The Power They Already Possess

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Ray LeCara Jr Author Interview

Who Are You, Really helps readers find their true purpose and turn their lives into meaningful ones. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Regardless of one’s coaching experiences or needs, this book is ideal for developing the best mindset for—and approach to—more meaningful life experiences. Call it a foundation. A primer. It is set up intentionally to support the reader’s journey to achieve peace and contentment, purpose and enlightenment, balance and focus through various exercises. Though it’s only the beginning, it introduces actionable steps that can be implemented immediately. If anyone then wishes to take it to the next level, they’ve done the work that clears the path to a quicker transformation. That’s why it was important to write the book. How we approach life, and its many challenges, is just as important as how we live it.

What is a common obstacle you see people facing that keeps them from finding fulfillment in their life?

We are the biggest roadblocks to our own success. Our own happiness. If we don’t believe in ourselves, who will? But how can you believe in yourself if you don’t know who you are? How can you articulate a path forward if you’re reluctant to do a deep dive? You have to be willing to face that person in the mirror. Yes, there will be things we don’t like. But until we take that step, peel back those layers, there’s no way to identify the areas that need addressing. There’s no way to assess the impact they may be having on other aspects of our lives.

Everyone has the power to bring about change in their lives. But that effort, that desire to improve, must come from within the individual. They have to want it and be willing to go there. The answers lie within. Too many are unwilling, however. They are unwilling to dig deep and be persistent in their efforts because some days it is difficult to find gratitude. Some days we are battered by our experiences and our emotions. We become overwhelmed by it all and this is why it is important to keep at it. Things will get in the way. Life will get in the way. Suddenly it’s not days or months of inaction, but years. This is why some people grow angry, bitter, and resentful.

Eckhart Tolle, a self-help author, said it best: “Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” Life, as we all know, is not easy. It’s not all twinkies and rainbows. But you can choose how you wish to approach it. By knowing your triggers and being aware of what distracts you throughout the day, being aware of the negative influences in your life or the toxic effect of your surroundings, you can learn how to be more balanced and focused. Focused, that is, on you—your growth, your purpose, your success, your happiness.  

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

It was important to share with readers HOW to discover their most authentic selves in a way that brings about transformation whether they work with a coach or not.

For example, what may be holding a leader back from being effective is that they either feel inadequate or threatened by those working around them. Often these feelings are more a reflection of how those in a new position of leadership view themselves. It might be due to a lack of confidence in fulfilling the role or feeling comfortable enough leading others. Maybe there’s a fear of being outshined by peers, especially those who have been there longer or are exceptional at what they do. An exploration of the self can help reveal where this lack of confidence or fear is originating. As a leader, surrounding yourself with talent and empowering them is a tribute to a strong and confident leadership and management style. You got the position. Identify and celebrate what you bring to the role; acknowledge and utilize those areas of strength others contribute to your team.

Let’s take someone looking for a health coach. Maybe they’ve been yo-yo dieting for many years and they’ve decided now is the time to commit to a coach. That’s great but body image goes far deeper than just calorie cutting and learning toning exercises in the gym. Peeling back the layers can help identify what might be holding the individual back.

We live in a world where we can acquire things rather quickly. A coach is going to help with achieving what is needed that much faster but if not enough is done to examine the foundation, the self, it will be that much more difficult to achieve goals, have clarity, and be all in for the long term.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your book?

I hope readers come away appreciating the power they already possess to genuinely bring about real change in their lives. Everyone struggles in their own way. We’re human after all. That’s why mindset is so important. To achieve the proper mindset, we need to practice real gratitude to put things in perspective. To get there, however, we need to examine who we are. And it’s not so we can underscore self-perceived flaws. It is to recognize those qualities and abilities that make us special and unique from one another. One “change,” then, might be in the revelation that our self-perception is heavily influenced by external forces and that people generally don’t perceive us in the ways that we fear. Imagine learning much earlier in life that the “flaws” we were once so quick to want to correct aren’t flaws at all. That the secret to profound living, loving, and leading is understanding that it’s okay to be you. People will gravitate to you because of your authenticity. And once we’re intentional about being our most authentic selves, there’s clarity and life truly does take on new meaning.  

Author LInks: GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Website | YouTube

Lost? Disconnected? Doubting your path? Do you sense there’s more to life?
To find fulfillment in the chaos that is life, you must first peel back the layers to discover who you really are.
At your core.
Enough with struggling to be all things to all people. Enough with being stuck in unfulfilling relationships or dead-end jobs!
It’s time to be… YOU.
Truly profound transformation comes from being your most authentic self.
So order your copy, find out who you truly are, and embrace your authentic self!

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