Tongue Teasers

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This quirky collection of poems, penned and painted by the creative Dr. D.W. Knight, is like a playground for the imagination. Picture a book brimming with rhymes that twist and turn, packed with punchlines that’ll have you giggling, and characters so zany they could dance right off the page.

Dr. Knight doesn’t just play with words, he juggles them. Take the poem “ROLLER COASTER,” where you’re swooping and shifting through clouds, a wild ride stitched with screams and dreams of being a star. It’s not just fun, it’s a whirlwind of emotions. Then there’s “MESSY ROOM,” which captures a disaster zone of a bedroom so perfectly that you can almost smell the old socks and pizza crusts. Knight’s ability to craft a visual feast with his words is simply genius.

And oh, the cheeky charm of “THE RING”! This poem had me snorting tea through my nose. When the girl dreams of a diamond ring but gets a phone call instead feels like classic humor. It’s this clever wordplay that makes Tongue Teasers a treasure trove of laughs. Plus, the illustrations are the cherry on top, adding just the right flavor of fun to the mix.

Knight’s knack for weaving life lessons into laughter is what truly makes these poems sparkle. “THE SUN,” with its lonely feast set by the setting sun, subtly teaches about solitude and resilience. Each poem is a little life lesson wrapped in witty verse, making you nod thoughtfully one minute and chuckle the next.

If you’re up for a tickle of your funny bone with a side of sage wisdom, Tongue Teasers is your go-to book. It’s perfect for anyone who loves a good laugh, from sprightly kids to the young at heart. It’s a hearty meal of hilarity that’ll feed both your mind and your spirit.

Pages: 88 | ASIN: B0D9K6P9WL

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