When Lions Roar

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When Lions Roar is an emotionally-resonant novel detailing the struggle of a woman who is torn between her child and taking the abuse of her husband. It is a common issue in today’s society for women to feel as though they have lost their voice and go down a hard road to finding it, and this novel does a fantastic job of reflecting that agony.

This story opens with a mother’s worst nightmare. Her daughter Hannah has gone missing. Maggie has always had a privileged life, so the shock of losing her daughter has overtaken her. Readers are then taken into the past, learning about her abusive husband who scares her and her daughter. On the outside Maggie has everything a woman could want: a beautiful life with a husband and beautiful child. The morning Maggie is told Hannah has gone missing, her heart-wrenching journey from victim to survivor begins. Through an emotional but ultimately uplifting journey she learns that she can stand on her own two feet and be without the weight and abuse from her husband.

When Lions Roar is a novel that many readers will be able to understand on an emotional level, whether you’ve experienced abuse or not, the feelings are universal, the emotions are palpable, and the sharp writing ensures readers can empathize if not relate. I admired Maggie’s character because of her strength but also because of how she handled situations. It all led her to finding her true self and that journey was compelling and thought-provoking. In dealing with the pain of losing her daughter she dug deep and found strength to carry on, showing just how brave she was. This instance where Maggie realizes just how strong she is is such an inspiring moment for the reader and is a testament to the authors writing prowess and the power of her characters journey.

The author also includes a close friend in the story to help Maggie through losing Hannah, which I thought was a potent and meaningful addition to the story. It helps show women that by standing together you can find the strength to get through hard times.

When Lions Roar by Karen Leigh Gruber is an engaging character driven novel that shows how one woman finds her strength during dark times.

Pages: 232 | ASIN: B08LSBXH62

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Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2022/09/02/when-lions-roar/

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