Our Spiritual Selves

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Author Interview
Ann Mullen-Martin Author Interview

In We All Want To Be Happy, you share with readers the wisdom you have gained throughout your life and personal experiences with love, loss, and resilience. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I have been blessed in that I have been surrounded by people who support me. I’ve learned a great deal from them about how best to truly enjoy life with all of its ups and downs. Also, at 80, I want to leave some thoughts and some hints of who I am for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My kids might even get a greater understanding of where they came from.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

I truly do not find it difficult to write about any part of my life from the early death of my mom through the sudden deaths of my two husbands. I rather find it cathartic and an opportunity to remind myself of how fortunate I was to have them.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were younger?

Slow down and enjoy each day a bit more. I’m not sure I would have taken it and I’m not sure it wasn’t offered. I do know I didn’t hear it. I was always eager for the next chapter; I have since learned to live in the now and anticipate the future as a probability, but not a promise.

What is one thing you hope your readers take away from We All Want To Be Happy?

Life is to be enjoyed every day and learned from in every circumstance. There is no up without a down – a bland life teaches nothing. I believe our purpose here is to learn and to grow our spiritual selves toward peace and love.

Coming Soon

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/09/29/our-spiritual-selves/

Categories: Uncategorized

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