Billion Dollar Bullseye

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In Billion Dollar Bullseye, Jonathan “JCron” Cronstedt breaks down his formula for business success by focusing on seven critical principles: Purpose, Profit, Product, Prestige, Promotion, Persuasion, and People. His central thesis is simple but powerful: hitting the “bullseye” in these areas allows businesses to scale quickly and exit on their own terms. Cronstedt offers practical advice and real-life examples from his time at Kajabi. He also supplies strategies for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their companies meaningfully and in a sustainable way.

I like how action-oriented this book is. Cronstedt doesn’t just present lofty ideas, he translates them into concrete steps. For instance, his explanation of how Purpose drives profitability is backed by research, showing that businesses with clear purpose often grow three times faster than their competitors. This grounded approach makes the book feel more like a guidebook than a motivational read. I appreciated his emphasis on refining purpose not only for external growth but for internal clarity as well, a theme that runs throughout the book and shows up again when he discusses creating a people-centered company culture.

Cronstedt’s writing style is conversational but sharp. His advice on Promotion, for example, is laced with personal anecdotes from Kajabi’s promotional tactics, including how their “Hero” program grew into a viral success. He contrasts big-name companies like Coca-Cola and Apple with everyday entrepreneurs, driving home the point that building brand loyalty and recognition isn’t reserved for massive corporations. I found his thoughts on emotional connection, how brands should be personal and authentic, refreshing in an industry that sometimes leans too hard on hard-selling.

While Cronstedt acknowledges that failure is part of the entrepreneurial journey, the seven-ring system can feel like a magic formula that oversimplifies the messiness of real-world business. Still, I found his advice actionable—his tips on hiring and maintaining a purpose-driven culture resonated with me as a business owner who understands how essential people are to success.

Billion Dollar Bullseye is a must-read for entrepreneurs who want actionable advice wrapped in a conversational, no-nonsense tone. The author’s ability to break down each principle into digestible parts makes it ideal for seasoned business owners and people just starting. If you are looking for a book that gives you not only the “why” but also the “how” of growing your business, this is it.

Pages: 200 | ASIN : B0DB2N5NYR

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