Cult Girls

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Talia has lived a vastly different life from most girls. She has been sheltered, taught politics are of the devil, told that men are superior to women, and used to recruit members to her family’s religion at a very young age. Her years as a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have taken a toll on her. She wants more than anything to have a normal life with a husband who values her while holding onto the love of her devout family members. Finding that balance is nearly impossible when you are a member of a cult.

Cult Girls, by Natalie Grand, captures the essence of what it means to grow up in a religious cult and slowly fade away from the only life you have known. Talia, the book’s main character, knows she wants no part of the Jehovah’s Witnesses now that she is an adult, but she struggles to find a way to keep her family and friends from being hurt as she transitions away from that life. Her story is a poignant one told in the form of a graphic novel and based on a true story.

I had my reservations at first about the format of the book, and I expected a much less serious tone than the author provides. I was, however, genuinely surprised at how effective the format is in delivering Talia’s message. I can see how incredibly useful Grand’s choice of format will be in reaching younger readers. Girls who are considering leaving a situation similar to Talia’s are much more likely to pick up a book like Cult Girls than a self-help book or a book with a religious tone.

In a time when cult escapism is becoming increasingly prevalent, Talia’s experience will resonate with many readers. Unfortunately, young women around the globe will relate to Talia’s life and her desire to be free of the life she knew as a young girl. Grand has gifted readers with a guidebook to living a life away from the influence of a cult.

Cult Girls has taken unmatched courage and determination to write so openly about life as Jehovah’s Witness. Repercussions for speaking out against the church are real and the author clearly understands the impact her work will have on both members and those who may be recruited. I can honestly say that Grand’s work is one of the most unique takes on religion and the characteristics of a cult I have ever encountered. It is a definite must-read for anyone considering leaving their church or considering joining an organization like the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Pages: 95 | ASIN: B09VNYW5SX

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