Day: March 9, 2024

Social Anxieties and Insecurities

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 Rob Sudano Author Interview

In Owl B. Blue on Valentine’s Day, an owl learns to overcome his own fears and insecurities as he sets out to find the one thing he has always wanted but has never been able to find–a best friend. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My own life experiences and inexperiences reflect on a lot of the situations in which OBB finds himself. I grew up in a single-parent home, as an only child, and because of that, I am inherently an introvert. Shocker, right?! So, it was difficult for me to navigate social situations as a youngster. Unfortunately, it is still a struggle for me as I avoid crowds and have a fear of public speaking. Hopefully, numerous crowded book signings and school visits will cure me! My inspiration is to help kids learn coping skills early on to deal with their own social anxieties and insecurities. I want to show kids that they don’t have to be afraid in uncomfortable situations and, with the help of loved ones and friends, that they can become strong enough to overcome those obstacles!

This story seems like so much fun to create. What was your favorite scene in this story?

My favorite scene is when Blue finally lands on the branch next to Pink when everything becomes quiet and still. He is a hot mess and so nervous my heart just goes out to him. He is so out of his element and you want to cheer him on! I love the anticipation in that moment and having the reader wonder just what will happen next and what will Blue do?!

What is one thing you hope young readers can take away from Owl B. Blue’s experience?

I want them to see that being brave can lead to marvelous outcomes and WHOOO knows…you may just make a forever friend in the process!

Can we expect to see more adventures from Owl B. Blue? What are you currently working on?

YES!!! I have over 15 stories already written that I still need to illustrate. Blue’s next adventure will be at the beach! Do you think he might be a bit crabby?? Later this year, I will be putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving stories as well! And, of course, Blue needs to tell his birthday story which will be a perfect read for young ones on their birthdays!

Author Links: GoodReads | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

On a snowy day in February, lonely Owl B. Blue is trying to summon up the courage to find that rare and elusive thing in all the world… A BEST FRIEND! And WHOOO knows what else that could lead to?!!

OBB lives up to his name once again in this Valentine’s Day love story! Read along as Blue searches to find a friend, and possibly more than that. Hopefully, Blue will find someone to warm his heart and melt away the chill of loneliness on this cold winter day!

Blue is a sometimes sad, always lovable, little owl that works hard to overcome his insecurities and fears. He faces many challenges on his path to find true happiness.

Join little Owl B. Blue on his many adventures and learn how he copes with, and eventually conquers, his fears. He learns that he can do anything with the help of family, friends and his own inner strength!
This is the second book in the Owl B. Blue Adventure series with much more rhyming fun to come!

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Think Like an Assassin

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Mary L. Schmidt Author Interview

Christmas in Evergreen: Heart of Evergreen follows an artist married to a private investigator who discovers her husband is actually an assassin, and she is at the top of his hit list. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I decided to write the first book of a trilogy set in Evergreen, Colorado. The title is Christmas in Evergreen, and I took my main characters out of my memoir, Her Heart, set in Lakewood, Colorado, and added characters from Boston, special women who had flaws, yet loved with their entire hearts. The story took off from there. Knowing and loving the area, plus this being my 49th book in my career, it flowed. I used events in my personal past and events already known, to make the story come alive and pop!

Kim thought things were going great in life till she discovered her husband’s hit list, and now is on the run and trying to figure out her life. What were some of the trials that you felt were important to highlight the character’s development?

In shock, Kim had to run for her life. She had little time to grab water bottles, a backpack with some clothes, her purse, and her mobile phone. She bought three burner phones, and she knew Steve would track her own phone, and she withdrew a large amount of cash right before she dropped her bank and credit cards in the bank’s trash. She had to remain calm and think. Kim tried to put herself in the role of an assassin and try to think like an assassin – not easy to do. She ditched her mobile in a ravine, left her vehicle and keys at her art gallery, and she sought help from one person she could trust.

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story, where you constantly have to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

Would you believe it popped into my head? Because it truly did. I drew from personal life and events, a little from how assassin movies were planned out, and it worked. I found ways to add in twists and shocking events, without adding gore and blood because a good book, with the right hooks, has no need for that. I’ll give you my prologue for book two in the next question.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?


“What did you just say? The senior officer (Special Agent Thompson) of the two men from Homeland Security, that both Nancy and Kim knew prior, repeated, ‘Rob and Liza Caldwell were taken out as a hit’ in Boston last night and we think their assassin is the agent handler extraordinaire, who put out the hit job on the President, and on you, Kim, last November. The hit man’s name is Jeffrey Sanders, we don’t know any alias, ethnicity, or if male or female. Security cameras were disabled before the actual hit. Rob and Liza were asleep when it happened early this morning. A silencer was used, and neighbors heard their dog barking non-stop and became worried. The couple checked on them, found them dead in their bed, and called 911. The police detectives could tell it was a professional hit and called us. Special Agent Hughes and I flew directly here from Washington, DC. A note left at the scene read, ‘Two down, eleven to go’ and the eleven to go are most likely both of you, the President, and people unidentified. Make no mistake. The hit man will take out anyone with you, when, NOT if, they find you.”

“How dare you take out my two best assets! I’m coming for you, Kim, and your friend, Nancy! Never mind, my best assets died in a roll-over accident! They were after you, Kim! Now I’m going to finish the job! Both of you and yours are going down! I know where you are and who you have in your life! Tit for tat. The same back to both of you!”

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

“My husband, Steve, and I have always had a great relationship, married, for the last five years. He’s a private investigator, and I have my artwork. Much of his work involved using a special laptop, one that was rugged and lockable, in his home office and I had my art studio where I could lose myself in painting and creativity. Life was wonderful, until the day I read a completely chilling and startling “Hit List” on his computer screen. Confusion ran supreme in my brain and then it hit me. My name was at the top of that list! Wait! What? No! Never! Yet I read “Kim Daily” plain as day. What would you do if you found out you were the next target on your husband’s hit list? Steve intentionally left his laptop open for me to read. He simply can’t be an assassin! I would know. Or would I? No! That’s impossible! Steve has been the kindest husband for five years and he was a crack ass private investigator; not an assassin. Yet why was my name at the top of his hit list? Why did he even have a hit list? My mind reeling in shock, I had to do something to stay alive! Think, Kim, think! Get your best game on right now as time is running out!” 

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Feel and Hear the Music

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Anna Kuk Author Interview

See Listen Play: How to play your life music by playing it together presents to readers a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I was never a musician who enjoyed playing solo. My goal was to play music together. The time has come when I want to share my experience, observations, and notes that I made on the music margins during rehearsals with the greatest conductors and orchestras. I feel a strong need to reactivate our natural abilities to cooperate, listen, and be involved. In this post-pandemic time, we have a lot of frustration in this area. When writing my book, my main goal was to make each of us want to change from a passive follower to an active participant. Both in the context of life and the work environment. Not only by accepting this thought on an intellectual level but also on an emotional level, when you start to feel and hear the music flowing within you.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The chapters in which I talk about overcoming established stereotypes or paradoxes are very important to me. I like to change the reader’s perspective. The very fact that our actions and values create a certain type of music and looking at teamwork or leadership in this context is mind-changing. Also in the context of creating a brand image. Which melodies do we play as a team and do we treat our audience as an extension of our music?

Another very important message for me is to show that in the goal-oriented world, we underrate the stage of “rehearsals,” when we start to see and listen to each other by exploring our roles and impact rather than pure tasks. What kind of music do we want to create together? I want to show that everyone needs to feel visible, regardless of the exposure of their tasks, because you have an impact on the shape of the “concert.”

Music has long been known to evoke emotional responses. What led to the idea of using music to enhance teamwork and leadership?

I have always seen a very strong analogy between music and life. I have notebooks full of notes from rehearsals and music workshops, and at almost each of them, I wrote down something that related to my self-development as a person, not only in the context of music. This attitude clarified the idea and life motto in my head: everyone plays music without knowing it. Then I met several people in my life who showed that drawing inspiration from other areas of life, especially from music (which combines the structural with the abstract), is possible and necessary. Years of experience playing in various orchestras, from different parts of the world, have assured me that regardless of the cultural canon or language, the dynamics that make us play together not only notes but music, function in every corner and also in non-musical contexts.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

My main literary base is poetry, which is where I started and where I continue my work. I honed my skills under the supervision of the best poet from my region, I started winning competitions, and thanks to that I gained more courage. Now, I no longer have to look for confirmation of the value of my writing capacity in competitions. I’m sure that the creative freedom that poetry unleashes is what gave me wings for years to come.

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

SEE LISTEN PLAY, by Anna Kuk, is a transformative guide that orchestrates a new way of viewing teamwork and leadership. Drawing from the compelling dynamics of an orchestra, Anna Kuk offers a unique perspective for those feeling disconnected in their professional and personal collectives. This book isn’t just about finding harmony in teamwork; it’s a deeper journey into self-awareness and the poetic rhythm of life. For leaders, team members, musicians, and anyone who has lost their spark, SEE LISTEN PLAY presents a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together.
Through the lens of orchestral wisdom and rich metaphors, Kuk reveals how the change we seek in society begins within us and echoes through our interactions with others. Immerse yourself in this melody of insights and reignite the symphony of your life and work.

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My Own Unique Image

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Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

The Wonder Wig follows a young girl struggling with her self-esteem due to being uncomfortable with her short hair who discovers wigs and starts to build her confidence. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your character’s life?

Yes. There was a time in teen life I felt insecure about my hair being shorter than others. I felt wigs would make me look more beautiful. As I became an adult, I learned to accept my own unique image and to value my self-image with my natural hair and length.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Women and young girls’ mental health. Self-esteem. Family relationships, and alopecia awareness and support of those with this medical condition. I want women to feel self-worth and have resources to help them value themselves.

Will this novel be the start of a series, or are you working on a different story?

Yes, it is. Likely I will.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

A lady named Brooke Bell, insecure about her short hair and appearance, journeys from teen to adulthood and suddenly finds identity and refuge in a special wavy blond-brown wig from her aunt’s hair salon. She later begins to discover a new identity that changes her entire life.

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The Spires of Dasny: 7: The Dragon of Evermore

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In The Spires of Dasny: 7: The Dragon of Evermore, the seventh installment of Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait’s enthralling Spires of Dasny series, readers are plunged into a fantastical realm where dragons, magic, and telepathy are not just elements of lore but pivotal components of the narrative. The book artfully explores the intricate dynamics between humans and dragons as they confront adversity and strive to coexist harmoniously in a world rife with resistance.

Set against a backdrop marked by the Spires’ urgent mission to rescue their sorcerer Hu’gan, the story unfolds with a palpable intensity. The Kingdom of Kraken Purge, driven by a deep-seated fear and animosity towards dragons, stands as a formidable adversary. This fear is rooted in the dragons’ unparalleled power, a power capable of thwarting Kraken Purge’s expansionist ambitions. The ensuing conflict draws various factions into an alliance, with the Spires’ knights, dragon riders, and the dragons themselves joining forces with the immortal dragon Zelspar and the dragons of Avalon. This alliance soon finds itself entangled in a complex war on multiple fronts, battling not only the Kraken Purge but also confronting widespread draconian animosity.

Cowperthwait’s narrative prowess shines throughout the novel. Her vivid descriptions and rich language effortlessly transport readers into a medieval tapestry woven with knights, kingdoms, and mythical beasts. The dialogue and world-building are so meticulously crafted that one might feel as if they are meandering through the very heart of this vibrant medieval fantasy. The book’s pacing is well-calibrated, skillfully blending high-octane action sequences with moments of introspection. It’s not merely an adrenaline-fueled adventure; Cowperthwait weaves in thought-provoking themes, allowing for moments of emotional depth and introspection. This balance adds a compelling layer to the narrative, demonstrating her ability to engage both the mind and the heart. A particular strength of The Spires of Dasny is its exploration of fear and misunderstanding as catalysts for hatred, a theme that resonates profoundly with contemporary issues. The book’s depiction of this theme through the lens of a fantastical conflict between humans and dragons is both creative and poignant.

The Spires of Dasny works well as a standalone novel. Newcomers to the series can dive into this book without feeling lost, thanks to Cowperthwait’s skillful storytelling, which ensures that the core essence of the plot is immediately graspable and thoroughly engaging. This feature of the book speaks to the author’s ability to craft a story that is both part of a larger series and accessible to those encountering her world for the first time.

Pages: 247 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BYKCKQ4M

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