Author: Ruth

Uwacu calls for more efforts to promote reading culture

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Uwacu calls for more efforts to promote reading culture

Minister Uwacu called on development partners, including publishers, and the community in general, to play their part in … adding that the readership culture will surely succeed if they continue to work with different book publishers.
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Traditional Grammar Should Be an Undergrad Requirement

Requiring students to complete formal writing assignments without first … As it stands, Traditional Grammar is only a required course for English
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Students in Tusculum grant writing class secure $3000 for Camp Creek Elementary Library

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Students in Tusculum grant writing class secure $3000 for Camp Creek Elementary Library

Dr. Michael Bodary, associate professor of English who taught the grant writing course offered at Tusculum College, explained why he enjoys teaching
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Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies Issue #74

We welcome your submissions on topics related to writing, self-publishing, book design or marketing books. A collection of outstanding articles
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