Thrive: Ghosts in the Glades

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Book Review

Thrive: Ghosts in the Glades, by Staci Andrea, is a compelling narrative centered around Jett, a young boy grappling with a growth hormone deficiency. The story unfolds as Jett and his family relocate to a new town following a series of surgeries that have strained the family’s finances. This move offers Jett a fresh start, introducing the potential for new friendships and the daunting challenge of facing a new bully. Amidst these changes, Jett becomes entangled in the mystery of the town’s missing children which many locals attribute to his mysterious new adult friend, Mr. Scroggs.

Years later, now a successful adult, Jett confronts a revelation that upends his understanding of his past, threatening to unravel the life he has built. Andrea’s narrative adeptly explores themes of human complexity and the flawed, intricate nature of our beings. The story delves into the nuanced motivations of its characters, by-passing simplistic labels of good and evil in favor of a more layered portrayal. Both the protagonist and antagonist are crafted with relatable depth, enriching their roles within the story. Throughout the book, Andrea skillfully navigates a spectrum of emotions, from curiosity and indignation to sorrow, engaging the reader with a well-crafted, emotionally resonant journey. The characters are developed with an understanding of self-perception and its influence on their interactions with the world around them. The novel’s conclusion delivers an unexpected and exhilarating twist.

Thrive: Ghosts in the Glades is a fine choice for those who enjoy fiction with a thrilling edge. While it contains elements of a coming-of-age story, the presence of mature themes such as murder, domestic violence, and bullying suggests a more adult audience. Thrive: Ghosts in the Glades offers an immersive and thought-provoking reading experience, indicative of Staci Andrea’s skill in blending emotional depth with suspenseful storytelling.

Pages: 249

Coming Soon

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Categories: Uncategorized

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