Month: November 2023

An Unhealthy Definition of Rights

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The public health profession uses the term “social determinants of health” to describe the social conditions that combine to influence the health of individuals and communities. These include such measurable elements as education, housing, and economic stability as well as environmental quality, structural racism, and other forms of systemic discrimination, some of which are less […]

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Categories: Uncategorized

Uninhibited Questions

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Even apart from its punning subtitle, Porn seems to have the makings of one of those dubious inquiries into sexual experience whose high-minded claims to sociological or scientific interest will be undermined on every page by the hot, pervy details of people’s sex lives. But Polly Barton’s oral history turns out to be something different. […]

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Categories: Uncategorized

The Weight of One Story

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The words “she cries” show up sixty times in total in Bushra al-Maqtari’s What Have You Left Behind? The men in the book seem to weep less: “He cries” appears twenty times. These phrases, which al-Maqtari, a Yemeni journalist, puts in italics and between square brackets, read like terse, tragic stage directions, embedded within reams […]

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A New Language of Modern Art

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The brainchild of Laurence des Cars, the Louvre’s president-director, “Manet/Degas” is one of the most anticipated and ambitious exhibitions of recent years. The product of an extraordinary collaboration between the Musée d’Orsay (where des Cars used to preside) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it drew 670,000 visitors in Paris earlier this year. At the […]

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The Lost World

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One early myth about the dinosaurs was that they would return. In 1830 Charles Lyell—earth scientist, Scot—gazed into the far future and posited as much in his Principles of Geology, arguing that since the planet’s climate was cyclical (or so he believed), vanished creatures could yet be revived, along with their habitats, when the right […]

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Categories: Uncategorized

Sunday Post #603 Leftovers…

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

We had a lovely Thanksgiving. On Friday, the grandchildren helped deck the halls. They did the tree and watched holiday movies. By the time they got picked up, I was pooped. It is bitterly cold outside with a little snow. I need to sit down and write up some reviews. I have notes everywhere! Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • Inheritance By Nora Roberts (book review)
  • There Should Have Been Eight By Nalini Singh (book review)
  • A Match Made For Thanksgiving By Jackie Lau (guest post/book review)
  • A Killing Frost By Seanan McGuire (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
  • The Mystery Guest By Nita Prose (audio review)
  • A Demon’s Guide To Wooing A Witch By Sarah Hawley (book review)
  • Blood Sisters By Vanessa Lillie (guest post/book review)
  • Star-Crossed By Kerrigan Byrne (book review)
  • Faking Christmas By Kerry Winfrey (book review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:

  • Fire Season by Stephen Blackmoore
  • One Cursed Rose by Rebecca Zanetti

A special thanks to Tantor Audio & Kensington Books

Around The Blogosphere
  • Coming December 15, 2023 – 2024 Audiobook Challenge sign up.
  • Final Check-In In 2023 Audiobook Challenge December 30, 2023.
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The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

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With its cozy mystery vibe and quirky protagonist, Molly Gray, I was delighted to revisit the five-star Regency Grand Hotel for another murder-mystery. Narrated by Lauren Ambrose, the Mystery Guest by Nita Prose delivered an intriguing mystery perfect for a dreary winter afternoon.

The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

The Mystery Guest
by Nita Prose
Series: Molly the Maid #2
Narrator: Lauren Ambrose
Length: 8 hours and 23 minutes
Genres: Mystery
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 4.5 cups Speed: 1.5x

When an acclaimed author dies at the Regency Grand Hotel, it’s up to a fastidious maid to uncover the truth, no matter how dirty—in a standalone novel featuring Molly Gray, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Maid, a Good Morning America Book Club Pick.

Molly Gray is not like anyone else. With her flair for cleaning and proper etiquette, she has risen through the ranks of the glorious five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the esteemed Head Maid. But just as her life reaches a pinnacle state of perfection, her world is turned upside down when J.D. Grimthorpe, the world-renowned mystery author, drops dead— very dead —on the hotel’s tea room floor.

When Detective Stark, Molly’s old foe, investigates the author’s unexpected demise, it becomes clear that this death was murder most foul. Suspects abound, and everyone wants to who killed J.D. Grimthorpe? Was it Lily, the new Maid-in-Training? Or was it Serena, the author’s secretary? Could Mr. Preston, the hotel’s beloved doorman, be hiding something? And is Molly really as innocent as she seems?

As the case threatens the hotel’s pristine reputation, Molly knows she alone holds the key to unlocking the killer’s identity. But that key is buried deep in her past—because long ago, she knew J.D. Grimthorpe. Molly begins to comb her memory for clues, revisiting her childhood and the mysterious Grimthorpe mansion where she and her dearly departed Gran once worked side by side. With the entire hotel under investigation, Molly must solve the mystery post-haste. If there’s one thing Molly knows for sure, it’s that dirty secrets don’t stay buried forever…

MURDERMYSTERY smartfunny SUSPENSE well written

“datePublished”: “2023-11-27T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “With its cozy mystery vibe and quirky protagonist, Molly Gray, I was delighted to revisit the five-star Regency Grand Hotel for another murder-mystery. Narrated by Lauren Ambrose, the Mystery Gue”,
“publisher”: {
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Caffeinated Reviewer” },
“url”: “”,
“itemReviewed”: {
“@type”: “Book”,
“name”: “The Mystery Guest”,
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Nita Prose”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“isbn”: “” },
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kimberly”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,
“ratingValue”: 4,
“bestRating”: “5”

The Mystery Guest is the second standalone mystery novel in the Molly the Maid series. I was delighted to return to the Regency Grand Hotel where Molly Gray is now the Head Maid. After the scandal of murder, the hotel is trying to build back its reputation by opening up the tea room. Their first guest speaker is J.D. Grimthorpe, a world-renowned mystery author. Things go splendidly until Grimthorpe drops dead and Detective Stark is once again pointing her finger at the help.

I love Molly. She is clearly on the spectrum and struggles daily relating to people. Prose captures the characteristics of those who fall on the spectrum perfectly; from not picking up on social cues to speech. Molly is also very observant and clever at piecing together clues. She doesn’t do it to solve the mystery, but to protect her hotel family.

The story was delightfully paced with red herrings, a few twists, and plenty of suspects. Aside from a well-done mystery, the daily aspects and friendships Molly has pulled me in. We get some glimpses of her childhood, learned more about her parents, and, of course, got words of wisdom handed down from her grandmother.

Lauren Ambrose narrates and brings both Molly and secondary characters to life. Even Grimthorpe’s fan club members had distinct voices. I highly recommend listening.

Amazon | Audible

About Nita Prose

Nita Prose

Nita Prose is a longtime editor, serving many bestselling authors and their books. She lives in Toronto, Canada, in a house that is only moderately clean.

About Lauren Ambrose

Lauren Ambrose

Lauren Ambrose is an actress known for her work on television, in film, and on the Broadway stage. She has been nominated for a Tony® award and two Emmy® awards, and her television roles include performances as Claire Fisher in Six Feet Under and Jilly Kitzinger in Torchwood: Miracle Day.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2023 Audiobook Challenge


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A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley

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When the son of Lucifer is banished from Hell and loses his memory, Calladia Cunnington finds herself in a bit of a pickle. She’ll need to help Astaroth the demon to restore peace in Glimmer Falls. This “enemies to lovers” romcom was one I quickly devoured. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and check out my coffee dates with A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley.

A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley

A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch
by Sarah Hawley
Series: Glimmer Falls #2
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

Calladia Cunnington curses the day she met Astaroth the demon, but when he shows up memoryless, why does she find him so helpless . . . and sort of hot?

Calladia Cunnington knows she’s rough around the edges, despite being the heir to one of small-town Glimmer Falls’ founding witch families. While her gym obsession is a great outlet for her anxieties and anger, her hot temper still gets the best of her and manifests in bar brawls. When Calladia saves someone from a demon attack one night, though, she’s happy to put her magic and rage to good use . . . until she realizes the man she saved is none other than Astaroth, the ruthless demon who orchestrated a soul bargain on her best friend.

Astaroth is a legendary soul bargainer and one of the nine members of the demon high council—except he can’t remember any of this. Suffering from amnesia after being banished to the mortal plane, Astaroth doesn’t know why a demon named Moloch is after him, nor why the muscular, angry, hot-in-a-terrifying-way witch who saved him hates him so much.

Unable to leave anyone in such a vulnerable state—even the most despicable demon—Calladia grudgingly decides to help him. (Besides, punching an amnesiac would be in poor taste.) The two set out on an uneasy road trip to find the witch who might be able to restore Astaroth’s memory so they can learn how to defeat Moloch. Calladia vows that once Astaroth is cured, she’ll kick his ass, but the more time she spends with the snarky yet utterly charming demon, the more she realizes she likes this new, improved Astaroth . . . and ma

magical paranormal RomCom Small-town

“datePublished”: “2023-11-28T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “When the son of Lucifer is banished from Hell and loses his memory, Calladia Cunnington finds herself in a bit of a pickle. She’ll need to help Astaroth the demon to restore peace in Glimmer Fall”,
“publisher”: {
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Caffeinated Reviewer” },
“url”: “”,
“itemReviewed”: {
“@type”: “Book”,
“name”: “A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch”,
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Sarah Hawley”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“isbn”: “” },
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kimberly”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,
“ratingValue”: 4,
“bestRating”: “5”

This story picks up shortly after A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating A Demon. While this book contains its own romance, there will be some spoilers regarding book one. You have been warned.

Coffee Dates with A Demon’s Guide to Wooing A Witch

  • First Date: Our story begins in Hell where, after losing a bet, Astaroth is cast from the council and banished to Earth. Calladia, our witchy fitness instructor, saves someone from a demon attack and it turns out to be Astaroth. Only he doesn’t know her. In fact, he seems to have lost his memory… but the demon who attacked him isn’t finished. I loved the banter and chemistry between these two from the start. She was all bite, and he was well impressed.
  • Second Date: When the demon named Moloch attacks again, the two decide to search for answers. Why does this demon want to hurt Astaroth, and what happened to his memories? Which leads them on a quest of sorts. Along the way, they’ll sleep in the woods, get in a bar fight and deal with their mothers. I loved their adventure and watching their romance unfold. I laughed and swooned.
  • Third Date: Friends, social media and a campaign to stop Moloch take us back to hell. Some pretty interesting things happened that kept me reading into the wee hours. I loved that the issues in Hell felt relevant. We see growth not only in Calladia, but in our sexy soul bargainer too. I ended this date with a smile and look forward to the next book.

Fans of small-towns, paranormal rom-coms, and snarky, sexy banter will want to pick up A Demon’s Guide to Wooing A Witch.

Amazon | Audible

Read an Excerpt


Astaroth of the Nine-demonic high council member, legendary soul bargainer, and renowned liar-was having a very bad day.

He limped down a firelit stone corridor within the high council’s grand temple on the demon plane, leaning heavily on his cane sword and cursing witches and traitor demons under his breath. His former protégé, Ozroth the Ruthless, had just handed him a neat and complete defeat, turning a soul bargain that ought to have been a coup for Astaroth into an embarrassment. And for what?


Astaroth scoffed at the absurdity. A demon soul bargainer falling in love with the witch whose soul he was supposed to take? Human-demon pairings were rare, but they did happen-Astaroth knew that all too well-but this was unprecedented.

It should have been a simple bargain. After Ozroth had shown signs of decreased performance as a soul bargainer, thanks to accidentally gaining a human soul during a bargain gone awry, Astaroth had been determined to help his protégé recover his edge. When Mariel Spark, a powerhouse of a witch, had accidentally summoned Ozroth for a bargain, it had seemed the perfect opportunity to resurrect Ozroth’s ruthlessness and gain a beautiful, bright human soul for the demon plane.

Ozroth hadn’t claimed the witch’s soul though. No, he’d dawdled and brooded and pined for the witch like bloody Lord Byron himself (and Astaroth ought to know, since he’d shagged that dramatic bastard for a few months in the early nineteenth century). Unlike old Georgie, though, Ozroth lacked the charisma and sartorial panache to pull off romantic brooding, so Astaroth had quickly stepped in to make the deal himself and save both of them embarrassment.

Then it had all gone wrong.

A few impossible spells later, Ozroth and Mariel remained in a disgustingly happy relationship with both partners still in possession of their souls. And Astaroth had bargained away any leverage he might use to punish them.

He scowled at a torch sconce shaped like a hellhound’s three gaping maws. The other members of the demonic high council would rip into him as viciously as a pack of hounds if they sensed an opportunity to reduce his influence and promote their allies. The scent of his blood was in the air, and there was no shortage of aspirants in the hunt for power.

The huge black doors leading to council chambers loomed ahead. Each was banded in silver and held half of the crest of the high council: a nonagon with nine spokes arrowing toward a stylized flame in the center.

Dread squeezed his insides with an iron fist. Astaroth rested with his back against the wall for a moment, closing his eyes and breathing through the surge of undemonlike fear. After six centuries, he knew how to force his secret weaknesses under control.

His aching leg welcomed the respite. It had been broken during his defeat thanks to one of Mariel’s allies, a violent blond witch wearing spandex, of all things. Humiliating enough to be punched in the throat, kneed in the groin, and nearly launched into the stratosphere by the witch; her naff attire had added insult to injury. The same accelerated healing that kept demons immortal allowed him to walk on the damaged leg, but he hadn’t had time to change out of his dirt-and-blood-stained white suit before being summoned to council quarters.

It’s fine, he told himself, tapping his sword cane against one white, stack-heeled dress shoe, as if that could knock off the grime ground into the leather. So you lost this bet. Make another one, then win that.

The high council was fond of bets and wagers, which were an excellent way to test rivals, since it was dishonorable to refuse a bet. Frustrated after centuries of deadlock with his main rival on the council, an aggressive demon fundamentalist named Moloch, and with the council muttering about Ozroth’s fitness to continue as a soul bargainer, Astaroth had rolled the dice. If Ozroth succeeded in his next bargain within the allotted time, Astaroth would win whatever prize or punishment he wanted from Moloch. If Ozroth failed, Moloch could decide the prize or punishment.

A wager with open-ended terms was a risky move, but Ozroth had never failed to complete a bargain, even if he had felt some guilt about it recently. Astaroth had been sure Ozroth would seize the witch’s soul and win the bet.

Ah, to return to such an innocent time.

The door’s silver sigil gleamed in the wavering glow of torchlight like a bright, flame-pupiled eye, judging Astaroth with its stare. Bets had been lost in the high council before. The results were never pretty.

But Astaroth had centuries of cunning and experience on his side, and he was determined not to go down without a fight. Besides, any legendary schemer had a backup plan. He’d been investigating Moloch for years, looking for a weak spot to target, and he’d finally discovered the evidence he needed to take out his greatest enemy on the council. Moloch might win this bet, but he would soon lose everything else.

Astaroth straightened, cracking his neck before shifting his weight onto both legs. Sharp pain shot through the injured leg, but he gritted his teeth and started walking without a limp.

The scent of his blood might be in the air, but Astaroth had fangs as sharp as any hellhound’s.

Time to show them.


Excerpted from A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley Copyright © 2023 by Sarah Hawley. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved.

A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley delivered a delicious RomCom with paranormal elements, suspense and plenty of heat. #NewRelease #GlimmerFalls #smalltown #bookreview #excerpt
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About Sarah Hawley

Sarah Hawley

Sarah Hawley lives in the Pacific Northwest, where her hobbies include rambling through the woods and appreciating fictional villains. She has an MA in archaeology and has excavated at an Inca site in Chile, a Bronze Age palace in Turkey, and a medieval abbey in England. When not dreaming up whimsical love stories, she can be found reading, dancing, or cuddling her two cats.

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Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie

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Sophia Rose is here with a mystery thriller you won’t want to miss. Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie shares a compelling mystery while shedding light on the Native American struggles. Curl up with a hot cocoa and see why this pulled at Sophia.

Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie

Blood Sisters
by Vanessa Lillie
Genres: Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

A visceral and compelling mystery about a Cherokee archaeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs who is called back to rural Oklahoma to investigate the disappearance of two women…one of them is her sister…

There are secrets in the land.

As an archaeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Syd Walker spends her days in Rhode Island trying to protect the land’s Indigenous past, even as she’s escaping her own.

While Syd is dedicated to her job, she’s haunted by a night of violence she barely escaped in her Oklahoma hometown fifteen years ago. Even though she swore she’d never go back, the past comes calling.

What happens to the land happens to the women.

When a skull is found near the crime scene of her youth, just as her sister, Emma Lou, disappears, Syd knows she must return to Oklahoma. She refuses to let her sister, or the remains, go ignored as so often happens in cases of missing Native women.

But not everyone is glad to have Syd home. The search for Emma Lou puts Syd in the crosshairs of local drug dealers looking to build an empire and vengeful vigilantes policing the abandoned mines, while government officials silence tribal rights.

The truth will be unearthed.

The deeper Syd digs, the more she uncovers about a string of missing Indigenous women cases trailing back decades. To save her sister, she must expose a darkness in town that no one wants to face—not even Syd.

“datePublished”: “2023-11-29T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “Sophia Rose is here with a mystery thriller you won’t want to miss. Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie shares a compelling mystery while shedding light on the Native American struggles. Curl up with”,
“publisher”: {
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Caffeinated Reviewer” },
“url”: “”,
“itemReviewed”: {
“@type”: “Book”,
“name”: “Blood Sisters”,
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Vanessa Lillie”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“isbn”: “” },
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kimberly”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,
“ratingValue”: 4.5,
“bestRating”: “5”

Sophia Rose’s Review

I’m not sure if I was most intrigued by her work as an archeologist, the conflicting idea of a Cherokee woman work for Indian Affairs, the fictional mystery plot mirroring real life of the missing Native American women, or, hey, why not all of it rolled into one.  Let’s just say when Blood Sisters was brought to my notice, I pounced on it.

Blood Sisters was never going to be a light and easy read with the sad history and present day circumstances of Syd’s Cherokee people which Vanessa Lillie handled deftly and carefully.  As this was fiction, I appreciated that she not only wrote a compelling backdrop for setting and characters, but the mystery was one that sucked me in completely and had me vested since it involved Syd’s own past, her good friend’s death, and current day situation with her sister.

Syd got a reprieve of sorts from the life she left behind with a life involving wife and work and place that allowed her to block out the past, but it is soon obvious when Syd returns home that the past was unsettled and merely waiting for her to resolve it.

It was an interesting juxtaposition and point of extra conflict that Syd chose to work for Bureau of Indian Affairs since her people have never had a good relationship with this government organization.  In a ‘change it from within’ campaign, Syd’s got an uphill battle that she was starting to make headway with out with the Narragansett tribe in Rhode Island, but this cuts no ice with her own folks back in Oklahoma when she goes home after years away when her sister goes missing and a skull is found on a past, familiar crime scene.  Her home folks see Syd as a sellout.

There is no gentle reunion for her and the situation is volatile with all the corruption within the local government and the flagrant drug movers, but also the people who had no love for Syd.  The tension was taunt and she had to work in a vicarious position.  I do love the setup of a small community roiling with secrets.

I won’t say this was a fun and entertaining book because it wasn’t and it rubbed my emotions and mind raw in places when it gets real about the Native American struggles, but it was compelling and I was vested in Syd’s story and investigation.  I have known some of the backdrop, but learned even more while appreciating a solid mystery with dark turns and a riveting resolution.

Amazon | Audible

Grab a cup of hot cocoa and check out Sophia Rose's #bookreview of Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie #mysterythriller
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About Vanessa Lillie

Vanessa Lillie

Vanessa is the author of the bestselling thrillers Little Voices (October 2019) and For the Best (September 2020). She also co-authored the instant bestselling and ITW award nominated Audible Original Young Rich Widows (April 2022), with 20,000 reviews the sequel forthcoming. Her next novel, Blood Sisters, launches October 31st, and begins a new series with #MMIW2S at the heart of the stories. With fifteen years of marketing and communications experience, Vanessa was a columnist for the Providence Journal and hosts an Instagram Live show with crime fiction authors. She is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma living on Narragansett land in Rhode Island.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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Star-Crossed by Kerrigan Byrne & Cynthia St. Aubin

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We are back in Townsend Harbor and this time it’s Gemma’s twin sister Lyra’s story. As Lyra tries to pick up the pieces of her life after previous events veered her off course, things go topsy-turvy when she bumps into Cypress Forrester, a complicated crush from her past. Sparks fly in this delightful romcom.

Star-Crossed by Kerrigan Byrne & Cynthia St. Aubin

by Kerrigan Byrne, Cynthia St. Aubin
Series: Townsend Harbor #4
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

Everyone thinks LYRA MCKENDRICK is magic. She’s not, for the record, just a lawyer who predicted a few outcomes that were blown out of proportion in the robust Townsend Harbor rumor mill. After a messy breakup in which she lost her thriving practice, she’s returned to her hometown to lick her wounds and is persuaded by a local town cook to capitalize on her cringe-worthy reputation by running the local new-age shop. How hard could it be to sell chakra-cleansing crystals, libraries worth of tarot cards, crops of candles, and enough incense to choke out Willie Nelson’s entire entourage? When one of Townsend Harbor’s many ancient trees threatens her plumbing, she engages Cypress Forrester, aka “Cy the Tree Guy” to rid her of the problem. Instead, he seems intent on becoming one.

Cy’s family have been arborists and healers for generations, and they’re firm believers in the mysticism of trees, among other things. When she hires him to chop down an endangered tree to save her business, they find themselves on opposite ends of a battle neither of them is willing to lose. As a man tethered by indigenous roots to the earth, Cy immediately realizes Lyra is a woman who lives in her head, which often disassociates her from her heart, body, and intuition. It’s how she always finds “practical” explanations for the series of unexplained, serendipitous coincidences that keep thrusting them together. Alone. But Cy knows better, and he realizes that he must tempt her out of her thoughts and back into her body, and what better way to do that than by a thorough seduction?

RomCom Small-town smartfunny SWOON

“datePublished”: “2023-11-30T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “We are back in Townsend Harbor and this time it’s Gemma’s twin sister Lyra’s story. As Lyra tries to pick up the pieces of her life after previous events veered her off course, things go topsy-tu”,
“publisher”: {
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Caffeinated Reviewer” },
“url”: “”,
“itemReviewed”: {
“@type”: “Book”,
“name”: “Star-Crossed”,
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kerrigan Byrne, Cynthia St. Aubin”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“isbn”: “” },
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kimberly”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,
“ratingValue”: 4,
“bestRating”: “5”

As a former New England defense attorney, Lyra’s life was on the fast-track with a finance who turned out to be a total loser. Lyra McKendrick could best be described as prickly, and I enjoyed getting her story, especially after the events of the last book. After her breakup, she has come home to Townsend Harbor. When a historic tree damages the plumbing in her sister’s shop, they call in arborist Cypress Forrester. Cy and Lyra share a complicated history, and I loved this story of second chances and character growth.

The story and romance that unfolded delivered a charming second chance story with plenty of heat and lots of laughter. I love the diverse and unique characters in this series and was glad to see Lyra get her own happily ever after. The authors didn’t change her personality, just her perspective, and I enjoyed watching everything unfold.

Fans of romantic comedy, small-town romances and realistic characters will want to pack their bags for a trip to Townsend Harbor. Star-Crossed can be enjoyed as standalone, but watch out for minor spoilers regarding previous characters.


About Cynthia St. Aubin

Cynthia St. Aubin

USA Today bestselling author Cynthia St. Aubin wrote her first play at age eight and made her brothers perform it for the admission price of gum wrappers. A steal, considering she provided the wrappers in advance. Though her early work debuted to mixed reviews, she never quite gave up on the writing thing, even while earning a mostly useless master’s degree in art history and taking her turn as a cube monkey in the corporate warren.

About Kerrigan Byrne

Kerrigan Byrne

Kerrigan has done many things to pay the bills, from law enforcement to belly dance instructor. Now she’s finally able to have the career she’d decided upon at thirteen when she announced to her very skeptical family that she was going to “grow up to be a romance novelist.” Whether she’s writing about Celtic Druids, Victorian bad boys, or brash Irish FBI Agents, Kerrigan uses her borderline-obsessive passion for history, her extensive Celtic ancestry, and her love of Shakespeare in almost every story. She lives in a little Victorian coast town on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State with her wonderful husband. When she’s not writing you can find her sailing, beach combing, kayaking, visiting wineries, breweries, and restaurants with friends, and hiking…okay…wandering aimlessly clenching bear spray in the mountains.

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