Day: September 20, 2024

Relatively Sane

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Author Interview
Jeremy Rosenholtz Author Interview

Your Biggest Fan follows a 53-year-old AP Literature professor writing to a pop music idol whose music resonates with his life and he feels she is the only one who really understands him. What inspired the original and fascinating idea at the center of the book?

I think our culture demands far too much of its celebrities.  We don’t just rely on them for entertainment; we want them to raise our children, tell us which breakfast cereal to buy, and provide psychological support for all our emotional needs.  So while other books have certainly been written about celebrity obsessions, I wanted to add this layer to the discussion–it’s not just that we idolize celebrities too much; we demand that they be responsible for making our lives fulfilling, even though they obviously have no power to do so.  In terms of the whole English teacher thing: I’m an English teacher myself, and some of our current pop stars are supremely literary—especially the amazing pop star my novel happens to be based on.  So it’s not much of a stretch to imagine a slightly loopy English teacher who is convinced that said pop star is speaking to him on such an elemental level.      

What research did you do for this novel to ensure that you captured the essence of the story’s theme?

I listened to an absurd amount of music!  It’s funny to think of this as “research,” because the word conjures up images of dusty old libraries or science labs.  I did most of my “research” in my car on the way to work—blasting my stereo at top volume!  If only research could always be so much fun….

Is there anything about the narrator that came from yourself or your life experiences? 

I like to think of myself as a relatively sane human being, and my narrator is clearly not.  But other than that, he’s my doppelganger, my double.  He’s a different version of me, just one that happens to be a little more bonkers.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

If YOUR BIGGEST FAN becomes a runaway bestseller, I was toying with the idea of writing a novel about an author who becomes such a huge celebrity that people are always stopping him on the street, asking him what breakfast cereal to buy or hitting him up on advice about how to raise their children!  But in all seriousness, as anyone who has read my first novel can tell, I’m a huge fan of unreliable narrators.  I’ve started working on my second book, which features a narrator who is even loopier than the one in YBF.  Still plugging away—stay tuned!   

Author Links: Amazon | GoodReads

Midlife crisis looms over the world of our unnamed protagonist: a thankless teaching job, failed writing career, a family pulling away from him, and a growing obsession with the music of his favorite pop idol. He pores over her lyrics, uncovering parallels to the disintegration of his own life. When he finally decides to reach out to her through fan mail, things take a turn for the strange… Will the object of his obsession recognize his true self when those around him don’t? How far will he go to be heard?

Your Biggest Fan is the debut literary work by Jeremy Rosenholtz, a dark and often hilarious metafictional fable about celebrity obsession, growing older, and the search for meaning in a world where the glamor of pop culture can be incompatible with the harshness of everyday life.

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Leave of My Duty

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In Leave of My Duty, Mallory is a devoted single mother trying to rebuild her life after the tragic murder of her husband. She’s focused on raising her three children in the quiet town of Piper Falls, determined to keep things steady and simple. But when the enigmatic and strikingly handsome Griffin Erickson returns to his hometown to care for his ailing father, everything changes. Drawn to Mallory in ways he didn’t expect, Griffin’s playboy past begins to fade as he sets his sights on something more meaningful—winning Mallory’s heart. Their undeniable attraction sparks a whirlwind romance, but the question remains: can they truly overcome the shadows of their pasts, or will old wounds threaten to tear them apart?

Leave of My Duty is an exciting blend of romance and passion, written with a fast-paced, engaging style that pulls the reader in from the start. Mallory and Griffin’s chemistry ignites quickly, carrying their relationship forward at a breakneck pace that fills each chapter with fiery emotion. Their steamy connection is palpable, making their love story both thrilling and intense. Told from the alternating perspectives of Mallory and Griffin, the reader is given an intimate look into their minds—into the way they perceive each other, their insecurities, and their growing desires. As their romance blossoms, unforeseen threats begin to surface, adding an element of suspense that keeps the narrative tense and unpredictable. Lamers cleverly balances romantic tension with character development, allowing both leads to grow and evolve throughout the story. The rapid progression of their relationship leaves little room for deeper exploration. From the moment they meet, things move swiftly—perhaps too swiftly—leaving readers wishing for a bit more time to see their connection grow organically. Despite this, their romance is undeniably captivating. The story not only explores their relationship but also delves into their connections with family and friends, offering a richer emotional landscape.

Fans of modern romance will find Leave of My Duty an enjoyable and satisfying read. With its mix of passion, suspense, and a touch of mystery, Lamers delivers a love story that sizzles against the backdrop of small-town life, offering readers a fast, fun, and immersive romantic escape.

Pages: 326 | ASIN : B0CZ5CGG3Y

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Nurse Florence®, What is Type 2 Diabetes?

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In Nurse Florence, What is Type 2 Diabetes? by Michael Dow, students Condi, Jean, and Sonia embark on a lunchtime discussion about the future of the planet, sparked by a lesson on climate change. Their conversation takes a curious turn as they ponder whether a disease could affect the human body in the same way climate change impacts the Earth. Their curiosity leads them to Nurse Florence in the cafeteria, where they receive a thorough, yet gentle, explanation of type 2 diabetes, its symptoms, and its effects on the body.

This latest installment in the Nurse Florence series once again delivers valuable health information in a way that is both engaging and accessible. Before reading this book, I, like many others, had heard of diabetes and knew people affected by it, but I struggled to grasp exactly what type 2 diabetes is and how it impacts the body. Through the ever-inquisitive trio of Jean, Condi, and Sonia, I gained a clear understanding of the disease in a manner that was easy to digest. Nurse Florence carefully explains the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes, shedding light on the factors that can contribute to the progression of the disease over time. She also provides practical advice on managing diabetes, emphasizing the importance of working with healthcare providers to adjust diet, exercise, and medications as needed. Diabetes can indeed be a daunting topic, but Nurse Florence’s approach is reassuring. She highlights the many ways to manage the disease and encourages readers to take proactive steps in protecting their health. The illustrations by Tim Kaney further enhance this message, portraying Nurse Florence with a warm and compassionate demeanor. Her calming presence, combined with the clear, informative content, makes the complex topic of type 2 diabetes approachable and less intimidating.

Designed for readers aged 7 and up, this book is a valuable tool for both parents and educators who want to teach children about type 2 diabetes in a non-threatening way. Whether read independently or together, Nurse Florence, What is Type 2 Diabetes? continues the series’ mission to educate and empower readers, one step at a time. This latest entry is a testament to the series’ enduring quality and importance.

Pages: 154 | ISBN : 1312585994

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The Royal Order of the Last Coin

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In Royal Order of the Last Coin, Joyce Burton Crawford embarks on a captivating journey through her family’s past, unearthing a hidden chapter that reaches back to the 13th century. This compelling narrative blends themes of service, courage, faith, romance, and moral conviction, all centered around the birth of the De Burton legacy. Crawford masterfully intertwines history and storytelling, crafting a narrative that feels alive with emotion and depth.

Rather than a straightforward recounting of historical facts, Crawford reimagines events through a unique blend of fact and fiction. Her writing defies the conventions of traditional historical works, transforming what could have been a dry retelling into an engaging and emotionally resonant story. She doesn’t simply list events; instead, she adds touches of humor and moments of romance that draw readers in, making history feel fresh and relatable. Narrated from the perspective of her ancestors, the book unfolds in third person, giving each character their own voice and allowing their stories to develop with nuance. This narrative choice brings the past to life, giving readers an intimate view of the lives, struggles, and convictions of those who shaped the De Burton legacy. Despite the centuries between them, these ancestors feel vivid and immediate, their experiences unfolding naturally through Crawford’s careful and concise prose. Joyce’s writing is clear and accessible, ensuring readers can easily follow along as she guides them through her family’s rich history. She sets the stage from the outset, explaining her purpose and providing context for what is to come. Every scene and event is described in meticulous detail, making the story not only easy to follow but deeply immersive. The reader is transported into the world of her ancestors, experiencing the weight of their decisions and the significance of their faith. While the pace occasionally slows during more detailed sections, these moments offer readers time to reflect on the deeper themes at play—faith, legacy, and personal duty. Crawford isn’t merely recounting her ancestry; she’s capturing the essence of the values that shaped her family, particularly their unwavering devotion to God.

Royal Order of the Last Coin is more than a historical account. It is a deeply personal exploration of legacy and faith, a heartfelt story that will resonate with readers interested in family history or tales of moral conviction and strength. Crawford’s work is a testament to the power of storytelling to bring the past to life, making it an enriching and memorable read.

Pages: 214 | ASIN : B0B3JW932M

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The Immigrant’s Wife

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J.B. Harris’s The Immigrant’s Wife masterfully weaves a poignant tale set in the early 1900s, following the life of Anna, a 19-year-old American girl who falls in love with Charles Patrinos, a Greek immigrant. Their love defies societal expectations, inciting disapproval from Anna’s family and friends. In an era marked by rampant xenophobia, their relationship exemplifies the classic struggle of star-crossed lovers. Anna’s decision to choose love over her upbringing thrusts her into a world of harsh consequences, forcing her to constantly reaffirm her love for Charles while drawing on her inner values for strength.

The novel is not just a story of romance; it delves deep into themes of sacrifice, betrayal, and resilience. Harris has crafted an emotionally charged narrative that resonates on multiple levels. The novel explores the profound impact of loss and the way it can erode both mental and physical well-being. Anna’s character transformation is particularly compelling. From a sheltered young girl, she blossoms into a strong, determined woman who must navigate a world devoid of familial support. Her journey of self-discovery and survival makes her an inspiring protagonist, and her resilience leaves a lasting impression. What sets The Immigrant’s Wife apart is how it examines the dual nature of love—its capacity to both uplift and devastate. Harris does not shy away from showing the emotional toll of difficult choices. Furthermore, the novel shines a light on the immigrant experience, capturing the harsh realities immigrants faced during a challenging period in American history.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the novel is its personal connection to Harris’s own family history, infusing the story with authenticity and emotional depth. This personal touch elevates The Immigrant’s Wife from a mere historical novel to a deeply affecting exploration of love and identity. It is a heart-wrenching read that lingers long after the final page, leaving readers with much to reflect upon.

Pages: 393 | ASIN : B0C63KGNXF

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