Day: February 17, 2023

Believe, Believe, Believe 

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A few pages into Believe, Believe, Believe, one can deduce that James Henry Lincoln Sr. is a faithful follower of Christ. The testimonies he gives, the stories he shares, and how highly he regards the almighty is enough proof that he is a genuine believer. The reader is enlightened on the Christian faith, the holy book, and religion. The author firmly discusses believing, writing about the various aspects of believing and why it is crucial to confess one’s faith and profess the word of God as a believer. Many Christians may not know what they should do to be true believers. Some have little faith, while others, despite being staunch Christians, are distracted by skeptical elements of the world.

In his book, Believe, Believe, Believe, James Henry Lincoln Sr. does not express disapproval of such Christians; instead, he gently educates all and welcomes even the nonbelievers into the glory of the Lord. The author has multiple segments in his book that discuss the real purpose of God’s people on earth and how being a faithful believer will make life easier for you. He starts the book by posing a question that everyone should ask themselves; ‘Why believe?’ This is the first chapter’s title, and it is in this chapter that the reader gets a clear message on why they should believe.

Believing will improve your relationship with God, help you with your spirituality, get you to live a rewarding life, attract more followers to Christ, and prepare you for a life in heaven, among other reasons. The first chapter is one of the perfectly-written chapters as the author gives multiple reasons for readers who may not have known why it is vital to believe. The author also vastly discusses other subjects in subsequent chapters, such as the sign of holiness, realities of the Lord, prayer, fellowship, repentance, and God’s prophets.

There are many reasons why this book is a must-read for Christian literature lovers. The author takes pride in believing in the Lord and condemning the devil. I also liked this book because of the multiple quotes, analogies, and bible scriptures the author referenced when writing. James Henry Lincoln Sr. made the reading experience exciting as he incorporated different ways of sharing the message and lessons. Believe Believe Believe is a great book for those that enjoy biblical lessons and religious texts. I also recommend the book to readers who want a short and exciting book to help them improve their faith and belief in God.

Pages: 146 | ISBN: 1643617567

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