TasWeekend: Artists offer writers a chance to publish a book in any genre

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TasWeekend: Artists offer writers a chance to publish a book in any genre

The artists' goal is to publish 100 books by September. They have called the project the People's Library, a name inspired by the scholarly involvement in the great ancient library of Alexandria and the notion of “digesting a work”. Each chosen manuscript will be presented as a collective artwork, through
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'Girls are told, look pretty and wait for your prince to come': Mother fed up with sexism in children's …

A mother and blogger who became fed up with the way girls are represented in children's stories set up her own publishing company so she could release a book to tackle gender stereotypes. Mother-of-one Suzanne Hemming, 45, from London became frustrated with reading tales of helpless
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Kristy Harvey and writing friends talk shop

Then there's the checking emails, the social media posts, and all the other tasks that sometimes push writing to the side. Crispell still works full-time, so she writes before work and in the evenings. She also said brushing her teeth or taking a shower seem to be her most creative times of the days.
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Coalition on Copyright Changes

I Value Canadian Stories is an initiative driven by a coalition of associations across the creative industries founded by: Access Copyright, Association of Canadian Publishers, Canadian Artists' Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens, Canadian Publishers' Council, News Media Canada,
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Golf course leaders are doing a great job

I'm writing to commend Mike Scesny, Schenectady Municipal Golf Course superintendent, and Matt Daley, Head PGA professional, for their fabulous leadership and management of the improvements, maintenance and running of the course. In my opinion, the improvements this year to greens, fairways
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