Eden’s Haunted History

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Daniel Varona Author Interview

The Cycle of Eden: Shadows of Reality follows a man prophesied to bring Eden back from the shadows and repel those who have twisted the morals of the world. What was the initial idea behind this story, and how did that transform as you were writing the novel?

Initially, Shadows of Reality and the second book of the series, Two Sides of Corruption, were combined into one novel. This obviously was far too long of a novel to digest, so I separated the books at the points where their individual sagas change. This novel in particular is separated into two acts, each tackling a different challenge and theme due to the location and/or villain. Due to the diversion the sequel, Two Sides of Corruption, took the plot, the main idea of Shadows of Reality was to go back to the series’ roots, reveal more of Eden’s haunted history and tie loose ends that were developed back in book #1, The Young Revolution, to set everything up for the final novel. The main things that were transformed as time went on was the more fleshed out history at key moments to make the world feel more alive, connected and concrete. For example, one of the last ideas that made it in was the lore/history behind the Angel species, repurposing this known entity to fit my Eden, my book’s world compared to others. After the first novel, the main thing I wanted to do with the rest of the series was make this world mine, and by that I mean building upon and making The Cycle of Eden stand out creatively from the ideas that inspired me. I believe I have accomplished this goal, so I am proud of the series overall.

I felt that the supporting characters in this novel were intriguing and well-developed. Who was your favorite character to write for?

I have found that my favorite character to write differentiates depending on which book is being referenced. In terms of Shadows of Reality, the character I had the most fun writing was easily Vargas. The method I used to write his story was basically offering you different puzzle pieces throughout the series and by the end of Shadows of Reality readers will be able to put all these pieces together to finally grasp the complete picture. His character has grown tremendously since we’ve met him in the first book of the series, The Young Revolution, and his complicated past and secretive involvement on Eden is vital to understanding its important history. Vargas serves as a mentor and father figure to Seth. However, he is very reserved about his past, and it’s this in-depth history he has with Eden, and the important individuals who shaped it in the past, that finally gets revealed in Shadows of Reality. Since the first book, Vargas has made me have to triple-check my consistency throughout the series to make sure every little detail was connected by the end just the way I needed it too. In The Young Revolution especially, he is a man of many mysteries, mysteries that you aren’t supposed to understand until the future books, mainly Shadows of Reality. I’ve gone to great lengths making sure these historic scenarios are concrete throughout each part and finally you get some long-awaited answers to tie the loose ends I started in novel one. All in all, Vargas provided a fun challenge for me in making sure I don’t expose his secrets until the right time.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Redemption or Revenge, seeking respected values or accepting ones flaws. These ideas are tackled in different ways depending on the which act is being discussed in Shadows of Reality. The main subject of this theme is seen between Vargas and another character revealed in Act II. Vargas preaches about redemption quite a bit, but is that truly what he seeks? He may have built Final Heaven, the Light Continent’s beaming city, but is that enough for him to move on from his past? Many of us seek to better ourselves everyday, falling back on respected and valued traits, but life can also create weaknesses that are undeniable, tempting. When you are faced with that weakness, what would you truly choose? Redemption or Revenge? Its easy to say what you should do, but in the moment, a moment Vargas is faced with, its truly not that simple.

The term Shadow of Reality is a play on the Darkness aspect involved in the series. Many things exist in reality, but due to the circumstances given to them, be it a person or a place, they have become a shadow of themselves, a darker or lesser version of what they truly could be if they embraced the entities that bind Eden. There are a number of examples of this seen throughout the the book itself, which is why I chose this term as the title.

Overall, the number one message of the entire series is: Never forget how we started, for history holds the keys to salvation.

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

Shadows of Reality leads directly into the final novel of the series, the grand finale leading up to the fated conflict that has haunted the world of Eden since its beginning. A war of judgment will be fought between Seth and Cain, Light and Darkness, to determine which side of the coin gets to rule Eden. However, both of these patriots are fighting for Peace. Both Cain and Seth want Eden to be saved from this Cycle. Which side of this conflict is best for Eden when both have already failed in previous Cycles? More importantly, who will come out on top? All of this and more, everything, will be answered in The Cycle of Eden: War of Judgment.

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Revenge or Redemption: what does Eden truly desire?

Seth’s prophesied journey resumes on the Dark Continent, his main focus once again to take down the Hands of Sin, the culprits who twisted the world’s morals. However, history has shown that these masters of the dark arts never go quietly into the night. In the shadows where they festered and thrived, they have forged new realities that have plagued Eden, causing the world to forget what it once was.

As the Young God strives to rehabilitate hope into the world, the Neo God, Seth’s brother of Darkness, always makes sure he is one step ahead to deliver despair instead. He and his Hands of Sin are determined to test the hero’s limits, unearthing unsolicited fears and desires that will extinguish the Light forever.

In The Cycle of Eden: Shadows of Reality, we revisit the series’ roots, tying loose ends and answering long-awaited questions on Eden’s lost history, revealing a tragic past filled with twists and turns that continue to haunt our heroes in the present age.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/09/24/110111/

Categories: Uncategorized

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