview

The Time-Optimized Life explores the perception of time management and introduces readers to the concept of Time-Optimization, teaching them a holistic, proactive approach to managing their time. Why was this an important book for you to write?

As I began to collect data from my work with clients, I found that people are generally very reactive when it comes to their use of time. There is not a lot of time invested in planning for and anticipating future events. I want to be able to change that attitude and help people be more proactive time managers to create flexibility to do more activities in their life.

How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

I reviewed dozens of articles and research papers as well as my library of extensive productivity and time management books. In addition, I was able to draw on data collected from hundreds of Time Management Analysis (TMA) assessments that I use with my clients. The TMA actually became the outline for the book. Trying to practice what I preach, I gave myself a goal to write at least 750 words a day. I was able to get into a grove and had the manuscript done in about 100 days.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were younger to help you build better time optimization skills?

I would have liked to have heard more of the phrase, “Be more patient.” I know that is the last thing younger people want to hear. However, I tell my clients (and I do it for myself) is to use the 20% rule. If you going to work on something that is important, allocate the time you think it will take, and then add at least 20% on top of that. Significant activities usually take more time than we think.

What is one thing that you hope the readers take away from The Time-Optimized Life?

I want people to be more proactive in their planning and use of time. If they are able to improve using 10% of their “awake time”, they will find they have “found” an additional 12 hours in their life to do amazing things.

Author Website

Time management is a worn-out cliché that needs to be replaced. 
People manage their time, but they continue to manage it poorly. Life is populated with a series of reactive responses to personal priorities and professional needs. Individuals do not control their calendar; the calendar controls them. Until there is a clear understanding that true productivity begins when the narrative is switched to a proactive mindset, 82% will continue to wallow in time managed obscurity. 
The Time Optimized Life reframes the reactive nature of time management and replaces it with a proactive method of time optimization. Drawing from exclusive data captured by a tool called the Time Management Analysis (TMA), the book walks the reader through a comprehensive system that is easily adaptable to a particular personality or experience level. 
Using it as a complete time overhaul, The Time Optimized Life allows the reader the flexibility to create a time optimization plan that meets their essential needs. Operating with tools readily available to them today, the book will change perceptions of the individual and their approach to the use of their time, without having to invest in new gadgets or software.
Time is a commodity and resource that does not stop. It can’t be reversed, and you can’t go back and get more. Investing time reading and applying the content in The Time Optimized Life will help the reader make the future feel more infinite. 

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