Day: September 29, 2024

Sunday Post #647 Hard Week

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Little Miss Hazel and her mom, my daughter moved about six hours away this week. I miss them already. I’ve been listening to audios, and watching lots of TV and movies. I rewatched all of the Harry Potter movies, something I do whenever I am sick or sad…lol I only have one confirmed host for the HoHoHoRAT challenges. If you’d like to host a challenge please email me. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • What If… Wanda Maximoff and Peter Parker Were Siblings? by Seanan McGuire (audiobook review)
  • Free as a Bird by Hailey Edwards (audiobook review)
  • Death Scene by Carol J Perry (book review/ guest post)
  • Drow Rising by Martha Carr (audiobook review)
This Week on the Blog
  • I’ll Be Waiting Kelley Armstrong (audiobook review)
  • Candle & Crow by Kevin Hearne (audiobook review)
  • The Bitter Truth by Shanora Williams (book review/ guest post)
  • Wicche Hunt by Seana Kelly (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe
  • Bloodguard by Cecy Robson
  • Be Careful What You Wish For by Lorraine Murphy
  • It Will Only Hurt for a Moment by Delilah S. Dawson

A special thanks to Red Tower Books, Tantor Audio & Penguin Audio

Around The Blogosphere

12th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon. November 21st to December 2nd, 2024. Sign up Challenge Hosts Needed. Please email me if you are interested in hosting one of the challenges.

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Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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Layered Interpersonal Relationships

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Irving Schiffer Author Interview

There’s No Such Thing as an Inadequate Man is a psychological thriller that explores how money and power shape a person’s world and the lengths people will go to obtain them. Why was this an important book for you to publish posthumously for the author?

The author (my father) was a keen observer of people’s flaws and foibles as well as their aspirations and dreams. His desire was to shine an uncomfortably bright light on the complex and layered interpersonal relationships within this fictitious family. According to the paperwork that accompanied this story, my father started pitching this out to agents and publishers but had no takers. I wanted this story to be brought out for others to enjoy while also thinking deeply about it.

What morals do you think the author was trying to capture while creating his characters?

That we struggle with our morals every day; that the principles we hold close can be compromised, and what can happen when we fail to uphold them.

What can you tell readers about the author, Irving Schiffer, and his background experiences that led him to write this novel?

If he was inspired by friends or family members, I can’t be sure; I would have been very young when he wrote this. I do know that he read a lot about psychology and philosophy and he was curious about what makes us tick. Also, having grown up in an orphanage in New York City in the 1930s made an indelible impression on him, and he sure got to see a lot of power dynamics there, including corporal punishment and cruelty, as well as the joy of friendship.

Are there more works by Irving Schiffer that you plan to publish? If so, can you give readers an idea of what the next book will be about?

Yes. There are several short stories and essays that I will be releasing in a compilation either later this year (2024) or in early 2025. Not sure of the title yet, but it will be named for one of the stories. They are thrillers and dramas as well as short pieces that are autobiographical in nature.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

A psychological thriller that captures the nuances of power in a world where money determines who has to follow the rules and who doesn’t.

Published posthumously, There’s No Such Thing as an Inadequate Man is the second book by Brooklyn, NY-born Irving Schiffer. The author was a private investigator who was about to turn the industry on its ear right before he died, a magazine writer and editor, an oil painter, a cartoonist, and a songwriter. Find out more about him in his biography, Knowing Irv: The Life and Art of Irving Schiffer.

His first book is A Great Place to Visit: A Political Novel of the 70s (Arlington House, 1972).

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The Fight Against Terrorism

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Author Interview
Serge Smith and William Michael Author Interview

Agent Without a Name, A True Story of an Exceptional Life as a Private Security Consultant and Undercover Agent, offers readers a captivating glimpse into your extraordinary life as a lifelong spy and double agent and the lessons you learned over the years. What inspired you to share your story?

I know that not many people are afforded the opportunity to do what I’ve done in my life for so many different countries over a relatively long period of time. As long as I’ve been working with intelligence, I’ve never met anyone else quite like me: a “freelance” agent for five, six, (or more) countries simultaneously. I humbly believe that I have some unique insights into some of the major challenges of our times, such as terrorism, from an international perspective. My hope is that people can learn from my experiences and hard-earned lessons and also enjoy a surprising, true-life story about espionage.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

There are a few important ideas that I hope readers take away from the book. I’ll name a few.

First, the fight against terrorism cannot be constrained by borders. Terrorists don’t respect borders, and to win against them, there needs to be close cooperation between law enforcement, military, and intelligence between allies.

Second, the more the media covers terrorist acts, the more likely copycat crimes will occur. The public needs to be informed about terrorism, but the coverage should not glorify the terrorists, which it sometimes seems to do.

Third, the “West,” or the free world, needs to stick together to defend our freedoms and our security.

Fourth, I’m fluent in four and a half languages – Italian, French, German, English, and Russian, my mother tongue, is the half, I joke (because I rarely use it anymore). I believe language is important and should be taught from a young age.

Fifth, I hope the book is a message to people in the future who find themselves in similar situations.

And finally, there’s no better time to act to fix a problem than right now!

How did you balance the need to be honest and authentic with the need to protect your privacy and that of others in your memoir?

First, let me say that the book is all truthful. While we’ve changed the names of (most) people and organizations, the story is faithful to reality. While this made writing the book a bit more challenging, it does not detract from the reader’s ability to follow the story. Changing someone’s name doesn’t alter the impact or authenticity. What’s important is how I worked with my colleagues, how they collaborated with me, how we trusted each other, and how we all reacted to the circumstances that we found ourselves in – many unpredictable and potentially deadly. I believe that the themes and lessons should resonate just as well 100 years from now because they’re stories about real people.

What is one thing that people point out after reading your book that surprises you?

I’ve known many of my colleagues for nearly 50 years. I consider some of them to be my closest friends. But part of the nature of this business (intelligence and espionage) is that you know when you shouldn’t ask too many questions. So many of my friends and colleagues did not know my full life story and how I got started in this business. After my friends finished the book, many of them said, “Now I know who you are, really!” For most people, it probably seems funny that people you’ve known for five decades would have this reaction. However, when your “business” is secrecy, maybe it shouldn’t be so surprising!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

“You never really retire from a life of counterterrorism, international counterfeit rings, and haute cuisine,” says Serge Smith.

Born in Italy shortly before the start of WW2 to a Russian-Jewish mother, Serge spoke Russian at home, Italia on the streets, and learned German at school. Later, he learned French and English. That set him up for a double life: as a private security consultant and an intelligence asset for select countries around the world.From humble beginnings as a Russian émigré, Serge went from working in secure computer centers to living a high life of danger and intrigue as an undercover agent. Working with Italian, German, British, and other intelligence services in counterterrorism and breaking counterfeit rings across the globe, he became “the guy to call” whenever something needed fixing. In a time when terrorism and organized crime dominated the headlines, Serge forged a life full of sting operations, travel, and fast cars.Agent Without a Name chronicles the life of an international man of mystery. Full of historical intrigue, breakthrough business deals, high-stakes counterterrorism, and international crime-busting during the Cold war era, this memoir, coauthored by William Michael, is Serge Smith’s true life story.

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Our Spiritual Selves

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Author Interview
Ann Mullen-Martin Author Interview

In We All Want To Be Happy, you share with readers the wisdom you have gained throughout your life and personal experiences with love, loss, and resilience. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I have been blessed in that I have been surrounded by people who support me. I’ve learned a great deal from them about how best to truly enjoy life with all of its ups and downs. Also, at 80, I want to leave some thoughts and some hints of who I am for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My kids might even get a greater understanding of where they came from.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

I truly do not find it difficult to write about any part of my life from the early death of my mom through the sudden deaths of my two husbands. I rather find it cathartic and an opportunity to remind myself of how fortunate I was to have them.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were younger?

Slow down and enjoy each day a bit more. I’m not sure I would have taken it and I’m not sure it wasn’t offered. I do know I didn’t hear it. I was always eager for the next chapter; I have since learned to live in the now and anticipate the future as a probability, but not a promise.

What is one thing you hope your readers take away from We All Want To Be Happy?

Life is to be enjoyed every day and learned from in every circumstance. There is no up without a down – a bland life teaches nothing. I believe our purpose here is to learn and to grow our spiritual selves toward peace and love.

Coming Soon

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WanderBros: Adventure to Cancun

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Learning about different cultures is a valuable way for children to broaden their understanding of the world, and Wander Bros: Adventure to Cancun, by Nikki T. Carter, offers an engaging tool to support that journey. Jase and Jordan are two adventurous brothers who love exploring new places. One winter day, they’re surprised with plane tickets to Cancun, Mexico. Excitement fills the air as they board the plane. When they arrive they are greeted by the warmth of Cancun’s breeze, the vibrant sounds of mariachi music, and the beauty of crystal-clear beaches. Throughout their adventure, they make new friends, pick up some Spanish phrases, and explore the bustling streets.

This children’s book instantly captivated me because it inspires children’s imaginations while also encouraging them to step outside their comfort zones and embrace new experiences. This picture book promotes cultural curiosity by introducing readers to a different way of life and customs, which may spark an interest in learning new languages or appreciating other cultures. The fast-paced adventure will keep young readers engaged as Jase and Jordan dive into a variety of activities. The vivid illustrations bring friendly characters and vibrant scenes to life, highlighting themes of family bonding and togetherness. The narrative flows seamlessly and the inclusion of explanations about Mexican culture adds depth to the story.

This book is a fantastic opportunity for building vocabulary, especially with its helpful glossary and fun facts section about Mexico. The story fosters values of tolerance and respect, encouraging children to develop a more open and appreciative mindset toward diverse cultures and customs. Wander Bros: Adventure to Cancun is a delightful children’s book that inspires curiosity and offers a positive way for children to explore the world.

Pages: 27 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DBGJFP39

Buy Now From Amazon

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INVISIBLE FORCES: Recognizing The Weapons Of Our Enemy and How To Resist Them

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Do you really know who the devil is? In Invisible Forces, James Rondinone sets out to unveil the devil’s true identity and significance. The book delves into biblical passages, weaving together stories from both past and present. Its goal? To enlighten Christians and shield them from the devil’s deceptions. Expect a range of fascinating tales: the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong and the saga of Elizabeth Holmes. But James goes beyond Earth’s history, investigates where the devil was originally created, and explores his divine purpose. Through these insightful pages, readers will grasp why the anointed Cherub fell, learn how Christians can combat the devil’s weapons, and absorb other valuable biblical teachings.

Middle Ages insights in a book about the devil just scratch the surface of the book’s diverse and captivating topics. It’s intriguing to discover that, until the Middle Ages, the goat had little association with demonology. The book is a treasure trove of rich information from various sources, such as Jeffrey Burton Russell’s The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. It explores several biblical passages. The author analyzes the words in certain verses to shed new light on their messages. As James explores the concept of the devil, he shares his personal perspectives. This allows readers to see how the messages influence his thoughts. All of this makes for an immersive experience. I appreciated that the chapters are titled as questions. Throughout the book, numerous queries are posed and answered. It feels interactive and engaging.

Invisible Forces offers profound, logical, and educational resources that help readers understand the devil’s workings and enable them to evade his traps. It provides messages for drawing closer to God and succeeding in the heavenly race.

Pages: 151 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D6XKV3G9

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