Day: September 21, 2024

Underlying Strength

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Marissa Miller Author Interview

Beneath the Scarlet Frost follows a princess living in a magical kingdom who has to grow up quickly and come to terms with reality when wielders of wicked magic invade their lands. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The world of this story, Alse Hanya, was actually one I created back in 2011 when I was fourteen years old. I had wanted to write a book about warring magical clans at the time but never got too far into it. In 2014, I started a book about a war of magic vs non-magic, inspired by the Grimm story, “Sweetheart Roland.” I wrote and re-wrote the first ten chapters countless times, but it was never “right.” Then, in 2019, I read a book by Helen Rappaport, The Race to Save the Romanovs, and as the family had always interested me, the more I learned the more I was inspired by those real historical events. I ended up combining the world-building from my fourteen-year-old self, the characters I’d started in the retelling, and the influences of WWI and the Imperial family of Russia at the time. That, and I knew without a doubt that I wanted to write a heroine who showed different strengths than we normally see in modern books. I wanted to show how the quiet, dutiful, compassionate character that usually hangs back could be the strong protagonist, and how those strengths have such an impact.

A lot of time was spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

The most important factor for me was making sure the characters all interacted authentically. I wanted the sibling dynamics to really feel like siblings, each with their differing personalities but unquestionable love for one another. I also wanted to show a different kind of “strength” to each character. No matter which character you look at in this novel, main, secondary, or minor, each one has a certain underlying strength to them, traditional or less commonly seen. Of course, they all have flaws and weaknesses too, as is human nature, but the personal impact and emotional depth through the characters were extremely important to me. Additionally, I modeled the Zdraevit family with some character traits from the real Romanov family, and I did a lot of research to get to know the family as much as possible, including reading their personal journals. I definitely wanted to hide those little easter egg details in there.

I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from and how did it change as you were writing?

As I mentioned above, the world came from a story I wanted to write about warring clans when I was fourteen. I wrote lore and histories etc., and created a rough magic system surrounding thirteen “types” of magic, for which their country was named. When I started the retelling in 2014, the world setting was very flat, it was also set against more of a 1940s London backdrop. It wasn’t until I decided to use the Romanovs as inspiration that the pieces clicked together, and I knew I wanted there to be nods to real-world countries and histories woven throughout the narrative, which of course then influenced the setting at large. Eisa for example, started out as a land of endless winter but then was dialed back to a climate and environment more realistically akin to Russia.

What will the next book in that series be about, and when will it be published?

Following the significant event that takes place at the end of Beneath the Scarlet Frost, book two, Within Forsaken Shadows, will focus on exploring more of the world and coming to terms with grief, duty, fear, and moving forward. It is a story of survival and healing, growing war, courtly politics, and culture shocks, and it is a story of new beginnings and understanding. Some of the naivete displayed in book one, won’t really fly in the sequel. The world the characters are entering into is dangerous and often very unforgiving, with little room for innocence or stagnance. Within Forsaken Shadows is set to release on February 18th, 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Shadows scream, whispers torment, and wishes curse.

The empire of Eisa once stood as a symbol of hope for purging the wicked magic that had plagued its lands. But, when Wielders are spotted within those borders, the sanctity that once acted as an unshakable foundation crumbles beneath Sorrel Zdraevit’s feet.

With the resurgence of Wielders on Eisan soil, protests are increasing in the streets, citizens are suffering, and everywhere she turns tragedy fractures the facade of peace that had sheltered her.

As the second eldest princess in Eisa’s imperial family, when war is brought to the kingdom’s door, Sorrel is forced to step into a new role, leading her deeper and deeper into the world she fears most. Desperate to protect her country against dark and twisted magic, and heal those around her, she must decide what it is she stands for when the world as she knows is rendered senseless.

Unsure of whom to condemn, and whom to put her faith in, Sorrel is faced with tainted realities that threaten to destroy everything she’s ever held dear. All that matters is keeping her kingdom and family safe against the monsters infiltrating her country. Secrets and lies drag her into the depths of her worst nightmare, where fighting through the calamities is the only way she will have any hope of making it out alive- If she can hold on to her own will to live.

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Love, Loyalty, and Revenge

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Tom Doherty Author Interview

JimiJix Special Brew follows a man shattered by the tragic loss of his wife and daughter who deteriorates in a dark world of crime and revenge. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

No single event or case was the inspiration for the setup in JimiJix Special Brew, although Killian Doyle, and the marketing mascot, were obviously inspired by my time in advertising.

Do you think there’s a single moment in everyone’s life, maybe not as traumatic, that is life-changing?

Yes, I believe that change is often prompted by an event in someone’s life. It could be a career event, a relationship event, a family event, or some other event, but I believe that an event often prompts a person to change.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The big theme was change. The book is primarily about how a relatively ordinary person has to change and use all their skills (their special brew) in order to obtain justice. Whether, and by how much, a person can change, has always been of interest to me.

Other themes explored in JimiJix Special Brew are love, loyalty, and revenge.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I originally wrote and self-published JimiJix in 2015, I rewrote JimiJix as JimiJix Special Brew in 2024. JimiJix was one of a series of three books that featured Killian Doyle – the others being ShamrockSnake (2019) and TummiTurtle (2021). I am now rewriting ShamrockSnake, in which Killian Doyle sets out to discover why his business partner died in a murder-suicide. The revised version of ShamrockSnake will be published in 2025, with the revised version of TummiTurtle planned for 2026.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Facebook | X (Twitter) | YouTube | Amazon

JimiJix Special Brew is a crime-thriller about the murder of a well-known marketing character for a fast-food chain.

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Nurse Florence®, What is Type 1 Diabetes?

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Nurse Florence: What is Type 1 Diabetes? by Michael Dow provides an informative and accessible introduction to the complex topic of Type 1 Diabetes, tailored for young readers. The story follows a group of students, Jean, Condi, and Sonia, as they meet with Nurse Florence, who educates them about the disease in a clear, engaging way. Through simple language and easy-to-understand illustrations, Nurse Florence explains what Type 1 Diabetes is, its symptoms, causes, treatments, and the challenges that come with managing the disease.

What I found particularly effective about this book is its ability to break down complex medical concepts into terms that kids can grasp. When Nurse Florence explains how insulin works in the body, she uses diagrams and comparisons that make the information easy to visualize. This type of clarity is essential, especially for younger readers or those who might be learning about this disease for the first time. The straightforward approach helps demystify a topic that can seem overwhelming. Some sections repeated key points, particularly when discussing the symptoms and complications of diabetes, which helps reinforce important information. This thorough approach can be especially valuable for readers who benefit from extra clarity and detail, ensuring they fully grasp the concepts. One aspect I truly appreciated was how the book offered practical advice for living with Type 1 Diabetes. Beyond just presenting facts, it gave suggestions that readers—whether children with diabetes or those learning about it—could apply in real life. For instance, Nurse Florence’s discussion on healthy eating habits, checking blood sugar, and the importance of exercise gives readers tangible takeaways. The inclusion of tools like insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors is also a great touch, showing how modern technology plays a role in disease management.

Nurse Florence: What is Type 1 Diabetes? is a well-crafted educational tool for children and their families. Its simple explanations, combined with its focus on real-life application, make it an ideal resource for young readers curious about Type 1 Diabetes or those who need to understand the condition better. This book is perfect for kids who have a family member with diabetes, educators looking to introduce health topics in the classroom, or anyone seeking a basic understanding of this condition in a format that’s easy to digest.

Pages: 232 | ISBN : 978-1304939999

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A Hush at Midnight

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A manipulator.

A fatal plan for revenge.

Award-winning author of the Annalisse series, Marlene M. Bell, brings distant friends together in the rural South only to have one of them become the victim of a brutal crime of passion.

Once celebrated for her show-stopping pastries and irresistible desserts, former celebrity chef Laura Harris is now making headlines for a far darker reason.

Laura has been accused of murder.

How could this petite chef have brutally smothered the beloved small-town matriarch, World War II ferry pilot veteran, Hattie Stenburg? Hattie wasn’t just a pillar of the community; she was Laura’s confidant and mentor. The shocking twist? Hattie’s will included recent changes, bypassing next-of kin and leaving her entire fortune and historic estate to Laura.

As Laura scrambles to clear her name, she uncovers sinister secrets lurking beneath the town’s idyllic surface. The real murderer is always one step ahead, leaving taunting clues and threatening Laura to leave Texas—or face deadly consequences. With time not a luxury, Laura must untangle the web of deceit before the killer makes her the next victim.

In “A Hush at Midnight,” Marlene M. Bell twists an amateur sleuth crime mystery into a race against the clock to solve her mentor’s murder.

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The Hidden Power of Rising Dividends: How to Produce Security, Income & Growth

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Greg Donaldson plunges into the stormy seas of the stock market, uncovering the deep wisdom that emerges from navigating its unpredictable currents. He offers a firsthand account of Black Monday, the infamous crash on October 19, 1987. The Hidden Power of Rising Dividends thrusts readers into the eye of a financial storm that forever altered the global economy and left a lasting impact on his life, both personally and professionally.

The Hidden Power of Rising Dividends stands out for its ability to be both thorough and approachable. It turns the complexities of the stock market into something intriguing, even for those who typically find financial jargon overwhelming. Donaldson starts strong, painting vivid pictures of a day that has no equal in financial history. His storytelling grips the reader, capturing the sheer panic and uncertainty that swept through Wall Street as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted nearly 23%. The chaos feels almost tangible—markets crumbling, data lagging behind, and phones ringing non-stop with frightened clients on the other end.

Donaldson doesn’t just recount the financial impact of the crash; he bares his soul, sharing the psychological toll it took on him and those around him. He invites readers into his mind, revealing how a timely scripture from Isaiah became a beacon of hope amid the turmoil. His journey is deeply introspective. The solace he found as his small investment firm wavered on the edge of collapse is nothing short of inspiring. Donaldson’s talent for storytelling shines brightly, particularly when introducing key figures who shaped his thinking during this tumultuous period. One major lesson here is recognizing the potential in companies not just for quick returns but for their long-term resilience and value. Donaldson’s knack for drawing parallels between the tangible qualities of prime farmland and the intrinsic strengths of companies with solid brands, consistent earnings, and strong reputations makes complex financial ideas accessible to a wide audience.

The Hidden Power of Rising Dividend is a testament to the virtues of patience, perspective, and prudence. Donaldson’s evolution from a frantic trader to a calm, long-term strategist offers lessons that are as timeless as they are valuable. With an exceptional blend of historical narrative, personal reflection, and financial strategy, Greg Donaldson has crafted a book that is a must-read for everyone—from experienced investors to beginners, and even for those who simply enjoy a well-told story.

Pages: 380 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D722DHC8

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