Punch and Counter Punch

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Author Interview
P. Anthony Michael Author Interview

Zipline: Aftermath follows a rookie cop about to become a father who starts having strange, vivid dreams. The line between reality and fantasy blurs, leading him to wonder if something sinister is at play. Where did the idea for this novel come from, and how did it develop over time?

The story idea came from a YouTube book talker named Murphy Naipier, a married mother of two. She had a segment called Dear Author, where her followers explained what they hated in a series. The readers didn’t want a five—to ten-year gap in the story but rather wanted to know what happened after the first book. I was dumbfoundedly struck by that. So, I had to craft a story about what happened after the mountain trip. It was, at first, easy. I already knew what each character would do because they said so in the first book. Make Gail pregnant with twins and have Neal be a rookie in his second year. (I asked a traffic officer how long a newbie would be considered a rookie and was told two years) Then, bring in the SUV back that was mentioned in the first book, and I have the basis for a thriller mystery. The ending needed work but presented a new problem because a character who should die lived. That created a new storyline.

How did you come up with the idea for the antagonist in this story, and how did it change as you wrote?

Competition is the green-eyed devil to an established person. I had to ensure that whatever the antagonist/protagonist said or did sounded justifiable to the reader. It was a punch and counter punch as one had authority by rank while the other exuded authority by nature. Again, there is a delicate balance in the creation of that story.

How did you balance the action scenes with the story elements and still keep a fast pace in the story?

What I had to do was that when he was on the job, it was at a faster pace; however, when he was at home, it was at a slower pace. I needed him to have a pause, just like the reader needs a pause after some excitement. I wanted the reader to see and feel the hunt as he pursued his prey, but it was all about the family when he was home. Neal loves his wife and would do anything for her and his friends.

What is the next book that you’re working on, and when can your fans expect it?

The next two books are already going through the editorial process. They’re a two-part story. One is called HYBRID and should be out by November. Still working on that blurb. I can tell you all the questions about that mountain will be answered in the following two books. Remember Marcus? He lived in Aftermath, so he gets a story of his journey that ties back to the gang.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Gail and her friends may have escaped the mountain, but now they all have to deal with the AFTERMATH.

Two years later, all have entered the workforce.  Neal and Gail are contentedly married, and she’s pregnant with twins on the way.  But Neal is unsettled as special abilities emerge, which he has to learn to embrace.  Worse yet, he’s having strange visions of gruesome murders that actually happened as if he was there.  Now Neal, Gail, and friends are wondering if he is truly going rabid.  As they dig deeper into the mystery, they find the truth is far worse and more insidious than anyone could imagine.

Aftermath is a mystery suspense continuation to Zip Line that will grip you from beginning until the very end.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/09/28/punch-and-counter-punch/

Categories: Uncategorized

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