Day: November 19, 2023


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We are collecting for publication letters from Virginia Woolf that are not in the six-volume edition edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann (1975–1980). If readers are aware of any such letters in private hands or in libraries or institutions (other than those with well-known Woolf collections), we should be very grateful to hear about […]

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Patents and Code Names

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To the Editors: In his review of journalist Alexander Zaitchik’s Owning the Sun: A People’s History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to Covid-19 Vaccines [NYR, October 5], Daniel J. Kevles makes a significant error when he dismisses the central role of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in developing the first anti-AIDS drug. He instead credits […]

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Politics in the Classroom

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To the Editors: I read with interest Erin Maglaque’s complimentary review of my recent book, Political Meritocracy in Renaissance Italy: The Virtuous Republic of Francesco Patrizi of Siena [NYR, September 21]. Her main point of disagreement, which seems to issue from an extreme form of moral relativism, lies with my contention that what I call […]

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The Beginning of a Friendship

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Frederick J. Burns Author Interview

And the Trees Talked Back follows a young girl looking for her missing cat who discovers she has the ability to talk to trees. I think this original idea is intriguing. How did you come up with this idea and develop it into a story?

Thank you for describing the story of a girl who discovers she can talk with trees as an original and intriguing idea.

I had difficulty reading in elementary school, and I had to take remedial reading classes. I suppose they helped, but at the same time, they made me feel stupid. Though I had problems reading, I loved to draw, and I loved picture books. My favorite book was Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak. I always had in the back of my mind that I would like to write and illustrate a children’s picture book like Maurice Sendak.

Sixty years went by with no idea for a picture book.

Then, in the late summer of 2020, the Covid-19 lockdown was in place. People were dying, There were no answers as to the virus’s origin or how it was transmitted. I personally was very strict about double masking, social distancing, hand washing, and even disinfecting the groceries that I paid to be delivered to my house before actually bringing them in. It was a lonely rigorous existence.

The only activity that felt normal and enjoyable was going for evening walks by myself. I was away from people, so I didn’t have to mask. It was on one of these walks that I noticed a tree that, to me, looked like an elephant with a raised trunk, two tusks, a mouth, and an open eye. I am sure I had passed the tree multiple times without ever noticing it. However, that evening I saw it, and I took photos of the tree.

I have always enjoyed creating art, so I drew a quick sketch of the tree and posted it on Facebook. People responded favorably to my sketch, so in the following days, weeks, and months, I intentionally looked for trees with facial features, which I photographed and sketched.

With multiple tree characters to choose from, I thought about writing a story. I wondered what a conversation with a tree might be like, so I wrote the dialogue of a child who surprised a tree, “I never knew a tree could talk.” Then I wrote the rather sassy response from the tree, “I never knew a human could listen.” They both laughed, and that was the beginning of a friendship. I really liked that scene and thought this could be the beginning of a children’s picture book, and it was.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

I indicated in my answer to question 1 that I began the project during the lockdown caused by Covid-19. The lockdowns resulted in an acute awareness of being alone, separated from friends, family, co-workers, shopkeepers, teachers, etc. I thought as I was writing that I should point out how important interactions and friendships are, even ones with those who appear to be different from one’s self. That finding commonalities with others is important to the development of friendships.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

This is a very difficult question to answer because the answer brings sad emotions back to the surface.

First, let me be clear that my writing had always been either scientific writing or legal writing, never fiction.

My first wife, Melanie, and I were married for thirty-one years. She had cystic fibrosis. Her liver failed and she received a liver transplant. The anti-rejection medications, for her, caused intractable pain, digestive and breathing issues for 18 years before she finally succumbed and passed away. I had been her caregiver during those years.

After her passing, I knew she would not want me to live in misery. I made a decision to be open to new experiences new opportunities and new friendships. That single decision to be truly open to new possibilities brought new friendships, new art projects, new musical experiences, new connections and ultimately a new and wonderful love. I did not fear or reject new opportunities, I embraced them. It was with that new mindset in place that I discovered the tree that looked like an elephant. I was open to try writing fiction instead of legal briefs.

Author Links: Goodreads | Amazon

Meet Amanda, an extraordinary child with a unique gift – she can talk to trees.

Living in a quaint village with a mystical forest, Amanda’s life takes an enchanting turn when she searches for her inquisitive cat, Daisy. As the sun sets and the moonlight casts its glow, the duo embark on a thrilling night-time adventure.

As Amanda encounters ancient trees, she uncovers a world she never knew existed, wherewisdom and acceptance coexist with fear andhatred. Amidst the rustling leaves and hauntingshadows, she confronts the duality of nature, discovering the true meaning of good and evil.

Her bonds with nature deepen and she learns tonavigate the world where choices shape destinies. Amanda and the Talking Trees is a heartwarmingtale of wonder, friendship, and self-discovery that will captivate readers of all ages.

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The Potential to Change the World

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T.S. Simons Author Interview

Project Hemisphere is the story of a man struggling to overcome anxiety to find his place in a post-apocalyptic island community. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Several concurrent factors inspired Project Hemisphere. I have two teen neurodiverse sons, both of whom struggle with anxiety. It was important to me to show them that everyone is valuable and has a place in the world. We all struggle with self-doubt, but that doesn’t define who we are. I wanted a “real” hero, someone who was relatable but who showed my boys that everyone has the potential to change the world.

One of the other inspirations was that in Australia, we were evacuated several times with horrendous bushfires. A conversation with a colleague about global warming, environmental degradation, and how young people would do things differently kickstarted this story. I couldn’t shake the idea that the next generation might get things right, and not let politics, religion, or personality dictate how we live. Strangely, I wrote this book before the lockdowns of COVID, so it was bizarre to see some elements of this story play out in real life.

Finally, I am Scots-Australian and have spent a lot of time in both countries, so both cultures feature quite heavily in the series.

Was there anything from your own life that you put into the characters in your novel?

Absolutely! I love to model characters on traits of people in my life. Merlin, the cat in the opening scenes, is one of my cats, and Cam’s mum is modelled on my own. Five-foot nothing, with a heart of gold, adopts people in the supermarket, but you wouldn’t challenge her! Sustainable living is important to me, and I grow a lot of our own produce. But even the careers, travel, and life experiences are sometimes from my own experiences. Cam’s sister Sorcha works in international development, which I did for many years. Illyria, a main character from book three is a character I strongly associate with, and I suspect I resemble quite a lot! In terms of locations, many of them are places in which I have lived or travelled to.

Your cast of characters is in a unique situation. What was your approach to writing the interactions between characters?

I love enneagrams, archetypes, and character profiles, so I develop a clear profile of each character as a rounded person. Their motivations, values, and beliefs, not just their culture and appearance. When I write dialogue, I play the conversations out in my head before I write the interactions. Sometimes I review it later and think, “No, she wouldn’t say that,” and edit the scene. I also knew that this book was the beginning of a series, so giving the characters depth was critical. Many minor characters in Project Hemisphere return in later books, with sub-plots becoming main story arcs, so giving context and providing detail was necessary to establish the foundations for the series. I wanted people to be able to “see” what was going on and visualise the world these characters live in. Research is essential for me, and I spend a lot of time on the detail to ensure it is accurate.

Can you give readers some insight into where the second book in the series will take them? When will it be available?

Book two is quite tumultuous! Poor Cam is hurled into another emotional roller coaster and is reunited with some people from his past. Love and loss feature heavily, and my editor told me she cried when she read this one, (sorry Jen!). Book one is the solo adventure, book two is about family, book three focuses on friendships, book four on the importance of community, and book five on what lengths you would go to save your children.

Books two to five in the Antipodes series are already published, including in hardcover and audiobooks. There is also now a spin-off series, The Latitude Series, beginning with The 45th Parallel. Two books from this series are also published, with a few more on the way.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website | Amazon

After a global outbreak that threatens to decimate the planet, Australian scientists select a group of highly skilled young people to establish a sustainable island community built on the modern values of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Lonely and homesick, Cam Mackintosh overcomes his anxiety and finds belonging, passion, and friendship in his new life before his dreams are suddenly ripped from his grasp. Sent hurtling on a journey of discovery, he finds friendship and acceptance when he encounters other communities like his own, but he is forced to make a decision that will ultimately change everything.

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Botheration: Part One: The Missing Link, penned by Vito DiBarone, is an evocative young adult novel that delves into the complex world of Matthew, a character grappling with the aftermath of a traumatic car accident that claims the lives of his parents. Diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, Matthew’s journey begins with a heart-wrenching shift from his familiar surroundings to living with his grandmother, marking a significant turning point in his life. This change cultivates an introverted disposition in him, setting the stage for his unexpected integration into a popular group amidst a backdrop of chaotic events.

The narrative, set in the vibrant locale of Southern California, is vividly brought to life through DiBarone’s adept use of language. His ability to convey profound themes through accessible language is noteworthy, creating an engaging experience for the reader. The story is not only a gripping tale of personal growth and resilience but also serves as a mirror reflecting real-world issues. The depiction of PTSD in Botheration is handled with a nuanced sensitivity, offering a resonant experience for readers who may find parallels in their own lives.

DiBarone’s characters, from the introspective Matthew to the dynamically portrayed side characters like Gabriel and Samantha, are well-fleshed out, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the story. Their backstories and development add layers of depth, making the narrative more immersive.

While the novel is a compelling read, characterized by its well-constructed plot and unexpected twists, I think it does present some challenges in readability. At times, I felt the narrative flow was hindered somewhat by sentence structures, which, while stylistically representative of the protagonist’s mindset, can occasionally obscure the clarity of scenes and settings.

Botheration is a fantastic contribution to young adult literature, offering a thoughtful exploration of trauma and recovery. It is a testament to DiBarone’s skill in creating a narrative that is both educational and emotionally engaging, making it a recommended read for young adults and beyond.

Pages: 374 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09VK6Z5P7

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East of Midnight

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East of Midnight, by Karen Humeniuk, is an enchanting tale that beautifully explores the themes of faith, love, and self-discovery. Cameron’s world takes on new dimensions as Dr. Krasotkin’s thought-provoking inquiries challenge his perspective on romance. Cameron’s personal journey of self-discovery becomes a poignant exploration of societal expectations, unveiling a complex web of emotions surrounding his feelings for Lydia. In this heartwarming love story, Cameron’s inner world is artfully revealed as he competes for Lydia’s affection.

The book’s characters are exceptionally captivating, and connecting with them feels completely natural. Their internal struggles are vividly portrayed, from Cameron’s uncertainty about Lydia’s feelings to another character’s painful battle with loss. Cameron’s inner turmoil, including his struggles with anger, doubt, and grief, adds a layer of depth to the overarching love story.

Karen Humeniuk delves into themes of faith and spirituality, incorporating moving scriptures and messages throughout the narrative. One particular message that resonated with me was the idea that God’s love provides solace “even when no one else, not even our closest friends, can see the damage and pain.” The engaging narrative takes readers on a thrilling journey by way of a touching storyline.

East of Midnight delivers strong Christian messages and thoughtfully portrays the complexities of love. This book is a must-read for Christian literature enthusiasts and anyone who believes in the power of love. As you immerse yourself in the intricate thoughts of the protagonist, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions and beliefs.

Pages: 503 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BKLQPTPW

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THE U.S. 2023 HIGH POWER-BILL CRISIS CUT YOUR HIGH POWER-BILLS IN HALF TODAY: The Simple Art of Reducing Energy Consumption -The Definitive Guide-

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In The U.S. 2023 High Power-Bill Crisis: Cut Your High Power Bill In Half Today, author John Rubio tackles the pressing issue of surging power costs in the United States with a pragmatic and accessible approach. As power bills soar, Rubio’s book serves as a beacon, guiding individuals and households through the complexities of energy consumption with the aim of significantly reducing their financial burden.

Rubio’s style is engaging and easy to follow, employing straightforward language and relatable examples to demystify topics like “amp draw” that may be unfamiliar to some readers. His tone is conversational and inviting, reminiscent of a knowledgeable friend sharing valuable insights. While I feel some readers may find the book’s font somewhat distracting, its brevity ensures that this does not detract significantly from the overall reading experience.

Central to the book is the concept of empowering the average American, particularly those who might not have prior knowledge of energy-saving techniques. From homeowners to renters, Rubio addresses a broad audience, offering tangible strategies to cut power bills in half. This approach not only benefits individuals financially but also contributes positively to broader societal and environmental goals, aligning with eco-friendly practices.

The U.S. 2023 High Power-Bill Crisis is particularly relevant for those experiencing the strain of high energy costs, as well as individuals keen on adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. While the environmental angle is not explicitly stated, it is an underlying theme that resonates throughout the book.

Rubio’s commitment to providing practical and immediate solutions is evident in his writing, which resonates with a sense of urgency and relevance. The U.S. 2023 High Power-Bill Crisis is an essential guide for anyone looking to navigate the challenges of high energy costs in 2023, offering valuable insights for both novices and those more acquainted with energy-saving practices. As a resource for financial savings and sustainable living, Rubio’s work is a noteworthy contribution to the literature on domestic energy consumption.

Pages: 109 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CFH2CVJ9

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