Living In My Mind

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Author Interview
Rosina Anderson Author Interview

An Old Shrew, A tortured Soul, and Everyday Angels follows two women with opposite personalities but are self-destructive and become the suspects in a triple murder. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

A number of my characters are based on people I personally met in Germany, some so outrageous and malicious that their existence almost defied belief and, on the other end of the spectrum, some of the kindest individuals that had ever crossed my path. They were so compelling, and the contrast between them was so striking that they kept living in my mind until I sat down to weave their stories together into one of my own.

Did you create an outline for the characters in the story before you started writing or did the characters personalities grow organically as you were writing?

My characters’ personalities grew organically as I was writing.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The theme that was most important to me was that kindness wins out in the end.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

My children’s book, Lucy and Feather, the story of a little girl and her pet crow, which I also illustrated is available now.

Author Links: Amazon | GoodReads

Set in Bavaria, An Old Shrew, a Tortured Soul, and Everyday Angels is the story of a bitter feud between Olga, a tough and nasty octogenarian, and Agnes, the antiauthoritarian mother of three teen-age delinquents.

Olga has perfected the art of manipulating and using people. A thorn in the side to many, she gets flak only from Agnes who has nothing to lose. While Olga practices being a flower thief, Agnes slides into alcoholism. The big clash comes when Olga puts a stop to Agnes’s newly found calling, and Agnes counters with a spectacular fire.

Out of the blue, three murders are committed. Who could be responsible? Olga, Agnes, or someone else altogether?

Both Olga and Agnes prematurely lose their lives, largely due to their errant ways. They might have lived longer, had they accepted the support so freely and readily given by Olga’s four wonderful neighbors; Sister Maria, a Catholic lay sister born in Turkey; Zora, a lovable Gypsy; her friend Adi; and others in their close-knit community.

While An Old Shrew, a Tortured Soul, and Everyday Angels is first and foremost a work of fiction, it touches upon the fate of the countless displaced persons and foreign worker families who found a new life in Germany after World War II.

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