Harness the Power of PR

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Lilian Sue Author Interview

In The Powerful Publicity Prescription, you explore the history and evolution of PR and stress the importance of purposeful PR management in business. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Many authors and entrepreneurs have come to me saying they lacked a PR resource to flip through and refer back to. I wanted to give them a resource that they could be empowered to take action with and to fill in the gap in the PR industry as much of the sector neglects and overlooks the author and entrepreneur communities.

I wanted to show authors and entrepreneurs that they too, can harness the power of PR to achieve their goals, that they deserve to fulfill their fullest potential to become global industry leaders trusted by audiences worldwide because PR isn’t just reserved for Fortune 500 companies.

In addition to giving them the history of PR and in-depth knowledge of every aspect of a PR campaign, I wanted to show them that authors and entrepreneurs in every genre and sector, just like them, have found PR success, which is why I shared my own client case studies and portfolio examples. I take it one step further by giving them tools and resources to save time and energy in every part of a PR campaign and resources to help them push past the fear, anxiety, and imposter syndrome stopping them from moving forward.

How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

I started writing this book in 2022 and the draft started undergoing revisions a year later before I started working with my editor. With this book, I leaned on my client portfolio and experiences of authors and entrepreneurs I’ve worked with and presented webinars to over the last decade.

I framed the chapters of this book with a specific focus on questions my clients and audiences have had about why PR is powerful, why it’s different from advertising and social media, how mindset can stop you from moving forward, how to develop strong media pitches, and how to develop confidence with interviews.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about public relations?

A common misconception many authors have, which I address in the book, is that PR only works if you have at least $20K and an audience in the millions to launch a campaign. That myth is false, PR works for any author and entrepreneur who has a solid foundation of what their goals are, who their audiences are, and some ideas on what methods they want to incorporate into their strategies.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

That the knowledge they obtain helps them to build the confidence to take action on developing their own PR campaigns, even if it’s sitting down and brainstorming their goals.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Website | Instagram | InRetrospect | LinkedIn | Amazon

Never run ineffective publicity campaigns again.

Unlock the secrets of becoming a global industry leader, powerhouse pioneer and trusted expert with this deep dive into the impactful world of public relations. This compelling book will guide you through how to recognize and push past limiting beliefs such as fear, anxiety and imposter syndrome to develop a resilient and positive mindset for PR and marketing. From its intriguing history to the powerful impact of media relations, you’ll receive invaluable step by step guidance on how to develop each element of a successful, global PR campaign to reach your goals.

You’ll learn:

  • How to build exciting media kits to present your brand using engaging and fun audiovisuals
  • How to craft irresistible story pitches to attract media attention, no matter the platform or industry
  • To develop comprehensive media databases to get in front of the right audiences and build powerful relationships
  • The art of how to solidify concrete goals and the key performance indicators to measure campaign results
  • How to master interviews and presentation opportunities with confidence

And much more!

Armed with real world case studies and industry success stories from the author’s rich client portfolio, embark on this journey to gain the confidence to share your story with worldwide audiences and develop long lasting relationships with media, influencers and collaborative partners to harness the power of public relations to fulfill your fullest potential as a global industry leader.

Written with the creative entrepreneur, startup, nonprofit, and small business in mind, The Powerful Publicity Prescription will demystify the world of public relations including busting popular PR myths, to empower you to develop tailored, customized public relations campaigns to achieve your goals without spending thousands of dollars or having an audience that numbers in the millions.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/09/15/harness-the-power-of-pr/

Categories: Uncategorized

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