Day: September 25, 2024

Death Scene by Carol J Perry

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Sophia Rose is here with a paranormal cozy from the Witch City Mystery series. Come check out her thoughts on Death Scene by Carol J. Perry. Be sure to grab a pumpkin spice latte before curling up with this one!

Death Scene by Carol J Perry

Death Scene
by Carol J. Perry
Series: Witch City Mystery #14
Genres: Cozy Mystery
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

It takes a lot for Salem locals to get excited about their historic Massachusetts town being known as “the witch city.” But when a major studio arrives to shoot a witchcraft-themed movie, folks go Hollywood. For WICH-TV’S program director and chief documentary-maker, Lee Barrett, however, the project may come complete with a real-life death scene . . .

Between documenting the progress of the movie, corralling starstruck autograph seekers and fans, and managing unmanageable traffic on Salem’s narrow streets, Lee and her police detective husband, Pete Mondello, are beyond busy. Even Lee’s best friend, River North, tarot card reader and practicing witch, gets in on the action, landing a job as a stand-in and body double. But it only takes one interview for Lee to realize that the male and female leads—whose roles include torrid love scenes—despise each other. Yet the problem is short-lived, literally . . .

When the gorgeous lead actress is found dead on a set staged to replicate the room where suspected witches were tried in 1692—and her on-screen lover, in full costume, is discovered sound asleep in her trailer—the hunt is on for a killer on the loose. Nevertheless, the producer decrees “the show must go on!” Now, even with help from River, Lee’s Aunt Ibby, and O’Ryan, a remarkably clairvoyant gentleman cat, sorting out a witch’s brew of secrets, sorcery, and special effects might turn Lee’s documentary into her own final act . . .

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Sophia Rose’s Review

Was it just last year I picked up my first Witch City Mystery and enjoyed following along as Lee, her Aunt Ibby, her psychic cat O’Ryan, her bestie, and her detective hubby solved a supernatural crime on All Hallow’s Eve in Salem?  I had such a good time that I was delighted to keep going with the next installment in Carol J Perry’s engaging cozy mystery series.

Death Scene is the fourteenth in a series of standalone paranormal cozies set in the bewitching old New England town of Salem.  While I likely would have gotten more out of Death Scene if I had read the series sequentially, Carol J Perry writes in such a way that readers can pick up any book in the series and do alright jumping in wherever.

I was glad the time period was back in the fall during spooky season.  This time Salem is hosting a movie crew filming on site in the building where the Salem Witch Trials took place.  Lee has to put back on her journalist had and step into the interviews and getting the spilt tea on the actors, crew, and all that’s going on.  The whole town is in a fervor about it and even her best friend, River has a bit role. 

Not long on the set and Lee realizes the romance leads despise each other and there is a whole lot of dangerous undercurrents here.  Then the leading lady gets bumped off on the set.  There are so many people who have a motive and then there is the sabotaging of the film that Lee is determined to help her detective husband, Pete get to the bottom of it all.

O’Ryan remains my favorite character with his uncanny abilities and Ibby and her older gal pal friends are scene stealers, too.  The setting of Salem and the spotlight on the Witch Trials was a real shining bit especially in the fall season and mysteries related to the movie set on location.  Lee and Pete are a good partnering and I appreciated the low drama related to her amateur detecting at his professional side.  She’s smart and doesn’t horde what she knows.  The paranormal element is low key, but a fun addition.  The pacing is steady and swift in places unlike many cozies, but I appreciated this as this could have slogged down with all the movie staff and locals who were in the circle of suspects and witnesses.  Sadly, I missed being right about the culprit because I changed my mind. 

All in all, this was a fabulous fall light spooky read to get me charged up for the season.  I appreciated my second encounter with the Witch City Mystery series as much as the first and now would like to go back for the earlier mysteries.  Paranormal cozy fans need to nudge this one onto the fall reading stack.

Amazon | Audible

About Carol J. Perry

Carol J. Perry

Carol J. Perry was born in Salem, Massachusetts, on Halloween eve, and that magical city serves as the backdrop for her Witch City Mystery series. She is also the author of several young adult novels. Her nonfiction articles on travel, antiques, and ecology often appear in regional and national publications.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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Laughing In the Face of COVID

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Laughing in the Face of Covid by Glen Stone offers a refreshing and humorous take on the chaos of the 2020 pandemic, turning the bleakness of quarantine into an opportunity for sharp-witted commentary. While many of us struggled through lockdowns and hospital stays, Stone found a way to lighten the mood by documenting his experiences through a Facebook diary. This collection, born out of those feverish, Covid-induced posts, brings readers a mix of stories, commentary, and humorous observations that are bound to resonate, no matter how varied our pandemic experiences were.

Stone’s whimsical sarcasm leaps off the page, making even the darkest moments of the pandemic feel laughable. His strong opinions and biting humor make the book wildly entertaining, though some readers with differing views might find themselves a little ruffled. But as the saying goes, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, and Stone doesn’t shy away from cracking them. The stories span everything from Covid-themed pop-culture references to political jabs, lyrical poems, and even short fiction, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What makes Laughing in the Face of Covid stand out is its relatability. Instead of dwelling on the hardships, Stone masterfully flips the narrative, finding humor in the bizarre norms we adopted during the pandemic. His commentary allows readers to laugh at things that, at the time, felt overwhelming. Serious issues are transformed into moments of levity, and it’s all done with a light-hearted touch that makes the collection deeply enjoyable. Most of Stone’s stories are hilarious, with 90% of them delivering laugh-out-loud moments. However, some stories toward the end veer into unexpected territory—such as his Harry Potter Covid fan-fiction. This particular tale is a wild ride, blending disorganized chaos with a quirky “what if” scenario about Harry transferring to Oxford after a brawl. While it might not stay true to the original characters, it’s a curious and humorous alternate take that some readers may find entertaining, even if a bit off-the-rails.

No matter which story strikes your fancy, Stone’s collection has a way of changing your perspective on the pandemic. By focusing on the absurdities, his tales bring out the lighter side of those difficult months, reminding us that even in the darkest times, laughter is essential. Laughing in the Face of Covid is one of the best pandemic-inspired books I’ve come across—equal parts entertaining and cathartic.

Pages: 60 | ASIN : B0DCF3ZHDZ

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For years, a widely accepted model has shaped how we teach children. From early education through adolescence, the structure remains largely unchanged. Few question the long-standing methods, as they are built on the belief that children need a foundational education in universal subjects. But what if we introduced a radical shift—one that incentivizes learning with financial rewards? The idea may seem unconventional, but the author argues it could be effective. If students are motivated by money, it could lead to deeper engagement, reaching those who otherwise might struggle. But is this a strategy worth considering on a larger scale?

Student Manifesto: The Power of Paying Kids to Learn, written by Christian Aubert, is a provocative thought experiment wrapped in a compelling narrative. Aubert, a French-born educator, meticulously outlines his vision for revolutionizing the education system. In essence, he proposes starting this shift at a young age and extending it through adolescence and into early adulthood. His core premise is simple yet bold: pay children to learn, and education transforms into a more immersive, rewarding experience. Learning would no longer be just a requirement but something tied to a tangible financial gain, creating a new sense of enjoyment and motivation for students. Aubert delves into the practical side of his idea, offering a plan for schools to adopt this model without increasing taxes. His argument centers on the belief that this financial incentive could foster a more holistic and self-driven learning environment. Instead of education being something imposed on students, it would become an organic process, with financial rewards enhancing their natural curiosity and enthusiasm. But would it work? Aubert makes a compelling case, though the concept is undeniably challenging. The book is brief, yet it leaves readers with much to ponder. While the idea of paying students to learn might seem far-fetched, Aubert’s persuasive writing makes it feel worthy of serious consideration. However, if educators and policymakers give this book a chance, they may begin to rethink traditional approaches and explore this unorthodox but intriguing path.

Student Manifesto: The Power of Paying Kids to Learn presents a bold and thought-provoking challenge to traditional education systems. Christian Aubert’s vision of financially incentivizing learning offers a fresh perspective on how to engage students more deeply and reshape their relationship with education. While the concept may seem radical, Aubert’s clear and compelling arguments invite educators and policymakers to at least entertain the possibilities.

Pages: 93 | ASIN : B0D75J2TVG

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Dawn (EverGreen Forever Book 1) 

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When Daisy Claire first kissed Silas, she felt as though she had been transported to a world where only their love existed. Time stood still. Reality faded away. Years later, Silas is gone, yet Daisy finds herself crossing paths with Athena—another woman drawn in by his irresistible charm. They forge a friendship. Shared scars and unspoken truths bind them. But secrets linger beneath the surface. Shadows from Daisy’s past rise, threatening to shatter her hopes for the future. She embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Will she find the strength she never imagined? This story of resilience and self-realization is certain to resonate with readers on a deep level.

Abby Farnsworth’s Dawn: EverGreen Forever captivates with its blend of emotional depth and fantastical elements. Daisy’s journey is the heart of the story. Her path intertwines personal healing with the exploration of a mystical faerie world. Readers experience both the rawness of human vulnerability and the wonder of magic. Farnsworth skillfully balances reality with otherworldly adventure. Themes of trauma, recovery, and self-empowerment are universal, making this narrative both relatable and enchanting.

Daisy isn’t your typical fantasy heroine. Trauma isn’t just a backdrop for her. It drives her choices and her interactions. Farnsworth weaves Daisy’s PTSD into the fabric of the plot. The emotional depth this brings feels authentic and deeply human. Readers can’t help but become invested in Daisy’s growth and transformation. Each chapter moves the story forward. Tension builds consistently, holding attention. Early conflicts—Daisy’s bond with Athena and unresolved threats—keep the narrative compelling.

Farnsworth’s integration of the faerie world adds intrigue. It enhances the story without overshadowing its core, human elements. The faerie realm is rich with its own rules and its own magic. It’s integral to the narrative. Farnsworth balances world-building with character development. The faerie world acts as both backdrop and catalyst for Daisy’s growth. Magical elements are woven in naturally. They amplify themes of transformation and empowerment. Readers are immersed in a world that feels both fantastical and grounded.

Dawn: EverGreen Forever excels in character development, plot structure, and world-building. A must-read for those who love fantasy intertwined with deep human experiences.

Pages: 95 | ASIN : B0CW1HLBJD

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Facing Demons: An All Hallows’ Eve Tale

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Set in the early 1900s in a quiet South Carolina town, Facing Demons: An All-Hallows’ Eve Tale by Kevin Matthew Hayes offers a gripping blend of gothic horror, mystery, and historical detail. The story opens when a young girl approaches William, the town constable, with an alarming accusation: the esteemed O’Neill family is involved in unspeakable satanic rituals. Skeptical at first, William dismisses her claims. However, his companion Bridget, more attuned to the unusual, urges him to investigate. What begins as a reluctant inquiry soon spirals into a terrifying descent into the darkest corners of their seemingly peaceful community. William and Bridget, drawn ever deeper into the investigation, uncover a sinister reality lurking beneath the town’s façade. The evil they face is no fleeting malevolence—it is ancient and pervasive, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their world. As they inch closer to the truth, the stakes become higher, revealing secrets that could forever alter the town’s tranquil existence.

Hayes masterfully weaves this chilling narrative with a rich gothic atmosphere reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft and Ray Bradbury. His writing evokes the eerie charm of the era, with echoes of Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin stories adding a layer of mystery. The horror builds subtly but relentlessly, grounded in the detailed depiction of period-specific dialogue, accents, and mannerisms that lend authenticity to the characters. William, the level-headed, pragmatic constable, provides a steady contrast to Bridget, whose intuitive curiosity drives much of the investigation. Their dynamic keeps the story engaging as they confront not only external dangers but also their own doubts and fears. Together, they uncover unsettling truths about the O’Neill family, an aristocratic clan whose behavior might not be so far removed from the power-hungry elites of the modern world. While their methods may be different, the underlying thirst for control and secrecy rings disturbingly familiar. The novel’s strongest asset lies in its atmospheric detail and the tension that mounts as the investigation unfolds. The O’Neill family, with their aura of decaying grandeur, serves as the perfect embodiment of hidden corruption. Hayes ensures that each element, whether it be the gothic horror, historical setting, or creeping dread, coalesces into a gripping narrative. The final twist is both satisfying and haunting, delivering a payoff sure to please fans of horror, history, and mystery alike.

In Facing Demons, Hayes captures the essence of classic gothic storytelling while offering fresh, unsettling insights into the darker sides of human nature. The result is a richly layered tale that will leave readers both unnerved and enthralled.

Pages: 56 | ASIN : B0DCDKM3GH

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The Personal Touch

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Michael DeStefano Author Interview

The Composer’s Legacy follows a music professor from California who discovers he is the beneficiary of a composer he has never met, sending him on a journey to discover more about his mysterious benefactor. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Oh boy, well, long before I attempted to write in earnest, I scribbled down a few story ideas that I would have liked to have seen in a book. The first one operated under the premise, what would happen if a present-day, hearing-impaired college student had his hearing miraculously restored, only to discover all the odd “sounds” going on in his head were the compositions of Beethoven? Not only that, he could perform them on the piano as well as improvise just like Beethoven did. However, the niche of readers for this idea would be too narrow to be a relatable story.

The other idea, more generic, was this: What would have happened if no one had ever heard of Brahms, and then suddenly, we discover his music? And, as a composer, myself, and to add the personal touch, I could write pieces that would become part of the story. These simple ideas, along with sharing some actual history of the East Coast, morphed into The Composer’s Legacy.

David is an interesting and well-developed character that readers are drawn to and want to get to know. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ life?

I am a 24-year-veteran of the U.S. Air Force and I deployed to many places in my career, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The scene contained in West’s journal that recounts his deployment to a “makeshift base” near Riyadh in September 1991, actually happened to me during my 1996-97 tour of duty there. The only change was, the keyboard I used was an electric Yamaha keyboard.

Can you tell readers more about the original music that you composed for this book?

The inclusion of my original music with this story was actually my niece, Shannon’s idea. Knowing of my penchant for composing, she suggested I use some of my own works (the score to the third movement of my string quintet is on the cover of the novel) along with the music playing a central role in the plot. I repurposed several compositions as well as composed the rest of the eight original pieces specifically for the book. There were other, full-orchestra pieces and a piano trio I conceived where only an introduction and a main theme were fully developed. As I wrote the descriptions of the scores Carla and David were “discovering” I began to feel unequal to the task of daring to come close to the genius of these mighty composers. Even today, I am reluctant to approach these pieces in an attempt to complete them.

All eight pieces are available free at my website under the “Books” page for The Composer’s Legacy, so readers could enjoy listening to them while reading the story. If you enjoy these musical offerings, I’ll pass that along to Mr. West. If you don’t, you can blame me.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

As The Composer’s Legacy was my debut novel, I wasn’t sure if I would ever write another book again. I toyed with the idea of a sequel, but that plot proved too problematic. I did, however, publish The Old Corsair this past year (Aug 2023). Although the story is from the same world and year (2013), the two stories are completely independent of each other with an entirely different cast of characters. Contained in each is an Easter egg about the other, where there’s a cursory involvement with a character from the other story.

I am currently working on a sequel to The Old Corsair that shall continue the present-day character’s story arc called, The Crimson Corsair. I’m also toying with the idea of going back to the historic captain’s time in order to tell his story. This would be a bona-fide series; the initial work would establish the characters, with subsequent novellas (150-200 pages) to recount the adventures of the enigmatic Captain Vernon Cavendish Tunney.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Instagram | Website | Amazon

Esteemed California music professor David Whealy is drawn to the other side of the country to investigate the circumstances behind his unexpected inheritance. As David probes deeper into the secrets of his benefactor, James Burton West, he finds more than just a wealth of unpublished music on the order of the great composers.

David’s benefactor knew precious little about his own estate that had been in continuous family hands since 1724. He knew nothing about him.

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