Day: September 24, 2022

“Ever Freer to Speak My Mind”

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“The theocratic movement to advance religiously based governance—the antithesis of genuine religious freedom—has installed as the law of the land the essentially unreasoned position advanced in Dobbs,” writes Laurence H. Tribe in the Review’s September 22 issue. His is a thorough indictment of the illogic, legal inconsistencies, and arrogance of the Supreme Court’s ruling to […]

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The Struggle Over Verdi

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The Parma Verdi Festival, dedicated to Italy’s greatest opera composer, opened Thursday night with one of his strangest and most disturbing operas, La Forza del Destino (The Force of Destiny). Set across the landscape of a Europe at war, Forza is an opera of frustrated passion and vindictive obsession, with choruses alternately rapt in solemn […]

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To Create My Own Middle-earth

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Ian E.S. Adler Author Interview

The Last War follows five heroes as they embark on dangerous quest to rediscover the secret of the Elder Song. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

Strange as it may seem, I found out about the Elder Song a bare moment before Loremaster Aneirin did. I knew from the start that the five were going to summon the power of the Dragonkin using the Shrines, but how they were going to achieve that – i.e. the setup – was a mystery to me until a heartbeat before Aneirin heard of the Elder Song. However, while the setup came organically in that sense, the Cynnahu Saga itself is directly inspired by the late Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea Cycle; in short, her Archipelago inspired me to create my own.

I remember first reading The Earthsea Cycle in elementary school, hearing the mage Ogion of Re Albi say “To hear, one must be silent.” And I still remembered those words when I took the series up for a second and third time, years later. While the rest of my generation went to Hogwarts with Harry, I traveled by ship to the School of Roke with Ged.

Isn’t that interesting? I openly and sincerely adored Middle-earth and idolized the wizard Gandalf, but it was Ogion the Silent who I related to: “He spoke seldom, ate little, slept less. His eyes and ears were very keen, and often there was a listening look on his face.” I also remember being struck with the fact that Earthsea was an Archipelago, the first I had ever encountered in a Fantasy, with no true main continent to journey across; rather the journeying was done by ship, in the soul, and on different Isles each of which had a special distinction – its own personality, if you will. I was so struck that even at so young an age I decided that if I were ever to write a Fantasy book then it would take place upon an

Archipelago. I knew I wanted a mages’ school, a ruling Archmage, and ships. Interesting is it not? I idolize The Lord of the Rings, yet never felt the need to create my own Middle-earth.

Your characters are all unique and detailed. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Most simply came to me, cliche as that sounds. However, I tried to have them represent something I felt needed a voice. Archmage Hoth is my idea of an ideal leader. Myrriden is a single father who is not afraid to show how much he loves his son and surrogate daughter. He represents rank, power and skill coupled with humility. Emrys is not unlike myself at his age, nervous and following the rules fervently, yet possessing an inner flame and smarts. He is not the stereotypical brash “boys will be boys” hothead and is instead deeply thoughtful. Sakura is a girl who had everything she loved taken from her in an instant, and now seethes with a need for vengeance. She represents trauma that takes time to heal but is smart and would fight to the death to defend her still living friends. Volcan is the mysterious and unwillingly funny figure you can utterly trust and who keeps surprising you, because every good Fantasy needs such a character.

Stormlady Mica leads the blue warriors because I have noticed that, in Fantasy, women tend to use their wits and magic while the men lead the actual glorious cavalry charge; women have the special powers while the men use swords. This is hardly an ironclad rule and, even if it were, there is nothing wrong with it – indeed I love countless books that employ this storyline tactic. But I wanted to flip the coin. I wanted a woman wearing armor and leading the land’s most elite warriors into white-hot battle while the men wrestled with matters of magery.

Loremaster Aneirin in the scholar in me, for I love historical research and adore archeology. Yet just as much he – and the grey nobles in general – portray my firm belief that the best societies are deeply aware of their own history and learn from their past. Instead of trying to gloss over or justify the genocide of the Dragonkin, most modern Cynnahu folk – thanks to the Loremasters – are appalled by their ancestors’ deeds. Furthermore, I prefer wars won in ways beyond mere military tactics and/or magic as otherwise it is boring. Which is why Aneirin uses his scholar’s training to unravel ancient mysteries, his work being crucial to the war effort and the quest for the Elder Song despite never fighting.

Did you plan the story before writing or did it develop organically while writing?

A bit of both. I had what I like to call beacons – major events I wanted to happen because they were turning points in the story – but getting there was up to me. I was like a ship captain sailing unknown waters towards the distant lighthouse then, upon reaching it, setting out for the next. So I planned the story insofar as the beacons went, but everything in between developed organically while writing.

This is book one of The Cynnahu Saga. What can readers expect in book two?

Book two, Dragon Guardians, will hopefully be out by this time next year. Hopefully. I am making no promises as life has a horrid habit of getting in the way, but the book is fully written – meaning all that remains to be done is editing. Indeed, even the rough draft of book three, Mages’ Legacy is complete.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

The people of the Archipelago of Cynnahu are used to war. Aeons ago their ancestors conquered the old continent, wresting it from the native Dragonkin whom they wiped out in a land-shattered conflict. Then, five hundred years later, new invaders arrived from the unknown south, the mireborn Naga, the snake-folk of Nag Isle who the Cynnahu folk have been ceaselessly fighting in the millennia since. But nothing prepared then for what was about to happen. A time foretold by an ancient Seer and Archmage speaks of a time when the Archipelago must fight its Last War against the Naga, a time when five heroes – Traveler, Orphan, Survivor, Student, and Lord – will set sail to rediscover the secret of the Elder Song.

Only they are not heroes. They are Myrriden, the footsore mage and single father; Sakura, an orphaned and homeless girl seeking vengeance; Volcan Darkrod, the enigmatic Fire Mage; Emrys, Myrriden’s nervous son; and Archmage Hoth, the unflappable Leader of the Cynnahu folk.

Guided by an ancient riddle recently uncovered by the famed Loremaster Aneirin, these chosen five must a run a race of swords, spells, and dusty scrolls – for while the Elder Song was crafted to summon the primeval power of the Dragonkin to save the Isles, it has, down to its very name, been forgotten. Will the courage and wits of two eleven-year-olds and three vastly different mages be enough to free purposefully hidden secrets from forces older than the Isles themselves and reunite the scattered Song while fighting a desperate war on land and sea? Only two things are certain: where swords fail scrolls may prevail, and that humanity stands at doom’s edge and time is against them.

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Well Worth The Ride!

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Andrew Pacholyk Author Interview

Barefoot: A Surfer’s View of the Universe tells your adventurous true story and shares the lessons you learned along the way. Why was this an important book for you to write?

This particular book blended my love for surfing and the sea with the life lessons it has provided me. It was also threaded with a tale of how my dance career enhanced my love for surfing by taking me all over the world. It was the perfect marriage of a passionate career with an instilled joy for a sport that is just as fleeting as my profession. Well worth the ride!

What is one piece of advice someone gave you that changed your life?

We don’t have to end up anywhere near where we started.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

  • No matter where you come from, or whatever your dreams, you can achieve them, if you are passionate, persistent, and resilient.
  • We have to trust the Universe and follow our instincts.
  • There is wonder and magic, everywhere. We just have to pay attention.
  • The only obstacles in life are the ones we create.
  • Do not underestimate the power of forgiving yourself.
  • How following your heart is the best advice you can give yourself.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your memoir?

That they realize there is a little bit of themselves within this book. It may not necessarily reflect their passion or career, but the message is Universal. The lessons I’ve been given in life, from my mentors, are little gems, which can be applied to anyone’s life.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

Ready to feel the beating heart of existence? Kick off your shoes and discover the ultimate way to navigate uncharted waters.
Andrew Pacholyk was a gawky kid with big ideas. Awkward and out-of-place as a teen, he relished the moment he discovered dancing and the ecstasy of the rhythm of his body. But it wasn’t until he caught his first wave on the wide-open ocean that this nature-lover truly began to comprehend the vast balance on tap in the cosmos.
Barefoot ~ A Surfer’s View of the Universe is the unvarnished true tale of a spirited man’s life with sand between his toes and senses on high alert. With stunning lessons of solace and eye-opening insights, the lifelong surfer, professional dancer, and acupuncturist’s journey through the blue serves as an everyday account of the power of paying attention. And with talented storytelling and vivid prose, diving deep into this memoir-like search for meaning will leave you feeling refreshed, blissfully connected, and transformed.
In Barefoot ~ A Surfer’s View of the Universe, you’ll appreciate:
The practice of accepting who you are and embracing what you find
How daily discipline and awareness build courage and confidence
Tips for helping your fellow humans in this grand struggle called life
Techniques to cope through connecting with the body and soul
The magic and genius of nature, and much, much more!
Barefoot ~ A Surfer’s View of the Universe is a doorway to resetting the self. If you like powerful observational wisdom, thought-provoking revelations, and the gift of learning from each moment, then you’ll love Andrew Pacholyk’s breathtaking story of his pilgrimage through time.

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From The Horror Films

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Ann Greyson Author Interview

Birdwatcher follows a family that is searching for answers when they’re daughter is murdered, but find that death is only half of the story. What were some sources that informed this novels development?

Rest assured this novel wasn’t inspired from an actual murder in the Poconos of Pennsylvania, or anywhere else, for that matter. Rather, inspiration for the entire story came from other sources, such as my own imagination. And maybe I shouldn’t be admitting this, but some of it was drawn from the horror films I grew up watching from my era, or those slasher films that my parents had watched in their youth. (Bonus points if you can guess which films)

I enjoyed the mystery at the heart of this story. Did you plan the mystery before writing or did it develop organically while writing?

The mystery, plot points and connections between setting and characters, I would say were both planned and unplanned, so much so that a significant portion of the Birdwatcher story evolved organically through the course of writing the novel.

What scene in the book did you have the most fun writing?

In Chapter 45 of Birdwatcher, Millie Dozier, the cabin cleaning lady, encounters the ghost of Abigail Wincoff. Writing Millie’s reactions to the supernatural was fun for me and meant to provide comic relief to this otherwise dark story.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

While I’m planning to write a sequel to Birdwatcher to come out in June 2024, the novel I’m currently working on, Cowgirls & Indians, is utterly different. This historical fiction novel centered on a Cherokee woman named Sequoia is set to release in May 2023 and will have a touch of spaghetti western humor. Additionally, this literary work may be by far the most challenging for me.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Website

While vacationing in a log cabin in the idyllic Pocono Mountains in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Gillian and Lance Wincoff’s 12-year-old daughter, Abby, vanishes while birdwatching in the woods. Pressure mounts for Sheriff Andy Kirkman and his Deputies, Billy Shipley and Missy Sparks, of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office as they scramble to find the missing Abigail Wincoff. The disturbing reality comes to the detective who inherits the case that Abby has to be the victim of a serial killer. In this shivering ghost story about the afterlife and the loss of childhood innocence, murder is only part of the story.

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If The Goonies Were Time Travelers

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Adam Crozier Author Interview

Escaping the Future follows a group of friends on an adventure that leads to a time machine in a wrecked spaceship that sends them to the future. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

I grew up on stories like The Goonies and Back to the Future. When I was thinking about ideas to pursue in my own writing, it wasn’t a big leap for me to ask myself, “What if the Goonies were time travelers?” Instead of hunting for a treasure, they could be searching through time for a way home. Instead of the Goonies, the friends from the story were loosely based on the friends from my own childhood. I imagined how my friends would have reacted if they were thrown into the future, and the shenanigans that would result from our choices in trying to get home.

Your characters were interesting and well developed. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

I wanted to portray characters with the challenges that everyone feels as they are growing up. Whether struggling to make their own voice heard like Sophia, not living up to expectations of others or yourself like Tate, not fitting in like Zoe, or just how to gain the confidence you need to succeed like Nic. Everyone deals with these challenges in some degree at some point in their lives, and how they overcome these challenges is the heart of the person they become.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I wanted the reader to understand the idea of seeing things from others perspectives as well as your own, whether it is from strangers or someone as close as your family.  While Nic has to move away, he doesn’t see things from his parent’s point of view. Despite his disagreements with his family, he has to learn to not take for granted the time he has with them. We never know what changes might come in the future, family drama, moving away, or even your own alien situation. Understanding others point of view can help you work together and live in the moment.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

I am working on a middle grade story where the main character will travel from Earth into another world filled with magic. It is a fairytale about exploration and discovering your own true potential. I don’t have a working date for its release yet.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

The seconds are ticking away. If he can’t turn back the clock, the human race is doomed.

Nic Walker is devastated. Forced to leave behind his best friends because his parents are moving, the bright twelve-year-old is determined that they all have one final adventure. So when they come across a time machine in a wrecked spaceship, a trip to the future seems like the perfect plan… until they discover they can’t get back.

Alarmed to learn they can only move forward, Nic finds them all trapped centuries ahead in a world of jetpacks and flying cars. And with each failed attempt to locate a wormhole and return them to when they belong, the twenty-first-century tween hurtles towards a war that will end humanity.

Can Nic overcome aliens and bring everyone home?

Escaping the Future is a thrilling middle-grade time travel adventure. If you like puzzling mysteries, strong friendships, and eye-popping science fiction settings, then you’ll love Adam Crozier’s captivating quest.

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Unleashing Their Potential

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Edmund Yeung Author Interview

Winning Your Biggest Paycheck provides readers with clear guidance and actionable advice to advance their career and achieve financial freedom. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I have always wanted to write a book on career advancement. After my limited success in business, I wanted to give back. I think I have a gift for simplifying complex concepts and inspiring others in plain words. I have been a lecturer, coach, and mentor. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than inspiring people and unleashing their potential in life and business.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who’s struggling to advance their career?

I was going to say, “read my book!”

Develop and follow a career plan that includes job skill training and getting a mentor. Fear of failure and procrastination hold people back. A sense of accomplishment builds confidence. The learning routine will condition your mind to stay focused and positive.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about entrepreneurship?

People think as entrepreneurs, they will make more money than working for someone else. And the issues they faced at work previously will diminish. However, they will become the chief executive officer, chief operating officer, and most importantly, the chief revenue officer once they decide to start a business. They will face many more challenges, including making a profit and maintaining cash flow.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your book?

Build a strong personal brand. Your personal brand is an essential element of your career success. Your paycheck will grow as you elevate your brand!

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

In Winning Your Biggest Paycheck, author, top 1% salesman, and successful entrepreneur Edmund S. Yeung unveils his revolutionary wealth-building and earnings optimization strategy that he developed over 25 years of top-level sales performance and recent successes, like finishing a fiscal year 510% over quota and earning an extra $1M sales credit. Are you dreaming big enough? Probably not… but you should be.
By deploying the common-sense, real-world strategies offered in this potentially life-changing personal success book, you will learn powerful methods that any professional or entrepreneur can use to drastically improve your win rate and sell the highest margin products to the most profitable customers. You will learn how to use strategies Yeung routinely uses to sustain winning streaks that allow him to double his quota and hit the biggest commission accelerators and bonuses available.
In this empowering personal productivity and earnings improvement book, you will learn:
How to use the power of a long-term customer advocacy and customer relations mindset to build strong relationships that will allow you to cash in your largest contracts and land the biggest clients in your career
The 10 most important qualities of a trustworthy partner or employee – vital qualities of a top-line salesperson
How to increase your services or products’ values with elite branding strategy – product positioning, value proposition, DNA, and differentiating yourself from your competition
The 3 most powerful techniques that can be used to formulate career-changing strategies – The T.C.M. process, which addresses the two biggest challenges in business and life – lack of time and money
How to persevere, stop procrastinating and how not to be late ever again—it will change your life!
Use these proven strategies and techniques to overachieve and maximize take-home income in any profession, including automobile sales, insurance, consulting, software sales and luxury item sales.
If you’ve been reading book after book or listening to podcast after podcast, and you still haven’t found that breakthrough strategy that will allow you to earn more money or win that promotion that you’ve been looking for that will break the ceiling and change your life, look no further. Winning Your Biggest Paycheck will provide you with the knowledge and expertise to make that life-changing leap to career success and substantial wealth.

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