The “Character Cake”

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Russell Pike Author Interview

Journey of Seven Circles follows a soul warden who has devoted his life to the wellbeing of others who, in a desperate bid to save lives he uses magic, causing the course of his life to be altered. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

There were several notions which came together when planning Journey of Seven Circles. If the fantasy genre has a superpower, it’s the ability to examine complicated subjects through a layer of abstraction.

Travel to, say, Dune or Middle-earth, and we can discuss how easy it is for the mighty to fall prey to their own greatness or examine the corruptive nature of power in the form of a magic ring. By taking one step away from the real world, we enjoy a new perspective and perhaps learn something important about ourselves along the way.

In Journey of Seven Circles, I wanted to create a genuinely good-hearted character then hurl him into a complicated world and force him to make some gut-wrenching decisions. While Kryn never loses his sense of moral purpose, he has to navigate some murky waters and pay full price for the choices he makes.

I asked myself, what would such a life look like? What sacrifices would Kryn need to make? How would he change through his journey? Those questions guided me through the course of the book.

What was your writing process to ensure you captured the essence of the characters?

Over time I’ve developed a personal method I call the “character cake.” There are several layers to the cake, including the candles, frosting, sprinkles, and the fundamental “cake” layer.

For the cake layer, I define the character’s three (give or take) deepest motivations or goals. For Kryn these were compassion, loyalty to the teachings of his church, and love for his family, most notably for the plot, his brother, Adro.

Whenever a character makes an important decision, I always return to that character’s cake traits. I ask myself, which of the character’s traits are in jeopardy? How would these traits influence the character’s decision? Can the character act in such a way that all the cake traits are satisfied?

Of course, the most interesting decisions take place when the answer is “no.” When characters are forced to choose between two cherished desires, that’s when we see who they are in truth, or, who they are becoming.

In fantasy novels, it’s easy to get carried away by the magical powers characters have. How did you balance the use of supernatural powers?

That answer is likely different depending on the novel in question. For Journey of Seven Circles, I made the deliberate decision not to share more of the magic system than was strictly necessary to explain the plot. Because of that, we never go into great detail regarding the exact mechanics of Kryn’s magic or how he casts his spells.

However, we do focus a great deal on the cost of Kryn’s magic. As we learn through the story, his power does not come for free. By making sure the costs of Kryn’s power service the overarching plot, the story avoids becoming lost in the supernatural forest.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

Journey of Seven Circles is a stand-alone fantasy novel, and so Kryn’s story is completed. If I ever revisit this world again, it will be through another character’s eyes.

However, I do have more novels planned. My next book, Dreams of the Old Explorer, is in final draft form and is currently being proofread. I plan to publish it early in 2025.

The story follows two old tricksters engaging in their final battle of wits. We begin with Mikhail the Horizon Seeker, a man famed for his far-ranging travels and nigh legendary cleverness. However, for years Mikhail has felt as though a piece of his soul is missing. His old moniker of “Horizon Seeker” may as well have belonged to another man.

Afflicted with a deadly illness, Mikhail knows his days are drawing to an end. He wishes only to leave behind a legacy of good to those he cared about, and perhaps, to fill the hole in his heart, to become the Horizon Seeker once again.

Then he hears word of an ancient artifact resurfacing, one greater than any treasure he has ever known. It holds the potential to fulfill all his dying wishes if only he can lay hold of it. Of course, he isn’t the only man to have noticed the prize in play. Mikhail’s old rival, a man he’s never beaten, is also on the trail.

When Mikhail learns that the life of his dear friend’s son hangs in the balance, there’s no turning back. And for all his cleverness, even Mikhail has no idea how he is supposed to win.

For anyone interested, head over to the blog on my website: Information regarding the upcoming release will be posted there.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Instagram | Amazon

In a world chained by ancient lies, one man holds the key to its salvation — at the cost of his own life.

Kryn Darien, a wizard of unparalleled ability, stands poised to unleash a spell of unimaginable magnitude, a desperate gambit to reshape the very fabric of existence. Centuries of preparation have honed his skills and forged tools of devastating arcane might. Yet, as the moment approaches, doubt gnaws at him.

Will his sacrifices, his relentless pursuit of power, prove futile in the face of such overwhelming odds?

Once a humble priest, Kryn never sought such profound responsibility. His aspirations were simple — to serve and protect those he held dear. But fate thrusts him into a maelstrom of war, treachery, and ancient mysteries that challenge his resolve. Every step forward demands a toll more exorbitant than he ever imagined.

Across treacherous battlefields and against foes wielding deadly magic, Kryn’s journey unveils a conspiracy older than memory itself.

Amidst adversaries wielding godlike powers, he must navigate a labyrinth of impossible choices.

Yet, his unwavering commitment to aid the helpless propels him ever forward, even as the cost escalates to encompass all he holds dear.



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