Day: October 2, 2024

A New Chapter for Bangladesh?

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The Awami League has dominated Bangladeshi politics since independence. It led the Liberation War against Pakistan in 1971 and, following a period of military rule that lasted until 1990, alternated governing duties with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for close to two decades. After winning the 2008 general election by a landslide, however, the Awami […]

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The Making of the Springfield Working Class

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In September 1917, Ohio Governor James M. Cox—soon to be the Democratic nominee for president in 1920—marked Labor Day with a lengthy public address. After a few words praising the American Federation of Labor (AFL) for patriotically complying with the war effort, he turned to the then-emerging phenomenon that we now call the Great Migration. […]

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Ted Lives!

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Howl had had its say. Now Greenwich Village was expensive. In January 1961 the actor Robert Cordier staged a funeral for the Beat Generation in his apartment. A photograph of the event shows James Baldwin, then finishing Another Country, leaning against Cordier’s wall in midsentence. To his right is a not-yet-bald Shel Silverstein, the folk […]

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The Bitter Truth by Shanora Williams

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Sophia Rose is here with another review. You’ll want to dive into The Bitter Truth by Shanora Williams. Come see what Sophia loved about this political charged and absorbing domestic thriller.

The Bitter Truth by Shanora Williams

The Bitter Truth
by Shanora Williams
Genres: Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

An upstanding political candidate. A determined stalker. A shattering lost weekend. Now, when his worst secret comes calling, how far will one man’s elegant, all-too-devoted wife go to uncover the truth . . . or bury it?

For Jolene “Jo” Baker, the least she can do for her adoring husband, Dominic, is give unwavering support for his North Carolina gubernatorial run. He is not only the love of her life, he’s also helping her prove that she’s far more than just a pampered trophy wife. With huge crowds showing up at Dominic’s speeches and the polls consistently in his favor, she’s never been happier to stand proudly by his side . . .

Until she and Dominic start seeing the same, strangely ominous woman turning up all along the campaign trail. Until their tour starts becoming a nightmare of botched events, crucial missed information, and increasingly dangerous “accidents.” Suddenly Jo can’t get any answers from Dominic—or understand why he is acting so paranoid and terrified . . .

What Jo can do is start digging into his past—one she’s never really questioned beyond his perfect image and dazzling accomplishments. What results is an alarming series of events that leave her baffled: Good friends turn into enemies, truths are revealed to be lies, and all clues lead back to one secret, shattering weekend that changes Jo’s entire life. With her world splintering into pieces, can Jo risk trying to set things right? Or will hiding the bitter truth by any means necessary destroy her as well?

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Sophia Rose’s Review

The Gubernatorial race of North Carolina is at stake and suddenly a mysterious woman is stalking her husband’s political rallies.  A dedicated wife gets concerned and all sorts of dark secrets come out.  Shanora Williams’ The Bitter Truth was my first experience with her writing and it’s been a bit since I read an absorbing, domestic thriller.  I was primed and ready and I was not disappointed.

Jo Baker is the perfect politician’s wife.  She’s personable, bright, a successful and strong woman of wealth and a successful business in her own right.  Her marriage has everyone sighing and backing her charming husband and their team for what they stand for and their engaging persona.  That’s the outside…and a lie.  She’s been talking to Dominic about a split for some time when he drifted away and prioritized everything else above their marriage.  Lately, she doesn’t suspect, but knows he’s keeping secrets and that was before the drama started with the mysterious woman.

As with most domestic thrillers, it isn’t long when readers get a heads up that all isn’t what it seems.  Of course that startling Prologue of a horrific experience in Dominic’s childhood setting the stage for what was to come and right on into the dark deeds of Dominic’s more recent past that he must keep covered up at all costs if he wants to win re-election.  Dominic is a narcissist, but he’s a charming one that has others convinced he cares about them and only lately has Jolene worked this out about him.

The Bitter Truth hooked me from the start and I was well into the book before I came up for air.  There are multiple point of views including Dominic and Jo, but also Brynn, the third main character who is telling an earlier timeline of events.  I liked getting to know them warts and worse- particularly when it comes to Dominic.  It’s not a matter of this is going to be bad, but to what depth.  This is a revenge plot and there is some serious drama and stunning twists in the end before all is said and done.

When it comes to domestic thrillers, I don’t tend to like the characters and have realized that one isn’t necessarily expect to.  It’s about reading a personal train wreck of lives and not being able to look away.  I usually don’t like books associated with politics, but I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy that element because it gave just the right amount of high stakes to all Dominic was trying to protect and achieve by his loathsome actions.  Jo and Brynn were both gals with a lot of fire and willing to see Dominic’s despicable actions and raise the stakes.  Jo impressed me and left me in awe at her chess-like moves against her husband.

All in all, this was one that took me on a dark journey of the soul and I liked how it re-emerged (eventually) into the sunshine.  Shanora Williams’ writing style was easy read for me and I look forward to more of her thrillers and would definitely try her romances.  Domestic Thriller fans are the target audience and I can definitely recommend this one.

Amazon | Audible

About Shanora Williams

Shanora Williams

Shanora Williams is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty romance and diverse suspense novels. She lives near Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband and three boys and is a sister to eleven. When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on TV streaming services.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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The Gnomes of Fibberton

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The Gnomes of Fibberton by Becky Bell is a quirky and imaginative tale about a hidden world beneath the surface of everyday life. In this underground realm, the grouchy Gnomes of Fibberton keep a watchful eye on the lies and fibs that children tell. Each child is given a secret number at birth, the number of lies they can tell before the gnomes come for them, dragging them down to Fibberton to live out their days as gnomes, doing endless chores and collecting fibs. The story combines humor and a slightly eerie undertone to deliver a cautionary message about honesty.

I found the writing style to be both charming and eerie in a way that reminded me of old fairy tales. Bell’s rhythmic, almost sing-song writing pulls you into Fibberton from the very first page. The descriptions of the gnome’s world are vivid, who wouldn’t shudder at a place where “the air smells like sweaty feet” and “there is never a comfortable seat to be found?” That sense of discomfort really hits home the moral of the story in a fun yet slightly unnerving way, which works well for a children’s book that’s meant to stick with you. The repeated phrases, like the gnomes’ off-tempo song, add a playful cadence that makes you feel like you’re hearing the story spoken aloud. What really stood out, though, was the creativity of the world-building. The idea that gnomes keep track of lies like little treasures and come for you when you reach your limit is wildly inventive. The small details, like gnomes hiding in smelly shoes or cookie jars, give the whole story a playful, mischievous tone that keeps it from feeling too dark. And, of course, the illustrations by Khan beautifully complement the writing. The depiction of Fibberton and its gloomy atmosphere adds a visual depth that enhances the creepiness and charm of the gnomes’ world.

The Gnomes of Fibberton is a fun and imaginative read that blends humor with a moral lesson. It’s perfect for kids who love a slightly spooky story with an edge, though it might be a bit intense for younger or more sensitive readers. I’d recommend it to parents looking for a creative way to talk about honesty, as well as to kids who enjoy quirky, offbeat stories with a dash of the bizarre.

Pages: 32 | ISBN : 1964498007

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The Summer Before

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The Summer Before by Dianne C. Braley is a coming-of-age novel that takes us through the emotional complexities of Madeline Plympton’s life as she navigates the fragility of family relationships, personal trauma, and the bond of sisterhood with her best friend, Summer. Set against the idyllic backdrop of Martha’s Vineyard, the story delves into how deeply a single secret can fracture lives, casting a shadow over the seemingly perfect world Madeline once knew. As she uncovers the truth about her father’s dark actions, the past and present collide, forcing her to grapple with painful revelations and her own identity.

Braley’s writing style pulls you in with its vivid sense of place and atmosphere. The descriptions of the island are so alive you can almost smell the saltwater and feel the summer sun on your skin. Yet, beneath the warmth of these memories lies a growing tension. The prose seamlessly shifts from the calm to the chaotic, reflecting Madeline’s inner turmoil. One aspect that stood out is the raw exploration of trauma and its aftermath. Summer’s abuse and the ripple effect it has on Madeline’s life are handled with sensitivity, but Braley doesn’t shy away from the discomfort. The courtroom scenes, for instance, felt painfully honest. As Madeline hears the details of her father’s actions, her internal conflict leaps off the page. The way Braley captures Madeline’s struggle between loyalty to her father and her love for Summer is gripping and heartbreaking. You can feel the weight of guilt and confusion press down on Madeline as she tries to reconcile her memories of her father with the man she now knows he is. Madeline and Summer’s friendship is the heart of the story, and Braley beautifully captures the complexity of close relationships. There’s a bittersweet quality to their interactions, particularly in scenes where they reminisce about their childhoods, like when they laugh about their names, Summer Starr and Madeline Plympton, and pretend to be old ladies. Their bond feels real, the kind of friendship that can weather any storm, even the darkest secrets.

The Summer Before is a poignant and haunting novel that tackles difficult subjects with grace. It’s perfect for readers who enjoy emotionally charged narratives with strong character development. If you’re someone who loves stories about the complexities of friendship, family secrets, and personal growth, this book will resonate deeply with you. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions because Braley doesn’t hold back. It’s a book that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

Pages: 262 | ASIN : B0DH9XFXZT

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Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad – A GenX Dad in a Digital World

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Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad: A GenX Dad in a Digital World by Patrick McLaughlin is a collection of heartfelt letters from a father to his sons as they venture into adulthood. The book is filled with personal anecdotes, life lessons, and reflections on growing up as a member of Generation X and navigating fatherhood in a rapidly evolving, tech-saturated world. Each chapter showcases a different moment or lesson, ranging from heartfelt goodbyes as his sons leave for college to practical advice about life’s challenges. With humor, warmth, and a dose of tough love, McLaughlin imparts wisdom on everything from handling relationships to managing responsibilities, all while reflecting on his own journey as a father and a man in a changing world.

What stood out to me the most in this book is McLaughlin’s voice, which is casual yet poignant. You can tell these are not just surface-level lessons but deeply thought-out reflections born out of his experiences. McLaughlin delivers frank advice to his sons on responsible drinking, but the underlying message is about personal responsibility and understanding limits. His conversational tone and humor make serious lessons accessible and relatable. It’s not often that you get a parenting book that’s also laugh-out-loud funny. When he warns about mixing drinks and the dangers of alcohol, he does so with the same casualness as reminding his kids to wear a jacket. The balance of humor and depth is skillfully done, which keeps the book from ever feeling preachy.

McLaughlin’s focus on the relationship between fathers and sons is another highlight. He doesn’t sugarcoat his feelings, admitting to the difficulty of watching them leave and the emptiness that follows. Yet, he also embraces the inevitability of it, constantly reminding them to “be good” and “stay strong.” The ongoing theme of imparting wisdom, both old-school and modern, is touching. I really appreciate McLaughlin’s honest take on how technology has shaped parenting for Generation X. He reflects on the seismic shifts in how people communicate and interact and how these changes have affected his approach to fatherhood. In the preface, he humorously acknowledges the absurdity of living through the birth of Google and the rapid onset of digital communication. His insights into how Generation X parents have had to adapt to raising children in a digital world while still holding onto the values they were raised with struck a chord with me. It’s clear that McLaughlin respects the past but isn’t stuck in it, offering a unique generational perspective on parenting.

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad is a heartwarming, often hilarious read for anyone who enjoys reflections on family, fatherhood, and navigating life’s twists and turns. I’d recommend this book to fellow GenX parents, dads in particular, who will likely resonate with McLaughlin’s sense of humor and worldview. It’s also a great read for anyone looking for honest and practical advice.

Pages: 233 | ASIN : B0DBB7HFFN

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Lead with Purpose, A Story About Leading In Your Personal And Professional Life

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Dr. Kevin McGarry’s Lead with Purpose offers a compelling exploration of leadership, personal growth, and family dynamics, all wrapped in a narrative that feels both deeply relatable and insightful. McGarry shares a story through the main character Eddie who’s journey to understanding leadership came from an unexpected source, as he grappled with balancing his professional and personal lives. Out of this chaos emerged critical lessons, which he skillfully presents to readers. McGarry’s book will especially resonate with those facing similar struggles to the protagonist, Eddie, whose life is a reflection of the challenges many of us face in today’s fast-paced, disconnected world.

McGarry’s writing captures the unspoken tensions within Eddie’s household, portraying a broader theme of disconnection in the digital age and the quest for purpose. The way he transitions from Eddie’s strained family life to the softball field hints at a deeper metaphor. It’s not just about family and sports; it’s about bridging the gaps between our professional and personal aspirations. McGarry’s ability to intertwine elements of corporate leadership within these personal moments adds depth and richness to the narrative, making it more than just a story—it’s a guide for those whose lives don’t fit into neatly tied-up bows. The author blends engaging storytelling with practical life lessons, offering a mix of realism and introspection. McGarry writes with a certain artistic flair, using vivid descriptions and emotional depth to capture the essence of family and work-life struggles without overindulging in flowery language. His focus remains on evoking emotional connections through the characters’ interactions and internal conflicts. The pacing is deliberate, allowing the natural tension between Eddie and his family to unfold, mirroring the subtle yet impactful disconnects that often arise in modern lives. Every element of his writing reflects an intentionality and passion that shines through in every page. The book’s central themes—leadership, family, and personal fulfillment—are thoughtfully woven into a larger conversation about balance and meaning. One of the key takeaways is the importance of remaining open to life’s lessons, which can emerge from the most unexpected places, ultimately transforming both your professional and personal approach. McGarry’s tone and vocabulary are carefully chosen, capturing the weight and emotional complexity of modern disconnection, especially within the family. Yet, he offers a sense of renewal through leadership and engagement. The story’s undercurrent of hope, as Eddie embarks on a journey to rediscover purpose, is balanced with complex emotions like frustration, love, and determination.

Lead with Purpose is a thoughtful, well-written reflection on leadership and life. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to reexamine their life choices, leadership style, or find a better balance between work and family. McGarry’s ability to combine practical advice with an engaging, heartfelt narrative makes this book both powerful and transformative.

Pages: 166 | ASIN : B0D8LLHW9N

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