Month: May 2023

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

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Author Interview
Juliet Young Author Interview

An Accidental Parisian is a memoir chronicling your journey from Toronto to navigating the challenges of being a French national and citizen of three countries while unraveling the forces and circumstances that brought you to where you are today. Why was this an important memoir for you to write?

In order to fully understand how and why I got here, I needed to reach back and trace the trajectory of my life from a happy child, rebellious teenager, and questing adult to the European citizen and resident of France that I am today. I needed to see how circumstances and family events dictated my choice to settle permanently in Europe (and not in my homeland of Canada). In this respect, I wrote the memoir for myself.

The second reason that motivated me to write the book was the other Parisian memoirs I had read, written by British, American, Canadian, and Australian women like me. While very good and hugely entertaining, I concluded that my personal story was just as interesting as theirs … even more so!

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

The death of my parents and the void it has left in my life. I miss their presence and integrity; their benevolence and emotional support. But writing about my mother and father brought them back to life (and evoked happier times), so it wasn’t entirely painful.

What is one thing about Paris that you feel is little-known or underrated?

The diversity and charm of the different neighborhoods and arrondissements of the city. Throw away your tourist map and get lost; there are hidden gems to discover when one dares to stray off the beaten track. Leafy parks, gardens, and squares; small museums; churches, canals, and quiet residential boulevards. Admire the elegant Haussmann architecture and pop into boutiques, bistros, and boulangeries frequented by the locals. Currently, my two favorite arrondissements for wandering are the 12th and the 14th.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your story?

To be adventurous. To have faith in the universe. To step out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new experiences; hopefully, you’ll be rewarded.

Also, to be your own best friend. Life is full of surprises, good and bad, and unexpected detours. You might lose friends and family along the way … people will betray you … and you’ll have only yourself to fall back on. So, self-reliance. You need to be there … for you. You need to be your own cheerleader and support system.

Author Website:

Carefree, confident and curious about the world around her, Juliet takes leave from her comfortable life back home and embarks on a journey to Paris. Her goals are to perfect her French, find a job and have exhilarating adventures in Europe for a year or two.

Chronicling her story from an idyllic childhood in a Toronto suburb to France where she lives and works today, we follow Juliet—first to Montpellier to study French at Paul Valéry University only to end up in the role of French housewife at the age of 24—and onwards to Paris where she discovers the city and its residents, hunts for a job and an apartment, works in an advertising agency and then at Reuters, all while rollicking adventures—romantic and otherwise—are thrust upon her.

A feminist, Juliet finds France to be a deeply patriarchal and sexist society, and the women acquiescent.

At the book’s core are Juliet’s loving and successful parents. She plans to return home and to them, and settle permanently. But when her father suddenly dies, and her mother six years later, her world comes crashing down.

The book is called An Accidental Parisian because it was never the author’s intention to live abroad for so long. In an endeavor to understand how this happened, she must cast back to her beginnings—and her parents’ beginnings—and piece together the forces, choices and circumstances that brought her to where she is today: a French national and citizen of three countries, still living and working in Paris.

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Make Sure Your Final Years Are What You Want

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Jim van de Erve Author Interview

A Lie Called the Present follows a woman suffering with Dementia who tries to keep her family together despite their efforts to the contrary. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The story of A Lie Called the Present transpired in much the same setting and with a similar plot line to what occurred in my family. My mother was removed from our family home of 47 years because of her oncoming dementia and family politics. My father conspired with others in the family in what was a progression of very difficult decisions that taught me many lessons about life and informed my writing.

What was your inspiration for the characters and their relationship?

The inspiration for the characters in the play comes from family members and friends who live under the pall of pain, illness, and distress that aging brings, often with little hope of improvement or recovery. The emotional toll that these people bear helped me appreciate the courage and drama that they use to fight off their physical and mental demons. Dealing with my aging parents brought a whole new dynamic to sibling interaction, often reverting to old childhood power struggles and hurts that were acted out but in a more adult way. I didn’t model the sibling relationships just on my own family but also on what I have witnessed among my friends and their siblings as well.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The family is a powerful institution that you dismiss at your own peril. The story drives home the importance of long-range planning in making life decisions to make sure your final years are what you want, and not what your children think they should be. Shakespearean verse and speeches add dramatically to the depth of a literary work.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

I have a collection of sonnets in the works. It will be quite a while before they are ready.

Author Links: Amazon

In this play in verse, an elderly woman resists her husband’s yearning for freedom, as their children fight for power and control with forces that could tear the family apart.

The mother clings to her home, staving off dementia. Her children desperately hide their pasts and deny their futures.

In A Lie Called the Present, betrayal lurks in the depths of the family.

Original source:

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